

单词 executives
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Alice in Wonderland〕the Alice in Wonderland world of the corporate boardroom, where failed executives get paid huge bonuses 公司董事会会议室的荒诞现象,那里不称职的经理人员拿着高额奖金麦克米伦高阶〔background〕the educational background of top executives 高级行政人员的教育背景朗文当代〔bottom line〕to force chief executives to look beyond the next quarter's bottom line.迫使主管们将目光不要仅局限于下一个季度的盈亏柯林斯高阶〔corporate hospitality〕executives in a corporate hospitality tent.商务接待帐篷里的经理们柯林斯高阶〔corporate hospitality〕executives in a corporate hospitality tent公司商务接待帐篷中的高管外研社新世纪〔corporate〕corporate executives 公司主管剑桥高阶〔distaff〕distaff executives 女性高管韦氏高阶〔executive〕a meeting with some of the company's top executives 与公司一些高层主管的会晤麦克米伦高阶〔executive〕advertising/business/sales, etc. executives 广告、业务、销售等主管牛津高阶〔executive〕contracts to prevent the loss of key executives 防止重要主管流失的合约牛津搭配〔executive〕oil company executives 石油公司经理牛津搭配〔executive〕one of the most successful TV executives around 现有电视台执行官中最成功的一位牛津搭配〔executive〕top executives on high salaries 领取高薪的高层主管朗文当代〔fat cat〕fat-cat business executives 有钱有势的企业主管韦氏高阶〔figure〕executives with salaries in six figures (=more than £99,000) 薪水达六位数的管理人员朗文当代〔glass ceiling〕women executives trying to break through the glass ceiling 力图冲破玻璃天花板的女行政主管们韦氏高阶〔high-level〕high-level executives 高层管理人员朗文当代〔high-powered〕high-powered executives 劲头十足的行政人员牛津高阶〔high-powered〕high-powered executives 权力很大的管理者麦克米伦高阶〔hired gun〕business executives and the hired guns they pay to polish their images 公司高管和他们雇来美化形象的人员韦氏高阶〔jet〕business executives jetting around the world 乘飞机满世界跑的业务主管朗文当代〔junior〕executives and their juniors 经理人员和他们的下属英汉大词典〔level〕the high salary levels of top executives 高级管理人员的高薪酬水平朗文当代〔mobile〕a new generation of mobile executives 流动性很强的新一代管理人员麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕a strong pitch delivered by advertising executives 广告主管发表的强有力的推销言辞牛津搭配〔power〕a pinstriped suit with a power tie; met with high-level executives at a power breakfast.一套配有醒目领带的横条纹西装;在早餐会上会见高级主管美国传统〔run〕executives always on the run from New York to Los Angeles.频繁往来于纽约和洛杉矶之间的行政官员美国传统〔show business〕show business executives 演艺经理人韦氏高阶〔top-hat〕top-hat executives 高级行政官英汉大词典〔top-level〕top-level executives 最高级别执行官韦氏高阶〔upper〕upper-level executives 高层管理人员韦氏高阶〔well-paid〕well-paid executives 薪金丰厚的主管朗文当代a salary structure in which a few top executives monopolize most of the benefits 少数高管独占大部分津贴的薪酬结构牛津商务high-powered executives 大权在握的经理牛津商务middle-ranking executives 中层管理人员牛津商务overworked executives 劳累过度的管理人员牛津商务privileges normally reserved for executives 通常为行政人员保留的特权牛津商务retired executives 已退休的行政人员牛津商务senior executives at the C-suite level 公司管理层中的资深主管牛津商务the highest-ranking executives 最高级别的行政人员牛津商务the recruitment of top executives 高层管理人员的招募牛津商务top-ranking executives in manufacturing 制造业的高级行政人员牛津商务




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