

单词 战时
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔WAR〕the importance of secrecy in wartime 战时保密的重要性朗文写作活用〔WAR〕wartime President, Franklin D. Roosevelt 战时总统富兰克林·D.罗斯福朗文写作活用〔austerity〕the austerities of wartime Europe 战时欧洲的艰苦生活牛津高阶〔battlefield〕a Civil War battlefield 内战时的战场剑桥高阶〔bipolar〕the bipolar view of the world during the Cold War 冷战时期两极分化的世界观朗文当代〔camaraderie〕the loyalty and camaraderie of the wartime Army战时部队里的忠诚与战友情谊外研社新世纪〔cheap〕in wartime, when life was cheap. 战时是一个视生命如粪土的时期美国传统〔cold war〕the Cold-War era 冷战时期韦氏高阶〔contraband〕contraband of war 战时禁运品(中立国运往交战国,但可被任一交战国没收的物品)文馨英汉〔demonize〕wartime propaganda that demonizes the enemy. 将敌人描述成魔鬼的战时宣传美国传统〔escaped〕an escape from the depressing realities of wartime. 对于战时令人抑郁的现实生活的一种逃避柯林斯高阶〔gallantry〕gallantry in action 作战时的英勇英汉大词典〔hardship〕the hardships borne by soldiers during a war 战时士兵们所吃的苦 英汉大词典〔impoverish〕a society impoverished by wartime inflation因战时通货膨胀而贫困的社会外研社新世纪〔incongruity〕the incongruities of life in war-time London. 战时伦敦生活的不协调柯林斯高阶〔incongruity〕the incongruities of life in war-time London战时伦敦生活的不和谐外研社新世纪〔occupier〕the Nazi occupiers of Poland in World War II 第二次世界大战时占领波兰的纳粹军队英汉大词典〔opportunist〕the opportunist policies of wartime leaders 战时领导人的机会主义政策朗文当代〔peace〕in peace and war 在平时与战时文馨英汉〔preclusive〕preclusive buying (战时为预防重要战略物资落入敌手而进行的)杜绝性物源收购英汉大词典〔prisoner〕wartime hostages and concentration-camp prisoners. 战时的人质和集中营的战俘柯林斯高阶〔privation〕the privations of wartime 战时生活必需品的匮乏朗文当代〔project〕the remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore海滨矗立着的战时防御工事的遗迹外研社新世纪〔reconnaissance〕wartime roles such as observation and reconnaissance 监视和侦察等的战时任务朗文当代〔rehabilitate〕rehabilitate soldiers who had limbs amputated during the war 使战时截肢的士兵们接受职业训练以过正常的社会生活英汉大词典〔rejig〕rejig an old wartime poster 把一张战时旧招贴画修改翻新英汉大词典〔reminisce〕reminisce about one's youth (war experience) 回忆青年时期(战时经历) 英汉大词典〔romanticize〕a romanticized image of life during the war 对战时生活的浪漫化描写朗文当代〔romantic〕a romantic account of one's war service 对战时服役所作的夸张的叙述英汉大词典〔soundscape〕a wartime soundscape of a blasted and tragic grandeur 一个遭受惨重破坏和灾难的战时音景英汉大词典〔steerage〕the steerage of a country through war 战时对国家的治理英汉大词典〔testimonial〕a testimonial to one's war service 战时服役嘉奖状英汉大词典〔trench〕the trenches of the First World War 第一次世界大战时的战壕剑桥高阶〔uniform〕those in uniform who died in wartime 战时牺牲的军人麦克米伦高阶〔war-born〕a war-born alliance 战时联盟英汉大词典〔wartime〕his wartime experiences 他的战时经历朗文当代〔wartime〕his wartime experiences in France. 他在法国的战时经历柯林斯高阶〔wartime〕wartime rationing; wartime marriages. 战时配给;战时婚姻美国传统〔wartime〕wartime regulations 战时管制[规定]文馨英汉〔war〕a war cabinet 战时内阁英汉大词典




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