

单词 戏院
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕World-class museums, great theater, outdoor sports -- you name it, this city's got it. 世界一流的博物馆、大戏院,各式各样的户外运动—凡你说得出的,本市都应有尽有。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕Theatre curtains have to be fireproof. 戏院的幕布必须防火。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕I got the tickets through a friend of a friend who works in the theatre. 我是从一位朋友的朋友那儿买到票的,他在戏院工作。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕The movie was bad, but at least it was cool in the theater. 电影很糟糕,但至少戏院里很凉快。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕I'll meet you outside the theatre at 7 o'clock. 我7点在戏院外面与你见面。朗文写作活用〔March〕The theatre opened in March 2001.戏院于二零零一年三月开业。朗文当代〔activity〕There was a flurry of activity as the movie star appeared on the balcony.那名影星在戏院楼座上一露面就引发了一阵骚动。牛津搭配〔admittance〕As the theater was full, we were unable to gain admittance.因为戏院客满,我们无法获准入场。文馨英汉〔appear in〕The famous actor is now appearing in Hamlet at the Grand Theatre.这位名演员正在大戏院演出《哈姆雷特》。21世纪英汉〔apron〕The part of a stage in a theater extending in front of the curtain.前舞台口:戏院中幕前延伸的舞台部分美国传统〔arrival〕Late arrivals will not be admitted to the theatre.迟到者不得进入戏院。朗文当代〔assistance〕We've only been able to rebuild the theatre with the assistance of the National Lottery.只有在全国彩票的资助下我们才能够重建戏院。朗文当代〔auditorium〕A large room to accommodate an audience in a building such as a school or theater.观众席:学院、戏院等建筑中用来容纳观众的大房间美国传统〔be〕The old theatre was pulled down, wasn't it? 老戏院被拆了,对不?牛津高阶〔billing〕She got top [solo] billing at many big theaters.她在很多大戏院得到挂头[单独]排名。文馨英汉〔bill〕A statement or list of particulars, such as a theater program or menu.戏院广告单,菜单:某指定物的清单、目录,如剧目单或菜单美国传统〔blandish〕She blandished the gatekeeper into letting her through the gate of the theatre.她用甜言蜜语哄得看门人让她进了戏院的门。21世纪英汉〔blank〕Screens were blank in four theatres.有4家戏院没在放电影。英汉大词典〔blazon〕The actor's name was blazoned across the front of the theatre.该演员的名字在戏院门前被广为宣扬。21世纪英汉〔boil〕The audience boiled out of the theater.观众由戏院冲出去。文馨英汉〔bop off〕She bopped off the theatre.她匆匆离开戏院。21世纪英汉〔bow into〕The usher bowed us into the theatre.引座员恭敬地把我们迎入戏院。21世纪英汉〔box〕A separated compartment in a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium, for the accommodation of a small group.包厢:公共娱乐场所容纳一小组人的分隔间,譬如在戏院或体育场里的包间美国传统〔cab〕We cabbed to the opera.我们乘出租车去戏院美国传统〔callboard〕A bulletin board backstage in a theater for posting instructions and notices.公告板:戏院后台的布告板,用于张贴指示和通知美国传统〔capacity〕The theatre was filled to capacity.戏院内座无虚席。英汉大词典〔carry sth over〕The performance has had to be carried over to/till next week because the repairs to the theatre aren't finished yet.因为戏院的修缮尚未完成,演出不得不延至下周。剑桥高阶〔catch〕People lined the streets outside the theatre to catch a glimpse of her.人们排队站在戏院外的街道上,就是为了看她一眼。麦克米伦高阶〔catwalk〕A narrow, often elevated walkway, as on the sides of a bridge or in the flies above a theater stage.狭窄甬道:狭窄的、通常升空的过道,如桥的侧边或戏院舞台上布景控制处的过道美国传统〔centenary〕This theatre is reaching its first centenary.这家戏院建院即将一百周年。英汉大词典〔chronic〕Oh, that theatre's chronic.嗬,那家戏院可差劲呐。英汉大词典〔clearance〕Clearance of the theatre was quick during the fire.着火时戏院很快就跑空了。英汉大词典〔cocktail〕They cocktailed before going to the theatre.他们去戏院前饮了鸡尾酒。英汉大词典〔congregate〕A crowd congregated around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars of the show.一群人聚集在戏院门口,希望能看一眼演出的明星。剑桥高阶〔coulisse〕A backstage area in a theater.后台:戏院的后台美国传统〔culture vulture〕If you're a culture vulture, New York has everything you could want - opera, theatre, museums, and more.如果你对文化痴迷,纽约应有尽有¬——歌剧、戏院、博物馆等等。剑桥高阶〔curtain〕The rising or opening of a theater curtain at the beginning of a performance or an act.启幕:在表演或戏剧的一幕开始时升起或拉开戏院的幕布美国传统〔define〕The roof of the theatre was boldly defined against the sky.戏院的屋顶在天空衬托下显得轮廓分明。21世纪英汉〔demolish〕The town hopes to restore the old theater rather than have it demolished.小镇希望修复旧戏院,而不是将其拆毁。韦氏高阶〔discharge〕The taxi discharged its passengers at the theatre.出租车停在戏院门口,让乘客下车。21世纪英汉〔enterprise〕This theatre was formed as private enterprise by theatre lovers.这座戏院是由戏剧爱好者组建的私有企业。外研社新世纪〔feeling〕They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre.他们设法再现了老戏院原来的气氛。牛津高阶〔fiasco〕The new play at the Empire Theatre was a complete fiasco.在帝国大戏院上演的新戏完全失败了。英汉大词典〔foyer〕A lobby or an anteroom, as of a theater or hotel.休息室,候客室:如戏院或旅馆的休息室或接待室美国传统〔front〕The theatre is housed in a large building fronting Canning Street.戏院设在面朝坎宁大街的一栋大楼里面。麦克米伦高阶〔gaff〕A public place of entertainment, especially a cheap or disreputable music hall or theater.低级娱乐场所:一种尤指廉价或低级音乐厅或戏院等的公共娱乐场所美国传统〔go-round〕The play has had nearly a score of go-rounds of the U.S. theaters.这出戏在美国戏院作巡回演出差不多已有20次了。英汉大词典〔hook〕You always need a bit of a hook to get people to go to the theatre.想让人们去戏院总得有一些吸引人的招数。朗文当代〔houselights〕The lights that illuminate the audience section of a concert hall, a theater, or an auditorium.观众席照明灯:照亮音乐厅、戏院或报告厅的观众席的灯美国传统〔house〕House Full (戏院等的告示)客满英汉大词典〔hush〕There was a deathly hush in the theatre.戏院里一片寂静。牛津高阶〔impress〕I'm afraid the new theatre fails to impress.恐怕这座新戏院不会受到好评。剑桥高阶〔indelicate〕It is indelicate to boo in a theatre.在戏院里怪声嘘叫是粗鲁的。英汉大词典〔intervene〕Two decades intervened between the completion of the design and the opening of the theatre.从设计完成到戏院投入使用相隔20年。剑桥高阶〔leave〕He has left his gloves in the theatre.他把手套遗落在戏院里了。英汉大词典〔maintenance〕The theatres were closed on Saturday and Sunday for routine maintenance .戏院周六和周日关闭进行例行维护。朗文当代〔open〕Last week a new comedy opened at the theatre.一出新的喜剧上星期在戏院开始上演。 英汉大词典〔opera glass〕A pair of small, low-powered binoculars for use especially at a theatrical performance. Often used in the plural.观剧镜:特指在戏院看演出时用的低效能的小型望远镜。常用作复数美国传统〔opera house〕A theater designed chiefly for the performance of operas.剧院:专门为歌剧演出而设计的戏院美国传统〔operate〕The theatre is well operated.那家戏院经营得法。英汉大词典〔opera〕A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic performance is set to music.歌剧:在戏院上演的配有音乐的戏剧表演美国传统〔overflow〕The crowd overflowed the theatre into the street.人群多得戏院容纳不下而被挤到街头。英汉大词典〔peanut gallery〕The hindmost or uppermost section of seating in a theater balcony, where the seats are cheapest.廉价票区:戏院楼座最后面或最上面的最便宜座位区美国传统〔playhouse〕A theater.戏院美国传统〔projection booth〕A booth, as in a theater, in which a movie projector is operated.放映室:电影放映机操作的房间,比如在电影院里或戏院里美国传统〔proscenium arch〕In theatrical design, the arch that frames a stage, separating it from the auditorium.舞台口:在戏院设计中,构成舞台框架并将其与观众席分开的拱门.美国传统〔quite〕The theater was not quite full.戏院没有完全客满。文馨英汉〔reopen〕The Theatre Royal, Norwich, will reopen in November.诺里奇的皇家戏院将在11月重新开业。柯林斯高阶〔ring〕The theater rang with laughter.戏院响起笑声。文馨英汉〔run〕An unbroken sequence of theatrical performances.连演:戏院表演的不断进行美国传统〔scene〕A theater stage.舞台:戏院的舞台美国传统〔seat〕The theatre is seated for about 800.这戏院设有约800个坐位。英汉大词典〔shoestring〕The theatre will be run on a shoestring.戏院将小本经营。柯林斯高阶〔show〕The hotel business is like the theatre. No matter what happens, the show must go on. 开旅馆就像开戏院。不管发生什么事,业务总得照常进行。英汉大词典〔sightline〕A line of sight, especially one between a spectator and the spectacle in a theater or stadium.光线:一条光线,尤指戏院和体育馆中观众和景象之间的光线美国传统〔spill〕Crowds from the theatre were spilling onto the street.人群从戏院里涌到街上。朗文当代〔still〕I'll meet you at the theatre. No, better still, let's meet for a drink first.咱们在戏院碰面。哦不,更好的是,我们先一起喝上一杯。剑桥高阶〔strike〕They struck toward a new theatre.他们朝一座新的戏院走去。英汉大词典〔taxi〕We taxied to the theatre.我们乘坐出租汽车去戏院。英汉大词典〔tier〕The theater has semicircular tiers of seats.那家戏院有半圆形的成排的阶梯式座位。文馨英汉〔usher〕He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre.他在一家戏院兼职当引座员。柯林斯高阶〔usher〕One who serves as official doorkeeper, as in a courtroom or legislative chamber.门房:如在法庭和戏院服务的正式的看门人美国传统A patient crowd had congregated around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars of the show.耐心的人群聚集在戏院入口处,希望看上一眼这出戏的明星们。剑桥国际After two hundred years, the town's theatre is still going strong and is as popular as it ever was.镇上的戏院在两百年后依旧富有生气,像以往一样受人欢迎。剑桥国际Excellent ticket sales reflect the new-found vigour of the local theatre.票子出售情况极好,反映了这家地方戏院重现了活力。剑桥国际Her name was emblazoned across the front of the theatre.她的名字显眼地横挂在戏院正面。剑桥国际In the end, we decided to go to the theatre.最后我们决定去戏院。剑桥国际Our seats were right at the back of the theatre.我们的座位就在戏院的后排。剑桥国际She lingered outside the theater to waylay him after the show. 她在戏院外面徘徊想在演出之后拦住他说话。译典通She plays at the National Theatre tonight. 今晚她在国家戏院演出。译典通Some theatres receive a small amount of funding from the state/state funding.有些戏院接受少量的政府资助。剑桥国际The crowd overflowed the theater into the street. 戏院里人多得容纳不下而被挤到街头。译典通The floor of the theater has a slope of four feet from the back seats to the front seats. 这戏院的地板从后排座位到前排座位有四英尺的倾斜。译典通The theatre has just received a grant to improve front-of-house.戏院刚得到一笔款子来修缮观众席。剑桥国际The theatre is in a pleasant park where you can picnic before or after the performance.戏院在一个美丽的花园里,表演前后你可以野餐。剑桥国际The theatre was only half full (=it contained only half the number of people it was able to contain) last night.昨晚戏院只是半满。剑桥国际They converted the garage into a theater. 他们将车库改成戏院。译典通They drank cocktails before going to the theater. 他们去戏院前喝了鸡尾酒。译典通Two decades intervened between the completion of the design and the opening of the theatre.设计完成至戏院开张隔了20年。剑桥国际We got lost on our way to the theatre because we weren't given very clear instructions/directions about how to find it.我们在去戏院的路上迷路了,因为我们没有非常清楚的如何认路的指示。剑桥国际




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