

单词 扎好
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕She keeps all his old letters, tied up in bundles. 她把他所有的旧信件一捆捆地扎好并保存下来。朗文写作活用〔bamboo〕The roof was bambooed and ready to be thatched.屋顶已经用竹子扎好,可以盖茅草了。英汉大词典〔bind〕Bind the wound up and leave it.把伤口包扎好就不用管它了。麦克米伦高阶〔bind〕He had already bound the child's arm when I arrived.当我到达时,他已经把孩子的手臂包扎好了。剑桥高阶〔bind〕She bound up his wounds.她把他的伤口包扎好。牛津高阶〔bundle ... up〕I bundled up those books and took them to the post.我把那些书包扎好拿去邮寄。21世纪英汉〔camp〕It was dark by the time we pitched camp.等我们扎好了营天已黑了。朗文当代〔camp〕We camped down for the night.我们扎好营准备过夜。外研社新世纪〔clean〕He gently cleaned the wound and dressed it.他轻轻清洗了伤口,然后包扎好。牛津搭配〔contaminate〕Clean the wound and bandage it to prevent contamination.把伤口清理干净并包扎好,以防感染。韦氏高阶〔do ... up〕She did up the package and mailed it for me.她把包裹包扎好,给我寄来了。21世纪英汉〔dress〕The nurse dressed the cut on my knee.护士包扎好我膝盖上的伤口。韦氏高阶〔make ... up〕Can you make up these papers into parcels of about ten each?你能按每包10份左右把这些文件捆扎好吗?21世纪英汉〔pack〕A collection of items tied up or wrapped; a bundle.一捆,一包:捆住的或包扎好的东西集合;包袱,包裹美国传统〔pack〕The amount, as of food, that is processed and packaged at one time or in one season.包装数量:在一个时期或一个季节加工并包扎好的数量,如食品的数量美国传统〔patch up〕Emergency surgery patched up his face.急救人员包扎好了他的脸。外研社新世纪〔patch〕The doctor will soon patch you up.大夫很快就会给你处理包扎好的。牛津高阶〔patch〕We patched up the wounded as best we could.我们尽可能地给伤者包扎好。朗文当代〔strap ... up〕What about his wound,has it been strapped up?他的伤严重不严重,已包扎好了吗?21世纪英汉〔strap up〕The physician strapped up her leg, and warned that it would take weeks to heal.医生用绷带把她的腿包扎好, 告诫她这要过几周才能好。外研社新世纪〔strip〕Stripping the shirt from his back, he bound the wound.他脱去衬衣,包扎好伤口。英汉大词典〔swaddle〕Have you swaddled your luggage?你的行李捆扎好了吗?21世纪英汉〔tape〕Have you finished taping all the presents yet? 你把所有的礼物都捆扎好了吗? 英汉大词典〔tape〕The girl has taped up the presents.女孩已经用带子把礼物捆扎好了。21世纪英汉〔up〕Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn't fall out.把袋口扎好,这样垃圾不会掉出来。剑桥高阶〔wound〕A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound.护士把伤口清洗包扎好。朗文当代He had already bound (a strip of cloth round) the wound when I arrived.当我到达时他已经包扎好伤口了。剑桥国际He strapped up the wound and hid in a cave. 他包扎好伤口,躲到一个山洞里。译典通I've almost finished packing--I've just got to empty (= put the contents of) that drawer into my suitcase.我已经快捆扎好了----只是还要把那只抽屉里的东西装入我的手提箱。剑桥国际Jess the dog gazed sorrowfully at her bandaged paw.杰斯狗悲伤地盯着包扎好的脚爪。剑桥国际Stuff two dried apricots into each quail, then truss them with butcher's twine.给每只鹑塞两颗干杏子, 然后用厨用细绳将它们扎好。剑桥国际The package was tied with gay ribbons. 包裹用色彩鲜艳的丝带捆扎好。译典通




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