

单词 忠贞
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Andromache〕The faithful wife of Hector, captured by the Greeks at the fall of Troy.安德洛玛赫:赫克托耳忠贞的妻子,在特洛伊沦陷时被希腊人俘虏美国传统〔adhere to sth〕She adhered to her principles/ideals throughout her life.她终生对自己的原则/理想忠贞不渝。剑桥高阶〔allegiance〕He is now very rich but his allegiance to his working-class origins is still strong.他现在很富有,但他对自己的工人阶级出身依然很忠贞。牛津搭配〔anything〕She did not remain anything like faithful to him.她对他根本谈不上忠贞不渝。英汉大词典〔constancy〕He admired he r courage and constancy.他钦佩她的勇气和忠贞。牛津高阶〔constancy〕I should have known not to expect constancy from someone like you.我早该知道不能指望像你这样人的有什么忠贞。文馨英汉〔constancy〕Never doubt the constancy of my love for you.永远不必怀疑,我对你的爱忠贞不渝。剑桥高阶〔constant〕He alone remained constant.只有他一人忠贞不移。英汉大词典〔essential〕It was essential that Britain demonstrate undiluted loyalty to her allies.英国必须对其盟国表现出忠贞不渝。英汉大词典〔even〕He was faithful even unto death.他至死忠贞不渝。英汉大词典〔faithful〕I'm very faithful when I love someone.我爱一个人是会非常忠贞的。柯林斯高阶〔faithful〕Ken has always been faithful to his wife.肯对妻子一向忠贞。麦克米伦高阶〔faithful〕She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband.她坚持说自己对丈夫一直是忠贞不贰的。外研社新世纪〔faith〕They kept the faith (= remained faithful) in the face of ridicule.面对嘲笑,他们一直忠贞不渝。牛津搭配〔falter〕He never faltered in his commitment to the party.他对党始终忠贞不渝。牛津高阶〔hour〕He recalled her devotion to her husband during his hour of need.他回忆起她在丈夫困难之时的忠贞奉献。柯林斯高阶〔long-suffering〕He went back to Yorkshire to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.他回到约克郡, 回到他长期受苦的忠贞妻子身边。外研社新世纪〔long-suffering〕He went back to Yorkshire to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.他回到约克郡,与对他忠贞不贰、饱受磨难的妻子团聚。柯林斯高阶〔loyalist〕One who maintains loyalty to an established government, political party, or sovereign, especially during war or revolutionary change.忠贞者:对一个已建立的政府,政党,或主权保持忠贞的人,尤其是在战争或革命转变时期美国传统〔loyalty〕My loyalties lie with my family.我的忠贞是属于我的家庭的美国传统〔loyal〕Many women stay loyal to errant husbands.很多妇女对自己误入歧途的丈夫保持忠贞不贰。麦克米伦高阶〔loyal〕She's a loyal wife and a brilliant mother.她是忠贞不渝的妻子, 是非常伟大的母亲。外研社新世纪〔mesh〕She had felt trapped by the old mesh of loyalty and shame.她感觉自己被忠贞和廉耻这张传统的网束缚住了。朗文当代〔obtestation〕They made oath and obtestation to stand faithfully by one another.他们发誓并庄严地承诺要相互忠贞不渝。英汉大词典〔option〕A life of chastity is not an easy option.选择忠贞不二的生活并非易事。牛津搭配〔perfidy〕The woman was executed for her perfidy.这名妇女因其不忠贞行为被处决。外研社新世纪〔protestation〕Despite his constant protestations of devotion and love, her doubts persisted.尽管他一直宣称对她的爱忠贞不渝, 她仍然心存怀疑。外研社新世纪〔protestation〕Despite his constant protestations of devotion and love, her doubts persisted.尽管他一直宣称对她的爱忠贞不渝,她仍然心存怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔remain〕She did not remain anything like faithful to him.她后来对他就根本谈不上什么忠贞不渝了。英汉大词典〔step out on〕No one told him that she stepped out on him.没人告诉他,她对他不忠贞。21世纪英汉〔stick by〕His wife was sticking by him.他的妻子对他忠贞不渝。外研社新世纪〔throughout〕He had a difficult year, but his supporters remained loyal throughout.他经历了艰难的一年,但他的支持者始终忠贞不渝。韦氏高阶〔throughout〕His supporters remained loyal throughout his difficulties.他的支持者在他整个困难时期始终忠贞不渝。韦氏高阶〔true〕Throughout the whole ordeal, she remained true to her husband.在这一场磨难中,她对丈夫始终是忠贞不渝。朗文当代〔underneath〕Underneath, Sofia was deeply committed to her husband.索菲娅从内心里对丈夫忠贞不贰。柯林斯高阶〔underneath〕Underneath, Sophie was deeply committed to her husband.索菲从内心里对丈夫忠贞不渝。外研社新世纪〔undying〕He swore his undying devotion to her.他发誓永远对她忠贞不贰。韦氏高阶〔unflinchingly〕They were unflinchingly loyal to their friends.他们对朋友忠贞不渝。外研社新世纪〔unflinchingly〕They were unflinchingly loyal to their friends.他们对朋友忠贞不渝。柯林斯高阶〔unhyphenated〕We are all, or should be, Canadians — and unhyphenated with pride in our nation and its citizenship.我们大家都是,或者说应当是,加拿大人——为我们的民族以及我们的公民地位而感到自豪,忠贞不贰。英汉大词典〔unshaken〕They remain unshaken in their loyalty.他们仍然忠贞不渝。牛津高阶〔unswerving〕In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy.他在1944年的日记里声称对君主忠贞不渝。外研社新世纪〔unswerving〕In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy.他在1944年的日记里声称对君主忠贞不贰。柯林斯高阶〔vow〕The monks take a vow of silence/chastity/poverty.僧侣们立誓坚守寂寞/忠贞/清贫。韦氏高阶〔wifely〕Where's your wifely loyalty? 你做妻子的忠贞哪里去了?英汉大词典He remained constant till death. 他至死忠贞不渝。译典通Her pledge to remain faithful to him was his anchor when he was in prison. 她对他忠贞不渝的保证是他服刑期间的精神支柱。译典通She believes strongly in basic values like courage, loyalty and honesty.她极为相信此类基本准则: 勇气,忠贞,诚实。剑桥国际




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