

单词 by way of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔By way of contrast〕They spent millions of dollars on advertising. By way of contrast, our small company spent under 5,000 dollars.他们注资数百万美元做广告。相比之下,我们这个小公司只花了不足5000美元。韦氏高阶〔Mistassini〕A lake of south-central Quebec, Canada, draining westward into James Bay by way of the Rupert River.米斯塔尼湖:加拿大魁北克中南部的湖泊,向西经鲁珀特河道注入詹姆斯湾美国传统〔by way of〕She came here from China by way of England.她从中国途经英格兰来到了这里。韦氏高阶〔compensate〕People who sense that they are inferior have to compensate, and often over-compensate by way of outward achievement.觉得自卑的人只有通过外在的成就来弥补自己的不足,但往往都做过了头。柯林斯高阶〔divorce〕To end marriage with (one's spouse) by way of legal divorce.和…离婚:与(配偶)通过法律判决而结束婚姻美国传统〔entrance〕Entrance is by way of the side door.入内须经边门。英汉大词典〔explanation〕He said, by way of explanation, that he hadn't seen the traffic light change to red.他解释说他没有看到红灯亮了。剑桥高阶〔feed〕Distribution of a locally broadcast radio or television program by way of a network or satellite to a larger audience or group of receivers.传播:地方电台广播或电视节目通过无线电或卫星传送给更多的听众和观众或更大的接收群体美国传统〔feed〕To distribute (a local radio or television broadcast) to a larger audience or group of receivers by way of a network or satellite.传播:通过无线电或卫星将(地方电台或电视台广播)传送给更多的听众和观众或更大的接收群体美国传统〔full-blooded〕Related by way of having the same parents.同双亲血缘关系的美国传统〔gantry〕The apartments are accessible by way of glass walkways and gantries overlooking the garden.通过俯瞰花园的玻璃通道和连廊可以进入这几套公寓。外研社新世纪〔illustrated〕Here, by way of illustration, are some extracts from our new catalogue.这里引为例证的是我们新目录的部分摘录。柯林斯高阶〔illustration〕By way of illustration, he described the loneliness felt when a partner dies.作为例证麦克米伦高阶〔illustration〕A couple of examples are included, by way of illustration (= to show the meaning more clearly).聊举几例,以兹说明。剑桥高阶〔illustration〕Here, by way of illustration, are some extracts from our new catalogue.这里引为例证的是我们新目录的部分摘录。外研社新世纪〔illustration〕Let me, by way of illustration, quote from one of her poems.作为说明,让我援引她的一首诗。牛津高阶〔introduction〕By way of introduction, let me give you the background to the story.作为引言,我先来介绍一下故事的背景。牛津高阶〔nefarious〕Infamous by way of being extremely wicked.极恶毒的:因极其凶毒而声名狼藉的美国传统〔pension〕A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronage.退休金,抚恤金:一笔作为退休或受资助而定期领取的钱美国传统〔per contra〕By way of contrast.通过对比地美国传统〔purchase〕They received the property by way of purchase.他们购置了这处房产。外研社新世纪〔relief〕A comic scene follows by way of relief.随后便是一个作为调剂的喜剧场面。英汉大词典〔remedy〕When there is a nuisance, the law provides a legal remedy by way of injunction or damages.当有妨害公共利益的行为时,法律通过禁令和赔偿来进行法律约束。麦克米伦高阶〔route〕All the goods were routed by way of the Netherlands.一切货物均经由荷兰运送。21世纪英汉〔spongocoel〕The central cavity of a sponge, which opens to the outside by way of the osculum.海绵腔:海绵中间的空腔,通过排水孔使其向外张开美国传统〔teleshopping〕The buying and selling of consumer products by way of television and telephone.电话购货,电话直销:通过电视和电话的方式购买和销售消费品美国传统〔teleshop〕To buy consumer products over the Internet or by way of television using a telephone connection or an interactive cable.电子购物,网上购物:在因特网上或是透过电视利用电话连系或交互式有线电视来购买消费性产品美国传统〔way〕He is by way of making a great effort.他做出非常卖力的样子。 英汉大词典〔way〕He received £600 by way of compensation from the company.他得到那家公司 600 英镑的赔偿。牛津高阶〔way〕He sent her flowers by way of apology.他给她送去鲜花,以表歉意。 英汉大词典〔way〕I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures, practicals and tutorials.我采用传统授课与实践和指导相结合的方式教授心理学。柯林斯高阶〔way〕I'd like to say something by way of introduction.我想说两句,介绍一下。朗文当代〔way〕She came to TV by way of drama school.她是念过戏剧学校后到电视台的。牛津高阶〔way〕She gave it to me by way of an apology.她把它送给我以示歉意。外研社新世纪〔way〕She is by way of being a fine pianist.她也算是优秀钢琴家。英汉大词典〔way〕The artist recently arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna.这位艺术家最近从保加利亚途经维也纳到了巴黎。牛津高阶〔way〕The man with whom she maintains a relationship provides nothing by way of support.和她长期保持关系的那个男人并没有提供任何帮助。柯林斯高阶〔way〕The path goes under the river by way of the tunnel.这条通道经隧道从河下经过。柯林斯高阶〔way〕They are by way of doing better work now than formerly.眼下他们的工作做得比以往要好。 英汉大词典〔way〕They flew from Los Angeles to Toronto by way of Chicago.他们途径芝加哥从拉斯维加斯飞到多伦多。剑桥高阶〔way〕They travelled through the mountains by way of an ancient walled city.他们取道一座有城墙的古城走过山区。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕We went by way of London.我们途经伦敦。朗文当代〔whisper〕To speak quietly and privately, as by way of gossip, slander, or intrigue.私语:暗中秘密地及私下里说,如通过说闲话、诽谤或搞阴谋的方式美国传统By way of an introduction to the subject, let me give you a brief history.作为对这个课题的介绍,让我向你简单讲一下历史。剑桥国际A couple of examples are included, by way of illustration (=to show the meaning more clearly).几个例子被收集在此,作为说明。剑桥国际Admittedly the legislation is not clearly written but by way of excuse it did go through Parliament very quickly.不可否认,这项法规写得很不清楚,但其理由是该法规已在议会里迅速通过。剑桥国际Ellen flew to Chicago by way of Minneapolis. 艾伦经由明尼阿波利斯飞往芝加哥。译典通He said, by way of explanation (for)/in explanation (of what happened), that he hadn't seen the traffic light change to red.他辩解说,他没看到红绿灯变成红的。剑桥国际He sent me some flowers by way of an apology.他送给我一些花以表歉意。剑桥国际She told us how easy it was to use the computer, then by way of demonstration (= showing and explaining) simply pressed a few keys on the keyboard.她告诉我们使用计算机有多容易,然后就示范性地在键盘上简单按了几个键。剑桥国际




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