

单词 或缺
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NEED/NECESSARY〕The book will be indispensable to anyone who wishes to learn more about the British Royal Family. 若想进一步了解英国皇室,本书是不可或缺的。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕She soon became an indispensable member of staff. 她很快就成为一名不可或缺的员工。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.我们不敢放纵自己的情感,以免显得太过软弱或缺乏自制。柯林斯高阶〔absenteeism〕The rate of occurrence of habitual absence from work or duty.旷工频率:习惯性缺勤或缺席的出现率美国传统〔aperture〕An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit.孔,洞:开口,如洞、缝隙或缺口美国传统〔asthenia〕Loss or lack of bodily strength; weakness; debility.虚弱:丧失或缺乏体力;软弱;无力美国传统〔atheoretical〕Unrelated to or lacking a theoretical basis.非理论的,与理论无关的:与理论基础无关的或缺乏理论基础的美国传统〔belong〕Everyone wants to belong and matter.人人希望成为集体的一份子并起到不可或缺的作用。英汉大词典〔bleary-eyed〕With eyes blurred or reddened, as from exhaustion or lack of sleep.视线模糊的,眼花的:如由于疲倦或缺乏睡眠而眼睛模糊或变红的美国传统〔blemish〕An imperfection that mars or impairs; a flaw or defect.瑕疵,缺点或污点:损害或破坏的不完美之处;瑕疵或缺点美国传统〔breach〕A gap or rift, especially in or as if in a solid structure such as a dike or fortification.突破口:豁口或缺口,尤指位于或好象位于壕沟或要塞等坚固结构中的美国传统〔bust〕To become bankrupt or short of money.破产:变得破产或缺钱美国传统〔challenged〕Having a disability or impairment.残障的:有残疾或缺损美国传统〔cosmetic〕Something superficial that is used to cover a deficit or defect.掩饰物:指用于掩盖不足或缺点的某种肤浅的东西美国传统〔deafening〕A silence or lack of response that reveals something significant, such as disapproval or a lack of enthusiasm.震耳欲聋的安静:透露某种重要的事的安静或不回答,例如不同意或缺乏热诚美国传统〔default〕Through the failure, absence, or lack of.因缺少,在缺乏…时:因为不足、缺少或缺乏美国传统〔deformity〕A bodily malformation, distortion, or disfigurement.畸形:身体的变形、扭曲或缺陷美国传统〔dehydration〕Excessive loss of water from the body or from an organ or a body part, as from illness or fluid deprivation.极度脱水:身体、器官或身体的一部分的极度失水,如由于疾病或缺乏流质引起美国传统〔dentation〕A toothlike part or projection.齿状部件或缺口美国传统〔disequilibrium〕Loss or lack of stability or equilibrium.不平衡,失调:失去或缺少稳定或平衡美国传统〔dispense with〕His knowledge is too precious to be dispensed with.他的知识非常宝贵, 是不可或缺的。外研社新世纪〔disregard〕Lack of thoughtful attention or due regard.忽视,漠视;不尊重:思想不集中或缺乏应有的考虑美国传统〔dyskinesia〕An impairment in the ability to control movements, characterized by spasmodic or repetitive motions or lack of coordination.运动障碍:限制运动能力的障碍,以痉挛或频繁重复的动作或缺乏协调性为特征美国传统〔effect〕Computers are essential now in creating effects for the movies.计算机在制造电影特效中是不可或缺的。韦氏高阶〔empty〕These adjectives describe what contains nothing and inferentially lacks what it could or should have.这些形容词用于表明无内容或缺乏逻辑上会有或应有的内容。美国传统〔entrenched〕Computers are now an entrenched part of modern life.电脑现已成为现代生活不可或缺的组成部分。韦氏高阶〔essential〕He believed that some form of religion was essential to human life.他认为宗教信仰对于人生不可或缺。牛津搭配〔exception〕Nobody is indispensable. Well, maybe there is one exception.没有人是不可或缺的。嗯, 可能有一个人例外。外研社新世纪〔fatal〕Clear morning air is fatal for my health.早晨的清新空气对我的健康不可或缺。英汉大词典〔fault〕To find error or defect in; criticize or blame.发现错误或缺点;批评或指责美国传统〔flattering〕It was flattering to be told how indispensable his taste and talent were.被告知自己的品味和才能如此不可或缺,他心里非常高兴。柯林斯高阶〔foolish〕These adjectives are applied to what is so devoid of wisdom or good sense as to be laughable.这些形容词表示令人可笑地缺少智慧或缺乏常识。美国传统〔forgiving〕Providing a margin for error or shortcomings.仁慈的:容许有错误或缺点的美国传统〔fundamental〕The method they pioneered remains fundamental to research into the behaviour of nerve cells.他们首创的方法在神经细胞活动的研究中一直是不可或缺的。柯林斯高阶〔growth〕A balanced diet is essential for healthy growth.营养均衡的饮食对于健康发育是不可或缺的。剑桥高阶〔hard〕Lacking in delicacy, shading, or nuance.不精密的、不灵活或缺乏变化的美国传统〔impetuous〕These adjectives describe people and their actions when they are marked by abruptness or lack of deliberation.这些形容词描述鲁莽或缺乏谨慎的人以及这时的行为。美国传统〔inadequacy〕An instance of being inadequate; a failing or lack.不适当之处:不充分的情况;失败或缺乏美国传统〔incomprehension〕Lack of comprehension or understanding.不理解或缺乏了解美国传统〔indispensable〕He had soon made himself indispensable.他很快就使自己成为不可或缺的人物。牛津搭配〔indispensable〕His long experience at the United Nations makes him indispensable to the talks.在联合国长期的工作经验使他成为谈判中不可或缺的人物。剑桥高阶〔indispensable〕Meat is not indispensable for maintaining a healthy diet.要想健康饮食,肉食并不是不可或缺的。朗文当代〔indispensable〕No one is totally indispensable.没有人是绝对不可或缺的。外研社新世纪〔indispensable〕Oxygen is indispensable to life.氧气对生命是不可或缺的。英汉大词典〔indispensable〕Shakespeare penned such indispensables as 'frugal', and 'dwindle'.莎士比亚的笔下创造出了frugal(节约的)、dwindle(缩小)等不可或缺的词语。外研社新世纪〔indispensable〕She is indispensable to the team.她是那个团队不可或缺的成员。韦氏高阶〔indispensable〕This is an indispensable dictionary.这是一本不可或缺的辞典。文馨英汉〔integrally〕She was integrally involved in their lives.她已融入他们的生活,成为他们生活中不可或缺的一员。韦氏高阶〔integral〕Democracy remains an integral element of the Student Movement.民主仍旧是学生运动不可或缺的要素。外研社新世纪〔integral〕Rituals form an integral part of every human society.仪式构成了每个人类社会不可或缺的一部分。外研社新世纪〔integral〕Statistics are integral to medical research.统计数字是医学研究中不可或缺的。朗文当代〔integral〕The nude scenes were integral to the story.这些裸露场面对故事情节来说是不可或缺的。外研社新世纪〔intelligently〕An intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors.智能计算机将成为医生不可或缺的诊断工具。柯林斯高阶〔jump-start〕Informal The act or an instance of starting or setting in motion a stalled or sluggish system or process.【非正式用语】 推动法:使受阻或缺乏活力的系统或程序开始运转的行为或事例美国传统〔kink〕A difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in a plan or system.缺陷:在计划或系统中可能会阻碍运行的困难或缺陷美国传统〔la-la land〕A state of mind characterized by unrealistic expectations or a lack of seriousness.轻薄:一种以不真实的预期或缺乏严肃性为特征的心态美国传统〔megaloblast〕An abnormally large nucleated red blood cell found especially in people having pernicious anemia or certain vitamin deficiencies.巨母红血球:一种大得不正常的有核红血球,尤见于患恶心贫血或缺乏某些维生素的人身上美国传统〔minus〕A deficiency or defect.不足或缺点美国传统〔missing〕The new director has provided the missing ingredient that was needed for the show's success.这位新导演为演出的成功贡献了不可或缺的力量。韦氏高阶〔moderne〕Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious.做作地追求现代的:力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的;自命不凡的美国传统〔monotony〕Uniformity or lack of variation in pitch, intonation, or inflection.单调:音调、语调或音调抑扬变化上始终一致或缺少变化美国传统〔mother's milk〕Jazz is mother's milk to me.爵士乐对于我来说是不可或缺的。牛津高阶〔movement〕The brain is necessary to initiate movement and control balance.在启动动作和控制平衡的过程中大脑是不可或缺的。牛津搭配〔must〕Diversification is a must.多样化是不可或缺的。外研社新世纪〔negation〕The opposite or absence of something regarded as actual, positive, or affirmative.不存在:被认作为事实的,积极的或肯定的事物的反义词或缺乏美国传统〔nonsuit〕A judgment against a plaintiff for failure to prosecute the case or to introduce sufficient evidence.诉讼驳回:由于原告没将案件起诉或缺乏确凿证据而作出对原告不利的判决美国传统〔normal〕Abbr. norm.Biology Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies.缩写 norm.【生物学】 自然的,未经免疫的:以一种自然的方式建立或发生的;缺少明显的不正常或缺陷的美国传统〔overcompensation〕Excessive compensation, especially the exertion of effort in excess of that needed to compensate for a physical or psychological characteristic or defect.过度补偿:过多的补偿,尤指为弥补身体或心理的不正常或缺陷而进行的过度努力美国传统〔part〕Music is an important/major/essential part of my life. It's very much a part of me.音乐是我的生活中重要/主要/不可或缺的一部分,在很大程度上,就是我的一部分。韦氏高阶〔petty〕Marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters.卑劣的:以自私或缺少宽容为特征的,尤其指在小事上美国传统〔replaceable〕All members of staff are entirely replaceable.所有员工都是可由他人替代的。(指无人不可或缺) 英汉大词典〔roll call〕The reading aloud of a list of names of people, as in a classroom or military post, to determine who is present or absent.点名:如在教室里或军事岗位上大声读出名单上各个人的名字以确定谁在场或缺席美国传统〔rump〕A legislature having only a small part of its original membership and therefore being unrepresentative or lacking in authority.余堂:只有其原始成员中的一小部分,因此不具有代表性或缺乏权威的立法机关美国传统〔rusty〕Weakened or impaired by neglect, disuse, or lack of practice.衰退的:因忽视、不用或缺乏练习而减弱的或衰退的美国传统〔ruth〕Sorrow or misery about one's own misdeeds or flaws.悔恨:因自己做错的事或缺点而难过或悲伤美国传统〔sapless〕Lacking spirit or energy.无生气的或缺乏活力的美国传统〔sinus〕Botany A recess or an indentation between lobes of a leaf or corolla.【植物学】 湾缺:叶的裂片和花冠间的凹进处或缺口美国传统〔staple〕Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.鱼是许多非洲人不可或缺的食物。外研社新世纪〔survival〕Adaptability is essential to survival in a changing environment.在多变的环境中,适应性对维持生存不可或缺。牛津搭配〔take〕To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws or weaknesses.详细分析研究:肢解或分析(如,一个理论),通常是籍此以发现隐藏的或固有的弊端或缺点美国传统〔underact〕To perform (a role) weakly or with insufficient expressiveness.表演不充分:表演(角色)不足或缺乏表现力美国传统〔understatement〕Restraint or lack of emphasis in expression, as for rhetorical effect.轻描淡写的陈述:在表达上受限制或缺乏强调,如为了修辞作用美国传统〔understate〕To express with restraint or lack of emphasis, especially ironically or for rhetorical effect.轻描淡写地陈述:带限制地或缺乏重点地表达,尤指讽刺性地或为修辞作用美国传统〔unreason〕Absence or lack of reason; irrationality.不理智:理智的缺失或缺乏;不理智美国传统〔weak〕Lacking or resulting from a lack of intelligence.笨的:缺少智谋或缺少智谋导致的美国传统〔what〕To the Portuguese, the dry salted cod is what pasta is to the Italians.咸鳕鱼干对葡萄牙人来说,就像面食对意大利人一样不可或缺。英汉大词典A city without guns or water is defenseless before an army. 无枪砲或缺水的城市在大军围攻时是无法自卫的。译典通




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