单词 | 或属于 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alcaic〕Of, relating to, or being a verse form used in Greek and Latin poetry, consisting of strophes having four tetrametric lines.阿尔凯奥斯四行诗的:包含有四音步诗行节律的希腊罗马诗歌形式的,关于或属于该形式的美国传统〔Episcopalian〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the Episcopal Church.美国新教圣公会的:关于或属于美国新教圣公会的美国传统〔Galician〕Of or relating to Polish Galicia or its people, language, or culture.加利西亚的:属于或关于波兰加利西亚地区的,或属于或关于加利西人、加利西亚语、加利西亚文化的美国传统〔Indo-Aryan〕Of, relating to, or being any of the peoples of the Indian subcontinent who speak an Indo-European language.印度雅利安的:是或属于或与南亚次大陆任何一支说印欧语言有关的人种的美国传统〔Laotian〕Of or relating to the Lao people.有关或属于老挝人的美国传统〔Moravian〕Of or relating to Moravia or its people, dialects, or culture.关于或属于摩拉维亚的、摩拉维亚人、其语言或文化的美国传统〔Mousterian〕Designating or belonging to a Middle Paleolithic culture following the Acheulian and associated with Neanderthal man, characterized by the use of flaked tools.莫斯特文化:指或属于继阿舍利文化之后的、同尼安德特人有关的欧洲旧石器时代中期的文化,其文化特征为使用薄石片工具美国传统〔Orphic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the dogmas, mysteries, and philosophical principles set forth in the poems ascribed to Orpheus.俄耳甫斯教教义的:关于或属于俄耳甫斯诗歌中的教义、奥义和哲理的或以之为特征的美国传统〔annelid〕Of or belonging to the phylum Annelida.环节动物门的:环节动物门的或属于环节动物门的美国传统〔anserine〕Of or belonging to the subfamily Anserinae, which comprises the geese.鹅的:是或属于鹅亚科的,包括鹅美国传统〔antediluvian〕Occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood written about in the Bible.大洪水以前的:发生或属于《圣经》中记载的大洪水以前的美国传统〔antique〕Of or belonging to ancient times, especially of, from, or characteristic of ancient Greece or Rome.古风的,古式的:古老的或属于古式的,尤指古希腊罗马的,来自古希腊罗马的或具有古希腊罗马特点的美国传统〔bodily〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the body.肉体的:身体的,与身体相关的或属于身体的美国传统〔bovid〕Of or belonging to the family Bovidae, which includes hoofed, hollow-horned ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, and buffaloes.牛科动物:牛科的或属于牛科的,包括有蹄的、两边有角的反刍动物,如牛、绵羊、山羊和水牛美国传统〔brachyuran〕Of or belonging to the Brachyura, a group of crustaceans including the true crabs, characterized by a short abdomen concealed under the cephalothorax.短尾亚目的:短尾亚目的或属于短尾亚目的,甲壳纲动物,包括真蟹,特征是腹部很短,隐藏在头胸部下方美国传统〔bryozoan〕Of or belonging to the Bryozoa.苔藓虫的:苔藓虫的或属于苔藓虫的美国传统〔bush-league〕Baseball Of or belonging to a minor league.【棒球】 小型竞赛联合会:小型竞赛联合会的或属于小型竞赛联合会的美国传统〔canonical〕Of or belonging to a cathedral chapter.圣典的:有关或属于一个大教堂的全体教士大会的美国传统〔cerebral〕Of or relating to the brain or cerebrum.脑的:关于或属于大脑或脑的美国传统〔clupeid〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the family Clupeidae.鲱科的:鲱科的、与鲱科相关的或属于鲱科的美国传统〔conspecific〕Of or belonging to the same species.同种的:同种的或属于同种的美国传统〔crinoid〕Of or belonging to the Crinoidea.海百合纲的:海百合纲的或属于海百合纲的美国传统〔cyprinid〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the family Cyprinidae.鲤科的:鲤科的、与之有关的或属于鲤科的美国传统〔cyprinodont〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the family Cyprinodontidae.鳉科的:鳉科的,有关鳉科的或属于鳉科的美国传统〔dipnoan〕Of or belonging to the Dipnoi.肺鱼的或属于肺鱼的美国传统〔elaterid〕Of or belonging to the family Elateridae.叩头虫科的:叩头虫科的或属于叩头虫科的美国传统〔eutherian〕Of or belonging to the infraclass Eutheria, a division of mammals to which all the placental mammals belong.真哺乳亚纲的:关于或属于哺乳动物真兽亚纲的一个下纲,包括有胎盘哺乳动物美国传统〔feline〕Of or belonging to the family Felidae, which includes the lions, tigers, jaguars, and wild and domestic cats; felid.猫科的:是或属于狮子、虎、美洲虎及野生和家养的猫等猫科动物的;猫类美国传统〔fucoid〕Of or belonging to the order Fucales, which includes brown algae such as gulfweed and rockweed.岩藻的:关于或属于岩藻科的,包括某些褐藻,例如马尾藻和岩石海藻美国传统〔gadoid〕Of or belonging to the fish family Gadidae, which includes the cods and the hakes.鳕鱼科的:包括鳕鱼和狗鳕等鳕鱼科的或属于鳕鱼科的美国传统〔hydrodynamic〕Of or relating to hydrodynamics.流体力学的:与流体力学有关的或属于流体力学的美国传统〔hydrozoan〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the class Hydrozoa.水螅水母类动物的:水螅水母类的动物特性的,或属于此类的,或有这类动物有关系的美国传统〔hygienic〕Of or relating to hygiene.卫生学的:与卫生学有关的,或属于这一范畴的美国传统〔imperial〕Of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures.度量衡英制的:度量衡英制的或属于度量衡英制的美国传统〔iridaceous〕Of or belonging to the iris family.鸢尾科的:鸢尾科的或属于鸢尾科的美国传统〔isopod〕Of or belonging to the order Isopoda.等足目的:关于或属于等足目的美国传统〔lepidopterous〕Of or belonging to the order Lepidoptera, which includes insects such as the butterflies and moths.鳞翅目的:鳞翅目的或属于鳞翅目的,该目包括蝴蝶和飞蛾之类的昆虫美国传统〔limicoline〕Of or relating to shore birds, especially the plovers, sandpipers, and phalaropes.涉禽类的,水鸟的:水鸟的或属于水鸟的,尤指鸻、矶鹞和瓣蹼鹬美国传统〔longicorn〕Of or belonging to the family Cerambycidae, which includes the long-horned beetles.天牛科的:天牛科的或属于天牛科的,其中包括长角牛甲虫美国传统〔man-to-man〕Sports Of, relating to, or being a system of defense in which a defensive player guards a specific offensive player.【体育运动】 人盯人的:与某种防御系统有关的、是或属于此防御系统的,在此系统中防守队员盯住某个特定的进攻队员美国传统〔mastigophoran〕Of or belonging to the class Mastigophora.鞭毛虫纲的:鞭毛虫纲的或属于此的美国传统〔matin〕Of or relating to matins or to the early part of the day.晨祷的:属于或关于晨祷的,或属于、关于一天中早晨部分的美国传统〔minor-league〕Sports Relating or belonging to a minor league.【体育运动】 小俱乐部联合会的:与小俱乐部联合会有关的或属于小俱乐部联合会的美国传统〔modality〕A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.属性,特性:符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向美国传统〔nautical〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of ships, shipping, sailors, or navigation on a body of water.船舶的,航行的,海员的,航海的:船舶的、航行的、海员的、航海的,或属于、关于船舶的、航行的、海员的、航海的,或具有其特征的美国传统〔nemertean〕Of or belonging to the phylum Nemertina (or Nemertea).扁形动物门的:扁形动物门的或属于扁形动物门美国传统〔neuropteran〕Of or belonging to the Neuroptera.脉翅类的:是或属于脉翅类的美国传统〔noctuid〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the family Noctuidae.夜蛾科的:夜蛾科的,关于或属于夜蛾科的美国传统〔odonate〕Of or belonging to the order Odonata.蜻蜓目的或属于蜻蜓目的美国传统〔oscine〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the Oscines, a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most songbirds.鸣禽类的:鸣禽类的、与鸣禽类有关的或属于鸣禽类的,该类包括多数歌鸟雀形目鸟的一个大亚目美国传统〔pongid〕Of or belonging to the family Pongidae.猩猩科的:关于或属于猩猩科的美国传统〔postseason〕In, of, or relating to the postseason.季后赛的:在或属于或是关于季后赛的美国传统〔praetorian〕Praetorian Of or belonging to the Praetorian Guard. Praetorian 古罗马禁卫军的:古罗马禁卫军的或属于古罗马禁卫军的美国传统〔pre-Christian〕Of, relating to, or being the time before the beginning of the Christian era.基督(教)之前的:西历纪元开始之前的、与西历纪元开始之前相关的或属于西历纪元开始之前的美国传统〔preagricultural〕Of, relating to, or being a society or population before the advent of agriculture as a means of subsistence.农业社会前的:农业开始成为生存方式之前的社会或群体的、与农业社会前相关的或属于农业社会前的美国传统〔preatomic〕Of, relating to, or being the time preceding the use of, existence of, or capability for atomic energy or weapons.核时代以前的:原子能或核武器的存在、运用或制造之前的时间的、与核时代以前相关的或属于核时代以前的美国传统〔precolonial〕Of, relating to, or being the period of time before colonization of a region or territory.殖民前期的:某一地区或领地殖民地化之前那段时间的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔preganglionic〕Of, relating to, or being the nerve fibers that supply a ganglion, especially a ganglion of the autonomic nervous system.神经节前的:提供神经节的、与之相关的或属于之的,尤指自主神经系统神经节的神经纤维的美国传统〔prehistoric〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the era before recorded history.史前的:历史记载之前的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔preindustrial〕Of, relating to, or being a society or an economic system that is not or has not yet become industrialized.工业化前的:有关或属于非工业化的社会或经济体系的或未成为工业化的社会或经济体系的美国传统〔prelaw〕Of, relating to, or being the studies that prepare one for the study of law.法律预科的:为法律学习作准备的学习的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔preliterate〕Of, relating to, or being a culture not having a written language.没有文字的:没有文字语言的文化的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔probable〕Theology Of or relating to opinions and actions in ethics and morals for whose lawfulness intrinsic reasons or extrinsic authority may be adduced.【神学】 可论证的:关于或属于伦理和道德上的观点和行动的,这些伦理和道德的合法性可援引内在的或外在的原因的美国传统〔proboscidian〕Of or belonging to the order Proboscidea.长鼻目的:长鼻目的或属于长鼻目的美国传统〔prosimian〕Of or belonging to the Prosimii, a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers.原猴亚目的:是或属于灵长目(包括狐猴)的一个亚目一原猴亚目的美国传统〔psittacine〕Of or belonging to the family Psittacidae, which includes the parrots, macaws, and parakeets.鹦鹉科的:鹦鹉科的或属于鹦鹉科的,包括鹦鹉,金刚鹦鹉和长尾小鹦鹉美国传统〔pyralid〕Of or belonging to the family Pyralidae.螟蛾科的:螟蛾,或属于螟科的美国传统〔racemose〕Botany Resembling or borne in a raceme.【植物学】 总状的:形似或属于总状花序的美国传统〔rhynchocephalian〕Of or belonging to the Rhynchocephalia, an order of mostly extinct lizardlike reptiles.喙头目的:喙头目的或属于它的,一种几乎灭绝的象蜥蜴一样的爬行动物目美国传统〔rosaceous〕Botany Of or belonging to the rose family.【植物学】 蔷薇科的:蔷薇科的或属于蔷薇科的美国传统〔saccharine〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of sugar or saccharin; sweet.糖的:关于或属于糖或糖精特点的;甜的美国传统〔salientian〕Of or belonging to the Salientia.无尾目的或属于无尾目的美国传统〔sarcodinian〕Of or belonging to the Sarcodina, a superclass of protozoans that includes the rhizopods.肉足(虫)纲的:肉足(虫)纲的或属于肉足(虫)纲的,一种包括根足虫在内的高级原生动物美国传统〔scyphozoan〕Of or belonging to the class Scyphozoa.钵水母纲的:钵水母纲的或属于钵水纲的美国传统〔semiclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a classical composition that enjoys popular appeal because of modern elements.半古典的:某个因现代因素而受大众欢迎的古典乐曲的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔semiclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a work that in style or form falls between the classical and popular genres.半古典的:某件在风格或形式上介于古典和通俗类型之间的作品的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔side-wheel〕Of, relating to, or being a steamboat with a paddle wheel on each side.有舷侧明轮的:两侧各有一明轮翼的汽船的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔sinister〕Heraldry Situated on or being the side of a shield on the wearer's left and the observer's right.【纹章学】 在盾牌左边的:位于或属于纹章盾形左侧的和观察者右侧的美国传统〔synchronic〕Relating to or being the study of events of a particular time or era without reference to historical context.共时的:有关或属于不考虑其历史环境的某一特定时期或时代的事件的研究的美国传统〔synthesized〕Relating to or being an instrument whose sound is modified or augmented by a synthesizer.合成乐器的:与其声响由某种合成器修饰或延长的乐器有关的或属于之的美国传统〔synthesized〕Relating to or being compositions or a composition performed on synthesizers or synthesized instruments.合成乐的:与在合成器或合成音响乐器上演奏的乐章有关的或属于之的美国传统〔synthetic〕Linguistics Relating to or being a language, such as Latin or Russian, that uses inflectional affixes to express syntactic relationships.【语言学】 综合型的:关于或属于用屈折变化的词缀来表达句法关系的语言的,如拉丁或俄语美国传统〔syrphid〕Of or belonging to the syrphids.食蚜蝇的或属于之的美国传统〔tanagrine〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the tanagers.唐纳雀的:有关、涉及或属于唐纳雀的美国传统〔tensile〕Of or relating to tension.张力的:与张力有关的或属于张力的美国传统〔terrestrial〕Of or relating to Earth or its inhabitants.地球的:关于或属于地球或其居民的美国传统〔thoroughbred〕Thoroughbred Relating or belonging to horses of the Thoroughbred. Thoroughbred 良种马的:有关或属于良种马的美国传统〔trematode〕Of or belonging to the Trematoda.吸虫的:吸虫的或属于吸虫的美国传统〔vespertilionid〕Of or belonging to the family Vespertilionidae.蝙蝠科的:蝙蝠科的或属于蝙蝠科的美国传统〔vespid〕Of or belonging to the family Vespidae.胡蜂科的:胡蜂科的或属于胡蜂科的美国传统 |
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