

单词 扭曲的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕Investigators sifted through the twisted wreckage of the plane. 调查人员在扭曲的飞机残骸中仔细地检查。朗文写作活用〔BEND〕Pieces of twisted metal and rusted pipe lay scattered around the yard. 院子里到处散放着扭曲的金属碎片和生锈的管子。朗文写作活用〔anamorphosis〕An image that appears distorted unless it is viewed from a special angle or with a special instrument.失真图象,变形影象:除非从特别角度或用特殊仪器观察,否则所呈现的图象一般是扭曲的美国传统〔cochleate〕Shaped like a snail shell; spirally twisted.螺旋状的:形状像蜗壳的;螺旋形扭曲的美国传统〔cognitive therapy〕A form of psychotherapy using imagery, self-instruction, and related techniques to alter distorted attitudes and perceptions.认知治疗:用想象、自我指导、以及相关的技术来改变扭曲的态度和看法的心理治疗形式美国传统〔contorted〕Twisted or strained out of shape.被扭曲的:被扭转的或形状上被歪曲的美国传统〔contortion〕I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.我无法按古典芭蕾的要求把自己的身体弄成扭曲的姿势。朗文当代〔contortion〕Their bodily contortions are an inseparable part of their art.他们扭曲的身体是他们艺术不可分割的一部分。外研社新世纪〔deformed〕Distorted in form; misshapen.变形的:形状上被扭曲的;畸形的美国传统〔equalizer〕A tone control system designed to compensate for frequency distortion in audio systems.补偿器:在音响系统中用来补偿频率扭曲的音调控制系统美国传统〔flexible〕Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable.柔软的:可弯曲或扭曲的;柔韧的美国传统〔gnarly〕There were low trees with thick, gnarly branches.那里有枝条粗壮扭曲的矮树。剑桥高阶〔grimace〕To make a sharp contortion of the face.做鬼脸:做出脸部极端扭曲的动作美国传统〔indication〕Uprooted trees and twisted signposts give some indication of the destruction caused.连根拔起的树木和扭曲的指示牌让我们对造成的破坏有了一点了解。外研社新世纪〔interference〕The distorted portion of a received signal.接受到的信号被扭曲的部分美国传统〔mass〕All that was left of the car was a mass of twisted metal.那辆汽车所剩下的是一堆扭曲的金属。麦克米伦高阶〔mind-expanding〕Producing intensified or distorted perceptions; psychedelic.致幻的:产生剧烈的或扭曲的视觉的;精神混乱的美国传统〔mind〕He's an evil man with a warped/twisted mind.他是一个心理扭曲的邪恶之人。韦氏高阶〔nappy〕Kinky; frizzy.卷曲的;扭曲的美国传统〔perverted〕His actions, to his small perverted mind, were surely forgivable.在思想狭隘扭曲的他看来, 他的行为当然是可以原谅的。外研社新世纪〔perverted〕His actions, to his small perverted mind, were surely forgivable.对他狭隘扭曲的心灵来说,他的行为当然是可以原谅的。柯林斯高阶〔school〕She tried to scowl, but however hard she schooled her features her mouth kept on coming up into a twisted little grin instead.她试图发怒, 但不管她如何努力控制自己的五官, 嘴角还是不断挤出扭曲的微笑。外研社新世纪〔sicko〕One who is mentally or emotionally deranged or perverted.有精神病的人,道德败坏的人:精神或情感错乱或扭曲的人美国传统〔squirm〕The act of squirming.蠕动:扭曲的动作美国传统〔thrawn〕Crooked or twisted; misshapen.弯曲或扭曲的;畸形的美国传统〔torsade〕A decorative trimming of twisted ribbon or cord, used especially on hats.流苏:一种扭曲的丝带或细绳的装饰品形成的饰物,通常用于帽上美国传统〔tortuosity〕A bent or twisted part, passage, or thing.弯曲部分:弯曲或扭曲的部分,通道或事物美国传统〔twisted〕After the crash the car was a mass of twisted metal.那辆车撞成了一堆扭曲的废铁。牛津高阶〔twist〕The car was a heap of twisted metal after the accident.发生事故后汽车成了一堆扭曲的金属。韦氏高阶〔twist〕The car was left a mess of twisted metal.车子成了一堆扭曲的金属。柯林斯高阶〔warped〕They have a very warped view of human history.他们对人类历史有非常扭曲的看法。韦氏高阶〔wreckage〕Bodies lay among the tangled wreckage.扭曲的残骸中有一些尸体。牛津搭配〔writhen〕Twisted; contorted.缠绕的;扭曲的美国传统A fierce explosion turned the building into a pile of rubble and twisted steel.一次猛烈的爆炸把建筑物变为一堆橡胶和扭曲的钢材。剑桥国际Grunge music began in the clubs of Seattle and is based on a heavy, distorted guitar sound.格仑基音乐起源于西雅图的俱乐部,以强烈扭曲的吉他声为基础。剑桥国际She has written a report about child abuse and the perversion of childhood innocence.她写了一份关于虐待儿童和童真被扭曲的报告。剑桥国际The streptococcus is spherical and usually occurs in twisted chains.链球菌是球形的,通常以扭曲的链状存在。剑桥国际




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