

单词 担保
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔back〕government-backed loans 政府担保的贷款朗文当代〔certify〕certify sb.'s honesty and reliability 担保某人诚实可靠英汉大词典〔collateralize〕collateralize a car 以汽车作担保品英汉大词典〔collateral〕a collateral loan. 担保债务美国传统〔collateral〕a loan without collateral 不须担保品的贷款英汉大词典〔collateral〕collateral security 担保(或抵押)品英汉大词典〔collateral〕wages as collateral security for loans作为贷款担保的工资外研社新世纪〔debt〕a debt secured on property 以房产作担保的债务牛津搭配〔deposit〕even though such securities were hypothecated (deposited as security) for the loans即便这些有价证券用作贷款担保(付作保证金)外研社新世纪〔guarantee〕the Englishman who had been guaranteed to sb. over the phone by one of his friends 由某人的一个朋友在电话中向他担保的那个英国人英汉大词典〔guarantee〕to guarantee a man's debt担保某人的债务21世纪英汉〔honour〕pledge one's honour 用自己的名誉担保英汉大词典〔inculcate〕to inculcate upon soldiers the duties of defending their motherland谆谆教导士兵要承担保卫祖国的义务21世纪英汉〔money-back〕a money-back deal/offer/guarantee 不满意可退款的交易/推销/担保剑桥高阶〔pawn〕pawn one's honour用名誉担保21世纪英汉〔pawn〕pawn one's word 口头担保英汉大词典〔pledge〕pledged themselves to the cause. 用他们自己为诉因担保美国传统〔pledge〕probably from Late Latin plevium [a security] 可能源自 后期拉丁语 plevium [担保] 美国传统〔pledge〕put an article in pledge. 以物品作担保美国传统〔purport〕investment schemes that purport to be 'guaranteed'自称‘有担保’的投资计划外研社新世纪〔secure〕the mortgage that secured担保抵押21世纪英汉〔security〕financial security 财务担保牛津高阶〔security〕on sb.'s security 凭某人的担保英汉大词典〔stand〕stand guard. 承担保卫美国传统〔surety〕to act as surety for sb 为某人做担保人牛津高阶〔uncovered〕an uncovered note 无担保的票据英汉大词典〔unsecured〕an unsecured loan 无担保贷款英汉大词典〔unsecured〕unsecured debt 无担保债务韦氏高阶〔voucher〕properly vouchering each transaction. 妥善地为每一笔交易担保美国传统〔vouch〕vouch for an old friend's trustworthiness. 担保一个老朋友可信任美国传统〔vouch〕vouch for sb.'s honesty 替某人的诚实作担保英汉大词典〔warrant〕a warrant of authenticity; a warrant for success. 对真实性的担保;成功的保证美国传统〔washboard stomach〕exercise regimes that promise you a washboard stomach 担保你有平坦结实的腹肌的锻炼方式剑桥高阶a company with limited net asset coverage 拥有有限净资产担保的公司牛津商务a mortgage guarantor 抵押担保人牛津商务cross guarantees between subsidiaries 子公司之间的交叉担保牛津商务goods shipped under customs bond 办理了海关担保的运输货物牛津商务government-backed bonds/insurance 政府担保的债券/保险牛津商务the Export Credit Guarantee Company of Egypt 埃及出口信贷担保公司牛津商务to underwrite an insurance policy 承担保单赔偿责任牛津商务




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