

单词 感情色彩
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deadpan〕He deadpanned throughout the play.他在全剧表演中始终不带感情色彩。21世纪英汉〔enter〕A hint of emotion entered his voice for the first time.他的声音第一次开始有了一丝感情色彩。麦克米伦高阶〔greeting card〕A folded card bearing a message of greeting, congratulation, or other sentiment, usually sent or given on a special occasion or holiday.贺卡:通常在纪念日或节日送出的带有致意、恭贺或其它感情色彩的折叠卡片美国传统〔impersonal〕His manner was cold and impersonal.他态度冷淡,不带任何感情色彩。麦克米伦高阶〔laden〕Try to avoid discussing emotionally laden subjects.尽量避免谈论充满感情色彩的话题。牛津搭配〔matter-of-fact〕His tone was calm and matter-of-fact.他说话的语气很镇定,不带感情色彩。韦氏高阶〔neutral〕Dolly kept her voice carefully neutral.多莉小心翼翼地使自己的声音不带任何感情色彩。牛津搭配〔neutral〕Generally a calm neutral tone is the one you should adopt.通常你应该采用平静、不带感情色彩的语调。外研社新世纪〔neutral〕The report was written in neutral language.报告写得不带任何感情色彩。韦氏高阶〔objectivize〕To make objective or impersonal; objectify.客观化:使…客观化,使…脱离感情色彩;使具体化美国传统〔sentimentalize〕Rupert Brooke's sentimentalised glorification of war.鲁珀特·布鲁克对战争的带有个人感情色彩的颂扬柯林斯高阶〔sentiment〕The emotional import of a passage.感情色彩:一段文章中的感情意义美国传统The judge will face a tough challenge conducting a fair trial in such an emotional and highly (=much) publicized case.法官面临严峻挑战,他要对这起感情色彩很浓、广为宣传的案子作公正的判决。剑桥国际The lieutenant was grim-faced (= looked very serious) as he stared into the camera and answered the question put to him without emotion.中尉盯着摄像机一脸严肃,不带任何感情色彩地回答向他提出的问题。剑桥国际




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