

单词 房东
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accept〕incentives to private landlords to accept young people as tenants. 鼓励私人房东租房给年轻人的措施柯林斯高阶〔accept〕incentives to private landlords to accept young people as tenants对私人房东接收年轻人作为租客的激励措施外研社新世纪〔batten〕slumlords who batten on the poor. 破屋的房东专以损害穷人的利益而中饱私囊美国传统〔bed〕get (或 take) more than bed and board 膳宿之外同房东太太发生关系英汉大词典〔bloodsucker〕our bloodsucking landlord 我们的吸血鬼房东韦氏高阶〔doing〕the landlady's doings with a lodger 房东太太与一位房客的勾搭行为英汉大词典〔ejection〕a landlord's ejection of a tenant 房东对租户的驱逐英汉大词典〔furious〕be furious with (或 at) one's landlady over (或about) the leaking pipes 因管道破漏对女房东大发雷霆英汉大词典〔grouch〕had only one grouch against the landlord. 对房东只有一点不满意美国传统〔lodge〕lodge with an old landlady 租房住在一位房东老太太家里英汉大词典〔milk〕greedy landlords milking their tenants of all their money 榨干了房客钱财的贪婪房东韦氏高阶〔owe〕owe the landlord two months' rent 欠房东2个月的房租英汉大词典〔payment〕payments to the landlord from his tenants 房客支付给房东的款项牛津搭配〔rapacious〕rapacious landlords 贪婪的房东朗文当代〔rapacity〕the rapacity of landlords and the misery of tenants. 房东的贪得无厌与房客的不幸柯林斯高阶〔tenant〕conflicts that might arise between landlord and tenant 房东与房客之间可能出现的冲突牛津搭配〔upraised〕the landlady's upraised glass. 女房东举起的玻璃杯柯林斯高阶〔upraised〕the landlady's upraised glass女房东举起的玻璃杯外研社新世纪〔warm-hearted〕a warm-hearted landlady 热情的女房东朗文当代




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