

单词 拆开
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔clastic〕a clastic anatomical model 可拆开的人体解剖模型英汉大词典〔clastic〕a clastic anatomical model. 可拆开的解剖模型美国传统〔demount〕demount a watch 把手表拆开英汉大词典〔demount〕to demount the motorcycle把摩托车拆开21世纪英汉〔detach〕to detach one thing from another.把一件东西和另一件拆开。牛津同义词〔dismantle〕dismantle a machine 拆开机器英汉大词典〔dismember〕dismember a waggon 拆开运货车英汉大词典〔dismember〕to dismember a machine拆开机器21世纪英汉〔dismount〕dismount a revolver 拆开左轮手枪英汉大词典〔eager〕open a letter with eager fingers 用手指急不可耐地拆开信件英汉大词典〔hyphenate〕hyphenate a word when it is broken and carried over to the next line 用连字符分隔需拆开移入下一行的词英汉大词典〔piece〕take a machine to pieces 把机器拆开 英汉大词典〔piece〕took the clock apart piece by piece. 一点一点地把钟表拆开美国传统〔ravel〕ravel (out) a rope's end 拆开绳端英汉大词典〔rip〕rip (the seams of) a garment 拆开一件衣服(的线缝)英汉大词典〔strip out〕a stripped out racing car已经拆开的赛车外研社新世纪〔strip〕strip a machine in a junkyard 在废品场拆开一部旧机器英汉大词典〔strip〕to strip a machine down.拆开机器。牛津同义词〔take〕how to take an engine to bits 如何把发动机拆开朗文当代〔take〕take a watch apart 把手表拆开 英汉大词典〔tear〕tear down a machine for overhaul 拆开一部机器进行大检修英汉大词典〔tear〕tear down an engine. 拆开发动机美国传统〔undoing〕the undoing of a parcel 拆开包裹英汉大词典〔unopened〕an unopened letter 未拆开的信麦克米伦高阶〔unpick〕unpick a seam 拆开接缝英汉大词典〔unpick〕unpick a seam. 拆开接缝美国传统〔unpin〕to unpin a frame拆开框架21世纪英汉〔unravel〕unravel the knitting 拆开编结物英汉大词典〔unseal〕to unseal a letter拆开一封信21世纪英汉〔unseam〕to unseam a dress将一件衣服拆开21世纪英汉〔unseam〕unseam a garment 拆开衣服的线缝英汉大词典




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