

单词 in play
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔churn up〕Occasionally they slap the water with their tails or churn it up in play.它们时不时用尾巴拍打水面, 或是搅着水玩。外研社新世纪〔churn〕Occasionally they slap the water with their tails or churn it up in play.他们偶尔用尾巴拍打水面,或者搅着水玩儿。柯林斯高阶〔express〕The children are expressing themselves in play.孩子们在游戏中表露自己的创造力。英汉大词典〔fumble〕Football To drop (a ball) while in play.【橄榄球】 失球:球赛中失球美国传统〔fumble〕Football To drop a ball that is in play.【橄榄球】 失球:在球赛中失球美国传统〔in/into play〕She tried to keep the ball in play, but it bounced out of bounds.她努力控球,可是球还是弹出界了。韦氏高阶〔playmate〕A companion in play or recreation.游戏伙伴:一起游戏或消遣的伙伴美国传统〔play〕Avoid using straight faced clubs, and in severe circumstances be content to keep the ball in play.避免使用直面杆, 迫不得已的情况下保持活球就行。外研社新世纪〔play〕I didn't mean to frighten you. I was only doing it in play.我不是故意要吓你。我只是闹着玩。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕I only said it in play (= not seriously).我只是说着玩儿的。牛津搭配〔play〕I said it only in play.我这话只不过是说着玩的。英汉大词典〔play〕It was all done in play.它全都是在玩笑中做的美国传统〔play〕It was done only in play but they had a ticking off from the police.他们本来只是开个玩笑, 但却遭到了警察的斥责。外研社新世纪〔play〕She just managed to keep the ball in play.她把球勉强保持在界内。牛津高阶〔play〕She managed to keep the ball in play.她成功地把球救了回来。剑桥高阶〔play〕The ball is now in play.这球现在不是死球美国传统〔play〕The ball is still in play.这个球在界内。牛津搭配〔play〕The company's stock rose in price when news stories stated that it was in play.当新闻报道声称公司被接收时公司的股票价格上涨美国传统〔pretend〕To feign an action or a character, as in play.扮演:假扮某种行为或某个角色,如在戏剧中假扮美国传统〔serve〕Sports To put (a ball or shuttlecock) in play, as in tennis, badminton, or jai alai.【体育运动】 发球:在游戏中发(球或羽毛球),如网球,羽毛球或回力球美国传统〔skull session〕Sports A meeting of the members of an athletic team for instruction in plays or strategy.【体育运动】 战术研究课:体育运动队成员所开的进行打法或战术指导的会议美国传统〔snowball〕A mass of soft, wet snow packed into a ball that can be thrown, as in play.雪球:用软的、湿的雪团滚成的球,可以在游戏中扔掷美国传统〔stoppage〕The penalty caused a stoppage in play.处罚造成比赛中断。韦氏高阶〔wicketkeeper〕The cricket player positioned immediately behind the wicket in play. 守门员,捕手:比赛中位置在三柱门之后的板球手美国传统Serini tried to keep the ball in play, but the referee said it had crossed the line.塞里尼想控球继续比赛,但裁判说球已出界了。剑桥国际She managed to keep the ball in play.她尽量使球不死。剑桥国际She said it in play. 她这样说只是开玩笑罢了。译典通The company has been put in play as a takeover target.这家公司已被列为收购目标。牛津商务The little children were expressing themselves in play. 那些小孩子们在游戏中表现出自己的想像力。译典通




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