

单词 打字机
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔QWERTY〕Of, relating to, or designating the traditional configuration of typewriter or computer keyboard keys.键盘的:打字机或计算机键盘的键的传统形状的;与之有关的;或指定打字机或计算机键盘的键的传统形状的美国传统〔REPLACE〕In most offices, computers have replaced the old typewriters. 在大多数办公室内,电脑已取代了旧式的打字机。朗文写作活用〔Teletype〕A trademark used for a teletypewriter.电传打字机:用于电传打字机中的一种商标美国传统〔USEFUL〕This typewriter may be old, but it has its uses. 这台打字机可能旧了,但还是有它的用处。朗文写作活用〔backspace〕The key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used for backspacing.退格键:打字机或计算机键盘上用于退格的键美国传统〔backspace〕To move the carriage of a typewriter or the cursor of a computer back one or more spaces by striking the key used for this purpose.按退格键:为将打字机的滑动架或计算机的光标向回移动一格或几格而敲打用于此种目的的键钮美国传统〔bail〕A hinged bar on a typewriter that holds the paper against the platen.打字机压纸箍:打字机上把纸张压在滚筒上的折叶条美国传统〔bang out〕He banged out a new story on the type-writer.他匆忙地在打字机上赶写出一部新小说。21世纪英汉〔bat out〕The secretary batted out on the typewriter the first draft of the document.秘书在打字机上匆匆打出了文件的初稿。21世纪英汉〔beat〕The reporter beat out a story in time for the morning edition.记者在打字机上打出一篇报道,以便在报纸的上午版及时刊出。英汉大词典〔blatter〕She was blattering away at an old typewriter.她在一台老式打字机上啪嗒啪嗒打个不停。英汉大词典〔cartridge〕A case containing a ribbon in a spool, for use in printers and electric typewriters.色带盒:用于打印机和电动打字机中,卷轴中装有色带的盒子美国传统〔cassette〕A cartridge for holding and winding typewriter or printer ribbon while in the machine.色带盒:放在打字机或打印机中缠绕色带的盒子美国传统〔chutter〕The typewriters chuttered.打字机发出噼噼啪啪的声音。英汉大词典〔clack〕I heard the typewriter clacking in the next office.我听见隔壁办公室中打字机发出嗒嗒的声音。21世纪英汉〔clatter〕From somewhere distant he heard the clatter of a typewriter.他听见从远处什么地方传来打字机的嗒嗒声。外研社新世纪〔deafen〕The noise of the typewriters deafened her.打字机的噪声吵得她什么都听不见。柯林斯高阶〔depress〕Depress the space bar on a typewriter.按下打字机上的空格键美国传统〔dispensable〕Computers have made typewriters dispensable.电脑已使打字机变得可有可无了。韦氏高阶〔do with〕If we can't afford computer, we shall do with typewriter.如果我们买不起电脑,那么打字机也行。21世纪英汉〔doom〕The arrival of the home computer spelt doom for the typewriter.家用电脑的到来结束了打字机时代。麦克米伦高阶〔escapement〕A mechanism, as in a typewriter, that controls the lateral movement of the carriage.棘轮装置:例如在打字机上用来控制行距的装置美国传统〔heave〕I wouldn't have thought that heaving your typewriter out of the window was a great help in finding inspiration.我没想到把你的打字机扔出窗外这件事竟对找灵感这么有帮助。外研社新世纪〔holdout〕A few holdouts still use typewriters, but nearly everybody uses computers now.虽然少数人还是坚持用打字机,但现在几乎所有人都用电脑了。韦氏高阶〔jam〕Rough use will jam the typewriter keys.粗鲁使用会使打字机的字键卡住。文馨英汉〔jump〕His typewriter jumps and needs repairing.他的打字机老是跳键,需要修理一下。英汉大词典〔jump〕My typewriter jumps and I have to stop my work.我的打字机老是跳键,我不得不停下手里的活。21世纪英汉〔jump〕The typewriter jumped a space.打字机空跳了一格。 英汉大词典〔jump〕The typewriter jumped a space.打字机跳了个空格美国传统〔junk〕We had to junk most of our typewriters and buy computers instead.我们不得不丢弃了大部分打字机, 买了电脑取而代之。外研社新世纪〔keyboard〕A set of keys, as on a computer terminal, word processor, typewriter, or piano.键盘:一系列键,如计算机终端设备、文字处理机、打字机或钢琴上美国传统〔maintenance〕With proper maintenance the typewriter will last at least ten years.有适当的维护,这台打字机至少耐用十年。文馨英汉〔manual〕He has a collection of old-fashioned manual typewriters.他收藏了一些老式的手动打字机。韦氏高阶〔manual〕He still works on an old manual typewriter.他还在用一台老式手动打字机。剑桥高阶〔nick〕It's in terrible nick, your typewriter.你的那架打字机已非常破旧。英汉大词典〔page〕He was staring miserably at the blank page in his typewriter.他痛苦地盯着打字机中那张一片空白的纸。麦克米伦高阶〔patent〕The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714.打字机的首项英国专利是1714年颁发的。外研社新世纪〔pawn〕The unemployed reporter pawned his typewriter to pay the rent.失了业的记者典当了打字机用以交租。21世纪英汉〔peck out〕The next step was pecking out stories.下一步是把故事用食指在打字机上慢慢地打出来。21世纪英汉〔peck〕He pecked out a poem.他用食指在打字机上(笨拙地)打出一首诗。英汉大词典〔ping〕The typewriters rattled and pinged.打字机嗒嗒又丁丁地响着。英汉大词典〔ping〕The typewriters rattled and pinged.打字机嗒嗒嗒又丁丁丁地响着。21世纪英汉〔place〕Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices.在大多数办公室,电脑已经取代了打字机。牛津高阶〔place〕We now have computers in place of typewriters.我们现在已有计算机取代了打字机。英汉大词典〔platen〕The roller in a typewriter that serves as the backing for the paper against which the type bars strike.滚筒:打字机中当作纸的衬垫物由打字棒击纸的滚筒美国传统〔portable〕Something, such as a light or small typewriter, that can be carried or moved with ease.轻便易携物:易手提或携带的东西,如灯或小打字机美国传统〔pound out〕All morning I've been pounding out letters on the typewriter.整个上午我一直在打字机上打信件。21世纪英汉〔pound〕She was pounding away on her typewriter until four in the morning.她在打字机上敲字直到凌晨4点。剑桥高阶〔punishment〕My old typewriter took a lot of punishment in its day but it still works.我那台老式打字机在它的那个时代没少受累, 不过到现在还能用。外研社新世纪〔ratchet〕She took up a sheet and ratcheted it into the typewriter.她拿起一张纸,把它哗哗啦啦地塞到打字机中。柯林斯高阶〔rattle away〕The typewriter was rattling away so loudly that we could not fall asleep.打字机嗒嗒地响个不停,吵得人不能入睡。21世纪英汉〔readable〕My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script.我的秘书花了很长时间把我写的几乎无法辨认的手稿用打字机打印成易读的文本。柯林斯高阶〔remain in〕The typewriter remained in good condition after having been used for ten years or so.这台打字机用了大约十年了,还这么好。21世纪英汉〔rewind〕The typewriter ribbon became tangled on the rewind.打字机色带在倒带时缠结在一起了。英汉大词典〔ribbon〕An inked strip of cloth used for making an impression, as in a typewriter.色带:用来做印记的浸墨带,如打字机中的美国传统〔ribbon〕My typewriter needs a new ribbon.我的打字机得换色带了。剑桥高阶〔self-correcting〕Of or being a typewriter mechanism that allows for automatic correction of a typing error.自动校正的:一种能够自动修改打字错误的打字机机件的美国传统〔service〕The shop services sewing machines and old typewriters.这家店提供缝纫机和旧打字机的维修服务。韦氏高阶〔shatter〕The typewriter was shattering continously.打字机啪嗒啪嗒响个不停。21世纪英汉〔shift key〕A key on a typewriter or computer keyboard that, when depressed, changes letters from lowercase to uppercase.字型变换键:打字机或计算机键盘上的一个键,可把字母从小写字体改成大写字体美国传统〔slouch〕She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter.最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。柯林斯高阶〔space bar〕A bar at the bottom of the keyboard of a typewriter that when pressed down introduces a blank horizontal space into the typewritten matter, as between words.空格杆:打字机键盘底部的杆,按下此杆时,打印的材料上就会出现空格,例如在字与字之间美国传统〔stuttering〕Even his stuttering typewriter was silent.连他那咔嚓咔嚓老钝的打字机也喑哑无声了。英汉大词典〔switch〕The office has switched from typewriters to word processors.办公室已把打字机换成了文字处理器美国传统〔tabulator〕A mechanism on a typewriter for setting automatic stops or margins for columns.跳格键:打字机上为打出自动的停顿并成为纵行间所留空白而设计的一种机械装置美国传统〔tab〕A tabulator on a typewriter.打字机上的定位装置美国传统〔tap out〕She tapped out a letter on the typewriter.她用打字机打出了一封信。21世纪英汉〔tap〕There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty, tapping away on a manual typewriter.有个神态安适的办事员在当班,在手动打字机上啪嗒啪嗒地打着字。柯林斯高阶〔teleprinter〕A teletypewriter.电传打字机美国传统〔teleprinter〕They are connected with their London offices by teleprinters.他们与伦敦营业所有电传打字机相联系。英汉大词典〔teletypewriter〕An electromechanical typewriter that either transmits or receives messages coded in electrical signals carried by telegraph or telephone wires.电传打字机:发送或接收通过电报或电话线传送的已编码成电信号信息的机电打字机美国传统〔telex〕A communications system consisting of teletypewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals.直通电报系统:由与电话网络连接的电传打字机组成的用于发送和接收信号的通讯系统美国传统〔telex〕Can you operate a telex? 你会使用电传打字机吗?英汉大词典〔transcribe〕The secretary transcribed those letters on the typewriter.秘书用打字机打出了那些信。21世纪英汉〔type bar〕One of the thin movable bars on many typewriters and some computer printers that carry the letters or characters.铅字打印杆:许多打字机和某些电脑打印机上带有字母或字的一根可移动的细杆美国传统〔typescript〕A typewritten copy, as of a manuscript.打字稿:用打字机打的,如手稿美国传统〔typewriting〕Copy produced on a typewriter; typescript.打字稿:用打字机打的稿件;打字稿美国传统〔typewriting〕The act, process, or skill of using a typewriter.打字,打字术,打字工作:用打字机的动作、过程或技巧美国传统〔type〕I typed three letters this morning.今天早上我用打字机打了三封信。21世纪英汉〔type〕Printed or typewritten characters; print.印刷字:印刷的或打字机打的字;印刷物美国传统〔type〕This letter was typed on an electronic typewriter.这封信是用电子打字机打的。牛津搭配〔type〕To write (something) with a typewriter; typewrite.用打字机打(某物);用打字机打美国传统〔typist〕One who operates a typewriter.打字员:操作打字机的人美国传统〔varitype〕I'm varityping a letter.我在用可变字体打字机打一封信。英汉大词典He was clattering away on his old typewriter.他在他的旧打字机上卡嗒卡嗒敲打着。剑桥国际Her typewriter clacked noisily as she typed out the letter.她的打字机噼噼啪啪地把那封信打了出来。剑桥国际I bought my son a portable typewriter. 我给儿子买了一台手提式打字机。译典通I had to change the typewriter ribbon. 我不得不换掉打字机的色带。译典通I punched out an angry reply to his letter on my portable typewriter.我在我的手提打字机上敲出了一封给他的愤怒的回信。剑桥国际I was tapping out a news report on my typewriter when the doorbell rang. 我正在用打字机打一则新闻报导,突然门铃响了。译典通I've replaced my old manual typewriter with an electric one.我把旧的手动打字机换成了电动的。剑桥国际In most offices, the typewriter has now been supplanted by the computer.在当今许多办公室里,打字机已被电脑取代。剑桥国际My typewriter needs a new ribbon.我的打字机需要一条新色带。剑桥国际Please type this letter for me. 请替我把这封信用打字机打出来。译典通She is pecking away at the keys of a typewriter. 她不停地敲打著打字机的键。译典通The clack of an old typewriter could be heard coming from the next room.能听见一架老打字机的噼啪声从隔壁传来。剑桥国际The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714. 英国第一台打字机专利证书是一七一四年颁发的。译典通The telex (machine) is on the third floor.电传打字机在三楼。剑桥国际Things have changed a lot since my day (= since I was involved)--we worked mainly on paper and few people had typewriters, let alone computers.从我们那时到现在一切都变了很多----那时我们主要是写在纸上,很少人有打字机,更别说电脑了。剑桥国际This is an old typewriter so you have to hit the keys quite hard.这是台旧打字机,所以你得用力按键。剑桥国际




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