

单词 审查制度
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔belligerent〕In 1914, Russia, like the other belligerent nations, introduced military censorship.同其他参战国一样, 俄国于1914年开始推行军事审查制度。外研社新世纪〔censorship〕Government censorship is relaxing a bit to allow kissing on screen.政府审查制度放松了一点, 允许银幕上出现接吻镜头。外研社新世纪〔censorship〕The decree imposed strict censorship of the media.这个法令强制实行严格的媒体审查制度。牛津高阶〔censorship〕The government has imposed strict censorship on the press.政府对新闻出版实行严格的审查制度。牛津搭配〔censorship〕The government today announced that press censorship was being lifted.政府今天宣布将取消新闻审查制度。柯林斯高阶〔censorship〕They oppose government censorship.他们反对政府审查制度。韦氏高阶〔clock〕The new censorship law will turn the clock back 50 years.新的审查制度将使社会倒退回 50 年前的状态。牛津高阶〔decide〕The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship.他的戏剧被禁演,这促使他下定决心就审查制度的问题下笔。柯林斯高阶〔decide〕The play decided him to write about censorship.这部剧使他决定就审查制度写一篇文章。外研社新世纪〔effect〕The government censorship went into effect yesterday.政府审查制度昨起实施。英汉大词典〔freedom〕Our freedom was threatened by press censorship.新闻审查制度威胁到了我们的自由。牛津搭配〔gag law〕Law A law intended to limit freedom of the press, as by instituting censorship or restricting access to information.【法律】 限制言论自由的法令:企图限制新闻报道自由的法律,如通过建立审查制度或控制信息来源美国传统〔imposition〕Several reasons were put forward to justify the imposition of censorship.提出了好几条理由来证明实行审查制度是合理的。牛津搭配〔institution〕There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania.在阿尔巴尼亚从未设立过官方审查制度。柯林斯高阶〔institution〕There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania.阿尔巴尼亚从未设立过官方审查制度。外研社新世纪〔libertarian〕Civil libertarians are worried about what they see as government censorship.民权自由派对政府的审查制度深感不安。剑桥高阶〔piece〕Did you read that piece in the Observer about censorship? 《观察家》报上那篇有关审查制度的文章你看了吗?朗文当代〔regulation〕The government is under pressure to relax censorship regulations.政府面临着要求放宽审查制度的压力。牛津搭配〔resort〕The government resorted to censorship of the press.政府以新闻审查制度为手段美国传统〔vehemence〕I'm vehemently against any form of censorship.我强烈反对任何形式的审查制度。柯林斯高阶〔vehemently〕I'm vehemently against any form of censorship.我强烈反对任何形式的审查制度。外研社新世纪A new study of attitudes to censorship in the US has just been published.关于美国人对审查制度态度的最新研究结果刚公布。剑桥国际Civil libertarians are worried about what they see as government censorship.鼓吹公民充分自由者们对他们所认为的政府审查制度深感不满。剑桥国际The government imposed censorship on the press. 政府对新闻媒体施行审查制度。译典通The main theme of discussion was press censorship. 讨论的主题是新闻审查制度。译典通These writers knew that unless they practised a form of self-censorship, the authorities would persecute them.这些作家知道除非他们实行一种新闻书刊自行审查制度,否则的话当局会迫害他们。剑桥国际Yeats vocally opposed censorship.叶芝直言不讳地反对出版审查制度。剑桥国际




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