

单词 微弱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔conscious〕treatment decisions for persons in a minimally conscious state 对只有微弱意识状态病人的治疗决定牛津搭配〔depression〕a depression in respiration. 呼吸微弱美国传统〔dim〕the dim glow of the fire in the grate 壁炉里微弱的火光牛津高阶〔echo〕faint echoes 微弱的回音韦氏高阶〔faint〕a faint glow/glimmer/light 微弱的光亮╱闪光╱光牛津高阶〔faint〕a faint light in the gloom. 阴暗里微弱的灯光美国传统〔faint〕a faint sound/noise/smell 微弱的声音/隐约的响声/淡淡的气味剑桥高阶〔faint〕a very faint noise 很微弱的声响朗文当代〔faint〕the faint glow of a distant light 远处微弱的灯光韦氏高阶〔faint〕the faint light of dawn 微弱的晨曦朗文当代〔feeble〕a feeble light (cry) 微弱的光线(喊声) 英汉大词典〔feeble〕a feeble light/voice 微弱的光线/声音麦克米伦高阶〔feeble〕the feeble light of a tin lamp. 锡灯微弱的光线柯林斯高阶〔glimmer〕a weak, glimmering light 微弱的闪光朗文当代〔hair-thin〕a hair-thin majority 极微弱多数英汉大词典〔hairline〕a hairline majority 微弱多数 英汉大词典〔hibernal〕the pale hibernal sun 冬日微弱的阳光英汉大词典〔lead〕a narrow/slim lead 以微弱优势领先韦氏高阶〔low-level〕low-level lighting 微弱的灯光韦氏高阶〔majority〕win by (或with) a big (small, narrow) majority 以绝大 (微弱,勉强) 多数票取胜英汉大词典〔narrow〕win with a narrow 72-vote majority 以72票的微弱多数获胜英汉大词典〔poor〕a poor chance for recovery 恢复的微弱可能英汉大词典〔presage〕as though a bitter frost were yielding at the first faint presage of spring仿佛严酷的霜冻向春天微弱的第一丝征兆投降了外研社新世纪〔pulse〕a weak [a strong, an irregular] pulse 微弱的[强的、不规则的]脉搏文馨英汉〔razor-thin〕be elected with a razor-thin majority 以极微弱多数当选英汉大词典〔remote〕a remote possibility; had not the remotest interest. 微弱的可能性;丝毫不感兴趣美国传统〔ripple〕a faint ripple of applause (laughter) 一阵微弱的掌声(笑声)英汉大词典〔ruin〕ruin the faint hopes 使微弱的希望破灭英汉大词典〔shallow〕shallow respirations. 微弱的呼吸美国传统〔shimmery〕a shimmery glow/luster 微弱闪光;闪闪发光韦氏高阶〔shimmer〕a shimmer of starlight微弱的星光外研社新世纪〔slender〕to win by a slender margin/majority 以微弱优势╱多数获胜牛津高阶〔small〕a small voice. 微弱的声音美国传统〔tearing〕a faint tearing and splintering noise微弱的撕裂声外研社新世纪〔thin〕thin light 微弱的光英汉大词典〔thready〕a thready voice 微弱的嗓音英汉大词典〔twilight〕the twilight glow of the sky; a twilight area in the interpretation of the Constitution. 天空中微弱的亮光;宪法阐述中含糊不清的地方美国传统〔wafer-thin〕a wafer-thin majority of three only 仅仅3票的微弱多数英汉大词典〔weak〕the weak winter sun冬日的微弱阳光外研社新世纪a mini-recovery in the housing market 住房市场的微弱复苏牛津商务




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