

单词 swimming
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CPR〕They pulled her out of the swimming pool and began CPR.他们把她拉出游泳池,然后开始实施心肺复苏术。韦氏高阶〔EAT〕It isn't wise to go swimming on a full stomach. 吃饱了去游泳是很不明智的。朗文写作活用〔EQUIPMENT〕Don't forget to bring your swimming things with you. 别忘了带游泳的东西。朗文写作活用〔EXERCISE〕I do two hours’ training every evening -- an hour running or swimming, and an hour in the gym. 我每晚锻炼两小时一—一小时跑步或游泳,一小时在健身房。朗文写作活用〔Friday〕Let's go swimming on Friday.我们星期五去游泳吧。麦克米伦高阶〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕There's an Olympic-sized swimming pool on campus. 校园里有一个具有奥运会规模的游泳池。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕He had a scar across his forehead from hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool. 他曾把头撞到了游泳池池底,额头留有一道伤疤。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕A child swimming in the river had become entangled in the weeds and been drowned. 一个在河里游泳的孩子被水草缠住,淹死了。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕Why don't you join your local swimming club if you're keen on swimming? 如果你热爱游泳,为什么不去参加当地的游泳俱乐部呢?朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool. 酒店里有一个室外游泳池。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕When I'm in training I spend at least four hours a day at the swimming pool. 我在训练期间,每天在游泳池里至少游上四小时。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕While I was swimming in the river, somebody swiped all my clothes! 我在河里游泳的时候,有人把我的衣服全偷走了!朗文写作活用〔WELL-DRESSED〕There were racks and racks of snazzy swimming trunks. 一排排的架子上全是漂亮的泳裤。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Someone had pushed Sally into the swimming pool, and she was soaking. 有人把萨莉推进游泳池里,结果她浑身都湿透了。朗文写作活用〔all-round〕He was an all-round sportsman, excelling at soccer, cricket, swimming, and, boxing.他是个全能运动员, 擅长足球、板球、游泳和拳击。外研社新世纪〔antipathy〕His antipathy towards / toward swimming dates back to childhood.他从小就讨厌游泳。牛津搭配〔anything〕You can write about swimming, skiing, or anything else you enjoy doing.你可以写游泳、写滑雪或者别的,只要你喜欢的都可以写。朗文当代〔arrange〕They arranged to go swimming the following day.他们准备第2天去游泳。麦克米伦高阶〔bathe〕To go into the water for swimming or other recreation.游泳;戏水:入水游泳或做其它娱乐活动美国传统〔beachwear〕Clothing appropriate for swimming, boating, or sunning.海滩装,海滨服装:适合于游泳、划船或晒太阳的衣服美国传统〔beat〕You can't beat swimming as a good all-body exercise.游泳是再好不过的全身运动。朗文当代〔begrudge〕No one begrudges (him) his swimming pool.没有人艳羡他的游泳池。英汉大词典〔beware〕It's a great place for swimming, but beware dangerous currents.那是个游泳的好去处,但要当心危险的水流。牛津高阶〔bliss〕Tom was swimming in bliss.汤姆沉浸于极乐之中。英汉大词典〔burn〕Swimming can help you burn off those unwanted calories.游泳可以帮助你消耗掉多余的卡路里。麦克米伦高阶〔business〕He had no business going swimming that day.他那天不该去游泳。英汉大词典〔butterfly stroke〕A swimming stroke in which both arms are drawn upward out of the water and forward with a simultaneous up-and-down kick of the feet.蝶泳:一种游泳姿式,双臂向上伸出水面再向前,脚同时上下拍打击水美国传统〔can〕Visitors may use the swimming pool between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.访客从早上 7:00 到下午 7:00 可在游泳池游泳。牛津高阶〔careful〕Be particularly careful when swimming in the lake.在这个湖里游泳要格外小心。牛津搭配〔clamour〕At breakfast next morning my two grandsons were clamouring to go swimming.第二天早上吃早饭时, 我的两个孙子吵着要去游泳。外研社新世纪〔clamour〕At breakfast next morning my two grandsons were clamouring to go swimming.第二天早饭时,我那两个孙子嚷嚷着要去游泳。柯林斯高阶〔close〕We can walk to the swimming pool – it's quite close.我们可以走着去游泳池,离这儿很近。麦克米伦高阶〔clothed〕He fell into the swimming pool fully clothed.他穿着衣服掉进了游泳池。韦氏高阶〔come under sth〕Swimming pools usually come under "leisure centres" in the phone directory.游泳池通常列在电话簿的“休闲中心”条目下。剑桥高阶〔come〕Libraries and swimming pools come under Leisure Services.图书馆和游泳池归入休闲服务部门。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕Nathan came last in the swimming race.内森在游泳比赛中得了最后一名。外研社新世纪〔contact〕He lost one of his contacts in the swimming pool.他把一个隐形眼镜片掉在游泳池里了。韦氏高阶〔cramp〕Her leg cramped while she was swimming.游泳时她腿抽筋了。英汉大词典〔crotch〕There were grains of sand in the crotch of her swimming costume.她泳衣的裆部有些沙粒。外研社新世纪〔cycling〕Cycling is the best all-round exercise after swimming.自行车运动是仅次于游泳的最佳全身运动方式。外研社新世纪〔day〕Swimming below the Arctic ice is all in a day's work for these hardy professionals.对这些有着过硬身体素质的专业人士来说, 在北极寒冰之下游泳不是什么了不起的事。外研社新世纪〔decide〕I am trying to decide if it's warm enough for swimming.我正在判断,看够不够暖和,是否可以游泳。韦氏高阶〔decoy〕Nick acted as a decoy after the dog attacked a group of children swimming in the river.狗袭击了一群在河里游泳的孩子后, 尼克开始充当诱饵。外研社新世纪〔deep〕She's afraid of swimming in deep water.她害怕在深水里游泳。韦氏高阶〔deep〕The swimming pool has a deep end and a shallow end for kids.这个游泳池的一端是深水区,一端是供小孩用的浅水区。朗文当代〔disport〕The children are disporting themselves in the swimming pool.孩子们在游泳池中戏耍。21世纪英汉〔divertissement〕Their vacation was filled with swimming, sunbathing and other divertissements.他们在假期中尽情地游泳,晒日光浴,还从事其他娱乐活动。英汉大词典〔dive〕She dove into the swimming pool.她一头跳入泳池中。韦氏高阶〔duck〕Any of various wild or domesticated swimming birds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad, flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.鸭:鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有宽大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足美国传统〔duck〕Her sister ducked her in the swimming pool.她姊姊把她的头猛按到游泳池里。文馨英汉〔entire〕There are only 60 swimming pools in the entire country.全国总共只有60个游泳池。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕Swimming is my favourite form of exercise.我最喜欢的锻炼方式是游泳。剑桥高阶〔exhaust〕The swimming had completely exhausted him.游泳使他筋疲力尽了。牛津搭配〔fancy〕I didn't fancy swimming in that water.我不想在那水里游泳。剑桥高阶〔fling about〕Don't fling your arms and legs about like that,make the proper swimming strokes.你的手脚不要这样乱舞乱动,要正确地游泳划动。21世纪英汉〔flutter kick〕A swimming kick in which the legs are held horizontally and alternately moved up and down in rapid strokes without bending the knees.上下打水:腿被水平抬起且两腿不弯膝地快速交替拍水的游泳动作美国传统〔form〕Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise.游泳是最好的锻炼方式之一。牛津搭配〔form〕She is taking lots of exercise in the form of walks or swimming.她在以散步或游泳的方式积极锻炼身体。外研社新世纪〔frame〕The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.泳池周围都是栽种热带花卉的花园。外研社新世纪〔free〕The swimming pool is free to hotel guests.游泳池对宾馆的客人免费开放。麦克米伦高阶〔full〕Don't go swimming on a full stomach.肚子饱饱不要游泳。文馨英汉〔gill net〕A fishing net set vertically in the water so that fish swimming into it are entangled by the gills in its mesh.鱼刺网:垂直设在水中的渔网,因此鱼游过时,网会把鱼鳃缠住美国传统〔goggles〕My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see.我的游泳镜一直有水雾,所以我看不见。牛津搭配〔graciously〕He drove through the gracious suburbs with the swimming pools and tennis courts.他驾车穿过设有游泳池和网球场的舒适城郊住宅区。柯林斯高阶〔handle〕Under his handling, many boys became excellent swimming players.在他的训练指导下,许多小伙子成了优秀的游泳运动员。21世纪英汉〔heated〕The hotel boasted a heated swimming pool.该饭店有一个温水游泳池。外研社新世纪〔hope〕He represents our best hope for a swimming medal.他是我们获得游泳奖牌的最大希望。牛津搭配〔hourly〕Reapply sunscreen hourly and after swimming.每小时以及游泳后抹一次防晒霜。牛津高阶〔interest〕His hobbies include swimming and cooking.他爱好游泳和烹饪。牛津高阶〔involve〕Swimming necessarily involves long hours of strenuous training.游泳势必要进行一连数小时的艰苦训练。英汉大词典〔irritant〕Chlorine in swimming pools can be an irritant to the eyes.游泳池里的氯会对眼睛造成刺激。英汉大词典〔judge〕Will you judge at the swimming competition next week?你愿意担任下周游泳比赛的评判吗?21世纪英汉〔kick〕We kicked around the idea of going swimming.我们扯了一下去游泳的想法。英汉大词典〔lake〕There were some boys swimming in the lake.有几个男孩在湖里游泳。麦克米伦高阶〔least〕We were very impressed by the new school, not least its own swimming pool.新学校给我们很好的印象,特别是它还有自己的游泳池。英汉大词典〔leisure〕The hotel offers various leisure facilities such as a swimming pool and sauna.酒店提供游泳池、桑拿浴等各种休闲设施。朗文当代〔length〕She dived into a swimming pool, swam two lengths.她跳入游泳池,游了一个来回。英汉大词典〔life-saving〕She teaches swimming, lifesaving and water aerobics.她教授游泳、救生术和水中有氧运动。柯林斯高阶〔liner〕We had to replace the swimming pool liner.我们要更换游泳池的衬垫了。韦氏高阶〔little〕I loved swimming when I was little.我小时候喜欢游泳。韦氏高阶〔loll〕They would spend afternoons lolling around the swimming pool.他们会慵懒地坐在游泳池边打发午后时光。外研社新世纪〔lounge around〕He remembered mowing the lawn, lounging around the swimming pool.他还记得修剪草坪、在泳池边闲荡的情景。柯林斯高阶〔lunchtime〕I'm going swimming at lunchtime.我中午要去游泳。麦克米伦高阶〔mind (you)〕I know I'm lazy - I did go swimming yesterday, mind.我知道我很懒——可我昨天确实去游泳了。剑桥高阶〔mind〕Mind my things while I’m swimming.请你照管我的东西,我去游泳了。牛津同义词〔moment〕From that moment on, I loved swimming.从那一刻起,我喜欢上了游泳。麦克米伦高阶〔name〕I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it.我也喜欢帆板、网球、短柄墙球、游泳等等,不一而足。柯林斯高阶〔natant〕Floating or swimming in water.漂浮的;游泳的:浮在水上或在水上游泳的美国传统〔natation〕The act or skill of swimming.游泳的活动或技术美国传统〔notice〕The Council served notice of its intention to close the swimming pool.俱乐部通知称打算关闭那个游泳池。英汉大词典〔of a kind〕The school had a swimming pool of a kind, but it was too small for most classes to use.学校有一个所谓的游泳池,但对大多数班级来说都太小了,不够用。剑桥高阶〔often〕I've been swimming twice as often as I did last year.我现在的游泳次数比去年多了一倍。麦克米伦高阶〔on a full stomach〕Don't try to go swimming on a full stomach.饱餐后别游泳。韦氏高阶〔other〕We can't get there other than by swimming.除了游泳,我们无法到达那里。文馨英汉〔overarm〕Of, relating to, or being a stroke in swimming that is begun with the arm lifted and stretched forward over the shoulder.(游泳时)单臂出水的:属于、关于或作为游泳时的一次划水动作的,常先高举一只手臂,然后向前展过肩美国传统〔pass〕The visitors pass their days swimming, windsurfing, and playing volleyball.游客们通过游泳、冲浪和打排球来消磨时间。剑桥高阶〔phyllopod〕Any of various branchiopod crustaceans having swimming and respiratory appendages that resemble leaves.叶足亚纲甲壳动物:一种鳃足类甲壳纲动物,具有象叶子的游水和呼吸的附肢美国传统〔plunge〕He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and plunged in.他跑到游泳池边,一纵身跳进水里。21世纪英汉〔pond〕There were some ducks swimming on the pond.池塘里有几只鸭子在游动。牛津搭配〔poolside〕The area next to or around a swimming pool.游泳池边或周围地区美国传统〔popular〕Swimming is popular with all ages.游泳是老老少少都喜爱的。英汉大词典〔press-gang〕I've been press-ganged into taking the kids swimming.我经不住劝诱带了孩子们去游泳。剑桥高阶〔range〕She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor.她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。牛津高阶〔recommendation〕The committee put forward broad recommendations for the improvement of safety at swimming pools.委员会就加强游泳池的安全保障提出了一些概括性的建议。牛津搭配〔right〕She kept right on swimming until she reached the other side.她一直游到对岸。牛津高阶〔rile〕The pond was riled when many children were swimming in it.许多孩子在池塘中游泳时,把池塘的水都搅浑了。21世纪英汉〔river〕Let's go swimming in the river.我们到河里游泳吧。文馨英汉〔roof〕The swimming pool will be roofed over in October this year.游泳池将于今年十月加盖屋顶。21世纪英汉〔sailing〕There was swimming and sailing down on the lake.有人在湖上游泳和扬帆。柯林斯高阶〔scissors kick〕A swimming kick in which the legs are opened and closed like scissors.剪式打腿:游泳中双腿犹如剪子般开合的动作美国传统〔scuba diver〕One who uses scuba gear in underwater swimming.用水肺潜水的人:在水下游泳时使用水下呼吸器的人美国传统〔sea〕We went swimming in the sea.我们去海里游泳。剑桥高阶〔shower〕Mary loves having a hot shower after she's been swimming.玛丽游泳之后喜欢洗个热水澡。朗文当代〔sidestroke〕A swimming stroke in which a person swims on one side and thrusts the arms forward and downward alternately while performing a scissors kick.侧泳:一种游泳姿势,游泳者侧身向前游,胳膊交替向前、向下划水,同时进行两腿交叉蹬出美国传统〔sighting〕There have been several sightings of whales swimming off the island.人们好几次发现有鲸在这个岛屿附近游。韦氏高阶〔skin diving〕The sport of swimming under water with flippers and a face mask and usually with a snorkel rather than a portable air supply.潜游,裸潜:戴着脚蹼和面罩在水下游泳的一种运动,通常只带通气管而不带便携式空气供应装置美国传统〔spite〕They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.他们无视所有那些危险水域告示牌,还是去游泳了。牛津高阶〔sport〕My favourite sports are tennis and swimming.我最喜爱的运动是网球和游泳。朗文当代〔strength〕The strength of the current makes swimming dangerous.水流的强度使游泳变得危险。麦克米伦高阶〔strong suit〕Swimming has never been his strong suit.游泳从来就不是他的强项。韦氏高阶〔surface〕We saw fish swimming just under the surface of the water.我们可以看到鱼就在水面下游动。麦克米伦高阶〔swam〕Do you like swimming in the sea?你喜欢在海里游泳吗?21世纪英汉〔swam〕Don't you see the catkins swimming in the air?你没看见空中飘着柳絮吗?21世纪英汉〔sweep the board〕Australia swept the board in the swimming, with gold medals in every race.澳大利亚大获全胜,囊括了游泳项目的所有金牌。剑桥高阶〔swim in〕Her mind was swimming in many terrible ideas.她的头脑中充满了许多可怕的想法。21世纪英汉〔swimming〕Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.游泳或许是现有的最佳锻炼方式。柯林斯高阶〔swimming〕I go swimming every evening.我每天晚上去游泳。麦克米伦高阶〔swimming〕Relating to or used in swimming.游泳的:有关游泳的或用于游泳的美国传统〔swimwear〕Clothing designed to be worn for swimming or with swimsuits.游泳衣:专为游泳而设计的衣服或与游泳衣配合穿的衣服美国传统〔swim〕He polished off a large steak, salad, broccoli swimming in thick sauce, and half a litre of wine.他狼吞虎咽地吃下了一大块牛排、很多色拉和浸着浓稠酱汁的花耶菜,还喝了半升红酒。柯林斯高阶〔swim〕Her eyes were swimming with tears.她两眼噙满泪水。牛津高阶〔swim〕I go swimming twice a week.我每星期游泳两次。牛津高阶〔swim〕I went round to Jonathan's to see if he wanted to go swimming.我去乔纳森那里看看他是否想去游泳。柯林斯高阶〔swim〕Let's go swimming.我们去游泳吧。文馨英汉〔swim〕My head was swimming after looking at that screen all day.我盯着那块屏幕看了一整天后觉得头昏眼花。朗文当代〔swim〕The food was swimming in grease.这食物油乎乎的。麦克米伦高阶〔swim〕The main course was swimming in oil.主菜油汪汪的。牛津高阶〔swim〕The potatoes were swimming in butter/gravy.土豆浸在黄油/肉汁里。韦氏高阶〔swim〕They spent the day swimming and sunbathing.他们整整一天都在游泳和晒太阳。牛津高阶〔swim〕To execute (a particular stroke) in swimming.游泳中采取(一特定姿势)美国传统〔take〕Will you take me swimming tomorrow? 你明天带我去游泳好吗?剑桥高阶〔teach〕He taught me swimming (或(how) to swim).他教我游泳。英汉大词典〔teach〕He taught them swimming.他教他们游泳。文馨英汉〔teach〕He’s training the British Olympic swimming team.他在训练英国的奥运游泳队。牛津高阶〔temperature〕The temperature of the water was just right for swimming.这水温游泳正好。朗文当代〔thing〕Bring your swimming things if the weather's nice.如果天气好,带上你的游泳用品。剑桥高阶〔thing〕I left my swimming things at home.我把游泳用的东西落在家里了。朗文当代〔thing〕We spent the day swimming, playing on the beach, and that kind of thing.那天我们游了泳并在沙滩上玩耍,还有诸如此类的活动。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕They go swimming three or four times a week.他们每周去游泳三四次。剑桥高阶〔typically〕The day typically begins with exercises and swimming.每天通常先要晨练、游泳。外研社新世纪〔unattended〕Never leave young children unattended near a swimming pool.千万不能把幼儿放在游泳池附近不管。外研社新世纪〔under〕Goldfish were swimming lazily in a group just under the surface.金鱼聚在一起贴着水面懒洋洋地游着。柯林斯高阶〔unlimited〕You'll also have unlimited access to the swimming pool.进泳池的次数是没有限制的。柯林斯高阶〔unwind〕When you have time to spare you can unwind in the swimming pool.如有空余时间可在游泳池里泡一泡轻松轻松。英汉大词典〔water ballet〕A performance or competition of this swimming.花样游泳表演,花样游泳比赛美国传统〔water beetle〕Any of various aquatic beetles, especially of the family Dytiscidae, having a smooth oval body and flattened and fringed hind legs adapted for swimming.水生甲虫:各种水生甲虫之任一种,尤指龙虱科生有平扁卵圆之身体和适于游泳的扁平带缘毛的后腿美国传统〔watercraft〕Sports Skill in boating, swimming, or other water-related sports.【体育运动】 水上体育活动:驾舟、游泳或其它与水有关的运动的技术美国传统〔waterfowl〕A water bird, especially a swimming bird.水鸟:出没在水区的鸟,尤指善游泳的鸟美国传统〔watersport〕A sport played or undertaken on or in the water, as swimming, snorkeling, or surfing.水上运动:在水上或水中进行或从事的体育活动,例如游泳、潜水或是冲浪美国传统〔whole〕Our new apartment complex has a tennis court, swimming pool, playground – the whole nine yards.我们新的公寓楼有网球场、游泳池、游乐场 — 应有尽有。朗文当代〔work〕Swimming is a form of exercise that works every muscle in your body.游泳是一种可以使身体的每块肌肉都活动起来的锻炼方式。朗文当代〔would〕Which would you sooner do - go swimming or play tennis? 你更愿意玩哪一样——游泳还是打网球?剑桥高阶Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达。译典通Swimming is a wholesome pleasure to babies. 游泳对婴儿是一种有益于身心健康的嬉戏活动。译典通Swimming is easier if you put your fears aside. 要是你不害怕,游泳就比较容易。译典通Swimming was compulsory at my school.在我所在的学校里,游泳是必修的。剑桥国际A group of young people were cavorting beside the swimming pool.一群年轻人在游泳池边兴高采烈地跳来跳去。剑桥国际A sports centre, swimming pool and a multi-screen cinema are among the amenities that will be included in the redevelopment of the dockland area.体育中心,游泳池和多屏幕电影院都是将被包括在港口码头区重建计划中的公益设施。剑桥国际A steamboat passed near a buffalo swimming in the water. 一条汽船从在水里游水的水牛附近经过。译典通Alice belongs to the swimming club. 爱丽丝是那个游泳俱乐部的会员。译典通Britain won a silver (medal) (= a coin-like piece of silver given to a person who comes second) in the swimming competition.英国在游泳比赛中获得了银牌。剑桥国际Henry went in for swimming. 亨利喜欢游泳。译典通Her swimming coach is an Olympic gold medallist.她的游泳教练是奥运会金牌得主。剑桥国际Her eyes were swimming with tears. 她泪水盈眶。译典通Hydrotherapy and swimming enable people to exercise without straining their bodies.水疗法和游泳使人们在锻炼时不会扭伤身体。剑桥国际I find swimming very relaxing.我发现游泳令人非常放松。剑桥国际I hope the training for the swimming competition won't affect her schoolwork.我希望游泳竞赛的训练不会影响她的学校作业。剑桥国际I know I'm lazy--I did go swimming yesterday, mind.我知道我懒,可是我昨天确实去游泳了。剑桥国际I like swimming but I don't like getting my head under (= in) water.我喜欢游泳,但我不喜欢把头埋在水里。剑桥国际I like to go swimming early in the morning, when the pool is largely deserted.我喜欢清晨去游泳,那时池子基本上是没人的。剑桥国际I saw children swimming in an old irrigation ditch alongside the rotting carcass of an ox.我看到孩子们在腐烂的牛尸旁边旧的灌溉渠里游泳。剑桥国际I used to go swimming but I've got out of the habit these past few months.我过去常去游泳,但这几个月来我已经没这个习惯了。剑桥国际I was tired out, and my head was swimming. 我累坏了,头发晕。译典通I went to see my niece take part in her school's swimming gala.我去观看我侄女参加的学校游泳比赛。剑桥国际In the state games she will be competing only in the swimming, because athletes are restricted to one sport.在州运动会上,她将只参加游泳的角逐,因为运动员只能参加一个项目。剑桥国际Make sure you keep a sharp eye/watch on the children when you go swimming.你们去游泳时务必要密切注意孩子们的情况。剑桥国际Relaxing by the swimming pool, he lifted his glass and said, “This is the life for me!” 在游泳池旁潇洒地躺着,他举起杯子说,“这才叫生活!”剑桥国际She dipped her toe into the swimming pool to see how cold the water was.她把脚趾在游泳池探了探,看看水有多冷。剑桥国际The swimming pool is on the other side of town from where we live.游泳池在我们居住的城镇的另一边。剑桥国际The boy took off his clothes and plunged into the swimming pool. 男孩脱下衣服,跳入游泳池。译典通The council is indulging in fripperies by building a swimming pool rather than using the money to help the city's poor.市政会在热衷于那些不必要的东西,去建一个游泳池,而不是把钱用于帮助本市的贫苦人。剑桥国际The doctor recommended swimming as the best all-round exercise.医生推荐游泳作为最好的全身运动。剑桥国际The photographs show them smooching next to a swimming pool.照片上的他们在游泳池边搂抱接吻。剑桥国际The town lacks leisure facilities such as a swimming pool or squash courts.该镇缺乏休闲设施,例如一个游泳池或是一个壁球场。剑桥国际There were dolphins swimming in front of the boat.船头前面有海豚在游。剑桥国际They go swimming three or four times a week.他们一星期去游三四次泳。剑桥国际We go swimming on Thursdays.我们每星期四去游泳。剑桥国际We'll cut those two trees down (=remove them) to make room for the swimming pool.我们将砍掉那两棵树,腾出地方来造游泳池。剑桥国际We're going swimming this afternoon.今天下午我们去游泳。剑桥国际When I was at school I used to love swimming but I hated diving.我在学校念书时,一直喜欢游泳,但我讨厌跳水。剑桥国际




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