

单词 尤指美国南方
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Southernism〕A trait, an attitude, or a practice characteristic of the South or southerners, especially in the United States.南方特点:南方或南方人特有的性格、态度或习俗,尤指美国南方美国传统〔down-home〕Of, relating to, or reminiscent of a simple, wholesome, unpretentious lifestyle, especially that associated with the rural southern United States.田园生活的:具有淳朴、健康和朴实无华的生活方式的,尤指美国南方乡村的生活方式美国传统〔poor white〕Used as a disparaging term for a member of a class of low-income white farmers and laborers, especially in the southern United States.穷白人:尤指美国南方用来称呼低收入的白人农民或对体力劳动者的底层的人的轻蔑用语美国传统〔southerner〕A native or inhabitant of the south, especially the southern United States.南方人:南方本地人或居住在南方的人,尤指美国南方人美国传统




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