单词 | goddess |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amaterasu〕The central Shinto deity, a sun goddess believed to be the ancestor of the Japanese royal family.天照大神:神道教最重要的神,即太阳女神,被认为是日本皇室家族的祖先美国传统〔Amphitrite〕A Nereid, goddess of the sea and the wife of Poseidon.安菲特里特:海中仙女,海的女神,波塞冬之妻美国传统〔Artemis〕The virgin goddess of the hunt and the moon and twin sister of Apollo.阿耳忒弥斯:狩猎女神和月神,与阿波罗为孪生姊妹美国传统〔Ashtoreth〕The ancient Syrian and Phoenician goddess of sexual love and fertility.阿什托雷思:古代叙利亚和腓尼基人的性爱与繁殖女神美国传统〔Astarte〕A Near Eastern goddess traditionally associated with love and fertility.阿斯塔蒂:近东地区传统上主管爱情和生育的女神美国传统〔Astraea〕The goddess of justice.阿斯特莉亚:掌管正义的女神美国传统〔Ate〕The goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment.埃特:引人草率行事并受到惩罚的犯罪女神美国传统〔Athena〕The goddess of wisdom, the practical arts, and warfare.雅典娜:智慧、技艺及战争女神美国传统〔Attis〕A Phrygian man, the consort of Cybele, whom the goddess out of sexual jealousy drove mad, whereupon he castrated himself and died.阿提斯:弗里吉亚人和西布莉的配偶,西布莉出于性妒忌将阿提斯逼疯,阿提斯因此自宫而死美国传统〔Aurora〕The goddess of the dawn.奥罗拉:黎明女神美国传统〔Bastet〕An ancient Egyptian goddess, daughter of Ra and agent of his vengeance, often depicted as a lioness or cat.芭丝苔特:古埃及女神,太阳神的女儿和复仇代理人,常被描绘成母狮或猫美国传统〔Bellona〕The goddess of war.贝娄娜:战争女神美国传统〔Ceres〕Roman Mythology The goddess of agriculture.【罗马神话】 谷物女神,刻瑞斯美国传统〔Circe〕A goddess who turned Odysseus's men temporarily into swine but later gave him directions for their journey home.喀耳刻:将奥德修斯人暂时变成猪,但过后指引他们归家旅程方向的女巫美国传统〔Corybant〕A priest of the Phrygian goddess Cybele whose rites were celebrated with music and ecstatic dances.科瑞本特:弗里吉亚自然女神西布莉的侍从,自然女神的礼拜仪式以音乐和欢快的舞蹈来庆祝美国传统〔Cybele〕The Phrygian goddess of nature of ancient Asia Minor.西布莉:古代小亚细亚的弗里吉亚自然女神美国传统〔Danu〕The mother of the Irish gods, and the goddess of death.达努:爱尔兰神的母亲,和死亡女神美国传统〔Demeter〕The goddess of the harvest, daughter of Rhea and Cronus and mother of Persephone.得墨忒耳:主管收获的女神,是瑞亚和克罗诺斯的女儿,珀尔塞福涅的母亲美国传统〔Devi〕A mother goddess having various manifestations and roles, especially that of consort to Shiva.湿婆:女神,有各种表现形式及任务,特别是指湿婆的配偶美国传统〔Diana〕The virgin goddess of hunting and childbirth, traditionally associated with the moon and identified with the Greek Artemis.黛安娜(月亮和守猎女神):狩猎和分娩女神,传统上同月亮有关系并且与希腊阿耳忒弥斯(月亮和狩猎女神)是一致的美国传统〔Discordia〕The goddess of strife, identified with the Greek Eris.狄斯卡狄亚:不和之女神,与希腊厄里斯融为一体美国传统〔Endymion〕A handsome young man who was loved by a moon goddess and whose youth was preserved by eternal sleep.恩底弥翁:月亮女神所爱的一个英俊的年轻男子,他的青春保持在永恒的睡眠中美国传统〔Eos〕The goddess of the dawn.厄俄斯:黎明女神美国传统〔Ereshkigal〕The Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld.厄里什基迦勒:美索不达米亚掌管阴间的女神美国传统〔Eris〕The goddess of discord.厄里斯:不和女神美国传统〔Flora〕The goddess of flowers.芙罗拉:花神美国传统〔Fortuna〕The goddess of fortune.命运女神美国传统〔Freya〕The Norse goddess of love and beauty; the sister of Frey.弗雷娜:古斯堪的纳维亚爱与美的女神;弗雷的姐妹美国传统〔Frigg〕The Norse goddess of the heavens and wife of Odin.弗丽嘉:古斯堪的纳维亚女神,奥丁之妻美国传统〔Gaea〕The goddess of the earth, who bore and married Uranus and became the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.盖亚:大地女神,并嫁给了天神乌拉诺斯,成为泰坦和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲美国传统〔Hebe〕The goddess of youth and spring, cupbearer to the Olympian gods.赫柏:春天和青春女神,奥林匹亚诸神中的斟酒女神美国传统〔Hecate〕An ancient fertility goddess who later became associated with Persephone as queen of Hades and protector of witches.赫卡蒂:古代富饶女神,后与珀尔塞福涅结伴并成为冥府之女王和巫师的保护神美国传统〔Hel〕The Norse goddess of death and the underworld; the daughter of Loki.赫尔:北欧神话中的死亡女神和冥界女王;洛基的女儿美国传统〔Hestia〕The goddess of the hearth, daughter of Cronus and Rhea.赫斯提:女灶神,克罗诺斯与瑞亚之女美国传统〔Hygeia〕The goddess of health.健康女神:司健康之女神美国传统〔Inanna〕The chief Sumerian goddess, associated with fertility, the natural world, and war, and later equated with the Babylonian Ishtar.依南那神:闪族的主要神祇,掌管有关土地的丰饶、自然世界、战争,之后并与巴比伦的伊斯塔(神话中的女神)视为同等美国传统〔Iris〕The goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.艾丽丝:彩虹女神和诸神的信使美国传统〔Ishtar〕The ancient Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of love, fertility, and war.伊师塔:古代亚述和巴比伦的爱情,生育,和战争女神美国传统〔Isis〕An ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, the sister and wife of Osiris.伊希斯:古埃及神话中的生育女神,为奥西里斯的妹妹和妻子美国传统〔Junoesque〕Having the stately bearing and imposing beauty of the goddess Juno.华贵美丽,仪态万方的:如女神朱诺般举止端庄,仪态万方的美国传统〔Juno〕The principal goddess of the Pantheon, the wife and sister of Jupiter and the patroness primarily of marriage and the well-being of women.朱诺:罗马万神庙里最主要的女神,朱庇特的妻子亦是其姐姐,主司婚姻和妇女的安康美国传统〔Luna〕The goddess of the moon.卢纳:月亮女神美国传统〔MIDDLE〕On the center panel of the screen there is a painting of a Greek goddess. 围屏中间那一块是一幅希腊的女神图。朗文写作活用〔Maia〕Greek Mythology A goddess, the eldest of the Pleiades.【希腊神话】 迈亚:一个女神,普勒阿得斯七姊妹中最大的那位美国传统〔Minerva〕The goddess of wisdom, invention, the arts, and martial prowess.密涅瓦:掌管智慧、发明、艺术和武艺的女神美国传统〔Mnemosyne〕The goddess of memory, mother of the Muses.记忆女神:记忆的女神,缪斯母亲美国传统〔Nike〕The goddess of victory.希腊胜利女神美国传统〔Norn〕Any of the three goddesses of fate in Norse myth.诺恩:北欧神话中命运三女神之一美国传统〔Olympian〕Greek Mythology Of or relating to the greater gods and goddesses of the ancient Greek pantheon, whose abode was Mount Olympus.【希腊神话】 奥林匹亚山神的:古希腊万神殿中居住在奥林帕斯山的诸神和女神的或与之相关的美国传统〔Parvati〕Shiva's wife and the benevolent manifestation of the mother goddess Devi.巴瓦娣:湿婆神之妻同时也是万物之母戴维女神的仁慈化身美国传统〔Phoebe〕Greek Mythology The goddess Artemis.【希腊神话】 女神阿耳忒弥斯美国传统〔Proserpina〕The daughter of Ceres who became the goddess of the underworld when Pluto carried her away and made her his wife.普罗塞耳皮娜:丰收女神的女儿,当普洛托把她带走并娶她为妻后成为地狱的女神美国传统〔RELIGION〕The olive tree was regarded as sacred to the goddess Athena. 雅典娜女神认为橄榄树是神圣的。朗文写作活用〔Ran〕The Norse goddess of the sea.拉恩:古代斯堪的那维亚的女海神美国传统〔Sarasvati〕The Hindu goddess of learning and the arts.娑罗室伐底:印度教中司学问与艺术的女神美国传统〔Selene〕The goddess of the moon.塞勒涅:月亮女神美国传统〔TRADITION〕The ritual is performed in order to thank the Sun Goddess for the rice harvest. 举行这种仪式的目的是为了稻谷丰收感谢太阳女神。朗文写作活用〔Tethys〕Greek Mythology A Titaness and sea goddess who was both sister and wife of Oceanus.【希腊神话】 特提斯:巨人和海神,同时是奥斯尼斯的妹妹与妻子美国传统〔Tiamat〕The Babylonian goddess of ocean waters.提雅玛:巴比伦女海神美国传统〔Venus〕Roman Mythology The goddess of sexual love and physical beauty.【罗马神话】 维纳斯:性爱和形体美的女神美国传统〔Vesta〕Roman Mythology The goddess of the hearth, worshiped in a temple containing the sacred fire tended by the vestal virgins.【罗马神话】 维斯塔:女灶神,供奉在庙里,在里面有由灶炉仙女们照料的圣火美国传统〔beneficent〕The Goddess is both beneficent and cruel.这位女神既有仁慈也有残忍的一面。外研社新世纪〔career〕In its career across the sky, the sun is steered by the sun goddess.太阳在空中行进的过程中受到太阳女神的指引。外研社新世纪〔caste〕Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.印度上层种姓多数崇拜女神时母。柯林斯高阶〔deity〕A god or goddess.神,女神美国传统〔demigoddess〕A female being, often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of a goddess.半神半人的女神:神与人的女性子孙,她拥有一部分但并不是全部神的力量美国传统〔derive〕The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.Easter (复活节)一词由Eostre(异教的春天女神)衍生而来。外研社新世纪〔earth mother〕A goddess or female spirit representing the earth as the giver of life; a fertility goddess.地神:一位代表地球生命赋予者的女神或女性精灵;可繁殖的女神美国传统〔fertility〕Isis, the fertility goddess of Ancient Egypt 古埃及掌管生育和繁殖的女神伊希斯麦克米伦高阶〔goddess〕Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love.阿佛洛狄忒是古希腊神话中的爱神。剑桥高阶〔goddess〕Aphrodite, the goddess of love 爱神阿佛洛狄忒牛津搭配〔goddess〕Athena, the goddess of war.战争女神雅典娜柯林斯高阶〔goddess〕Diana, the goddess of hunting 狩猎女神狄安娜牛津高阶〔goddess〕Diana, the goddess of war战争女神戴安娜外研社新世纪〔goddess〕She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.她梦想成为好莱坞的银幕女神。牛津搭配〔goddess〕She has a reputation for being a domestic goddess.她是出了名的持家好手。牛津搭配〔goddess〕The actress, who is already a goddess in her own country, is finally getting recognition here.那位在她自己国家备受追捧的女演员,终于在这儿也得到了认可。韦氏高阶〔grace〕Graces Greek Mythology Roman Mythology Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty. Graces 【希腊神话】 【罗马神话】 美惠三女神:三位姐妹女神,在希腊神话中为阿格拉伊亚,欧佛洛绪涅和塔利亚, 赐人魅力与美丽美国传统〔hang on/upon sth〕He hangs on her every word as if she were some sort of goddess.他全神贯注地听她讲每一句话,就好像她是位女神似的。剑桥高阶〔legend〕According to ancient legend, the river is a goddess.据古代传说,这条河是位女神。牛津搭配〔myth〕The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.孩子们喜欢听希腊、罗马神话中众神的故事。剑桥高阶〔nemesis〕Nemesis Greek Mythology The goddess of retributive justice or vengeance. Nemesis 【希腊神话】 复仇女神美国传统〔offer〕He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.他将把收获的第一束稻子献给太阳女神。外研社新世纪〔offer〕He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.他将把收获的第一束稻子献给太阳女神。柯林斯高阶〔personify〕In Greek myth, love is personified by the goddess Aphrodite.在希腊神话中,女神阿佛洛狄忒象征爱情。剑桥高阶〔personify〕The ancient Greeks personified the forces of nature as gods and goddesses.古希腊人将各种自然力视为众神的化身。韦氏高阶〔personify〕The river was personified as a goddess.这条河被人格化,成为一位女神。牛津高阶〔pinnacle〕She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career.她仍然是一位处于事业巅峰期的银幕女神。外研社新世纪〔pinnacle〕She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career.她仍然是一位处于事业巅峰期的银幕女神。柯林斯高阶〔sex goddess〕Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess.拉克尔·韦尔奇作为一名性感女神红极一时。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera.由于揭露此事, 他被女神赫拉弄瞎了眼。外研社新世纪〔strike〕For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera.由于揭露此事,他被女神赫拉弄瞎了眼。柯林斯高阶〔tradition〕According to tradition, the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.根据传说,女神睡在这座山的下面。韦氏高阶〔underworld〕Persephone, goddess of the underworld.冥后珀耳塞福涅柯林斯高阶〔underworld〕Persephone, goddess of the underworld冥后珀耳塞福涅外研社新世纪〔yoni〕A stylized vulva worshiped as a symbol of a goddess or Shakti.女性外阴像:作为女神或莎克蒂象征受到崇拜的女性外阴像美国传统Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love.阿佛洛狄特是古希腊的爱神。剑桥国际Diana, the goddess of hunting. 黛安娜,狩猎女神。译典通In Greek myth, love is personified by the goddess Aphrodite.在希腊神话里,女神阿佛洛狄特象征爱情。剑桥国际It's so embarrassing the way he hangs on her every word as if she were some sort of goddess.他对她所说的句句竖着耳朵听,这样子真叫人难堪。剑桥国际The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.孩子们喜欢听关于希腊罗马神话中的神和女神的故事。剑桥国际 |
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