

单词 建筑工人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕That scaffolding looks unstable - get all the building workers off the site immediately. 那脚手架看上去不太牢固,所有的建筑工人要立即离开工地。朗文写作活用〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕Since the hurricane, builders and roofers have been snowed under with work. 飓风过后,建筑工人和盖屋顶的工人一直忙得团团转。朗文写作活用〔DELAY〕There's been a hold-up with the builders, so the new office won't be ready for several months. 建筑工人有些耽搁,因此新办事处要过几个月才能完工。朗文写作活用〔EQUIPMENT〕The builders have left all their stuff round the back of the house. 建筑工人把他们所有的东西都留在屋后四周。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕The builders said the job would be finished tomorrow, but I don't think that's likely. 建筑工人说明天可以完工,可我认为不可能。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Have you had any previous experience as a construction worker? 你以前有当建筑工人的经验吗?朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕The builders say they should have finished by Friday. 建筑工人说到星期五他们应该完工了。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕Construction workers have to dig a thousand foot hole before work can start on the tunnel. 隧道工程开始以前,建筑工人必须挖出一条1,000英尺的坑道。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕Builders’ sand leaves an orange stain on paths. 建筑工人洒落的沙子在小道上留下了橙色的印迹。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The builders promised the Browns that they would not be inconvenienced for more than two days. 建筑工人们向布朗一家保证,至多两天就不会再打扰他们了。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Construction workers had to spend the night ramming iron girders into place to support the building. 建筑工人不得不花了一晚上用力把支撑大楼的铁梁安装好。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕Builders are carrying out repairs to the roof and walls. 建筑工人正在修补屋顶和墙壁。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕Builders spent several weeks repairing the roof. 建筑工人花了几个星期时间修补屋顶。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The builders’ knocking and hammering made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work. 建筑工人敲敲打打的声音令我难以集中注意力去工作。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Construction workers building the tunnel have encountered a number of obstructions. 修筑隧道的建筑工人遇到了许多障碍。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The builders have propped up the walls with steel beams. 建筑工人得用钢梁把墙壁撑住。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕Dale's a construction worker. You know, that sort of work really takes it out of you. 戴尔是个建筑工人。你知道,那种工作实在是很累人的。朗文写作活用〔apprentice〕I was apprenticed to a builder at 14.我14岁时被一位建筑工人收为学徒。外研社新世纪〔apprentice〕I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen.14岁时,我拜一个建筑工人为师当学徒。柯林斯高阶〔barking mad〕The builder looked at me as though I was barking mad.那个建筑工人瞅着我,好像我哪不对劲儿似的。柯林斯高阶〔bodge〕The builders have made a complete bodge of the kitchen.建筑工人把厨房盖得一团糟。朗文当代〔boomer〕A transient worker, especially in bridge construction.流动工人:暂时的工人,尤指桥梁建筑工人美国传统〔botch〕The builders really botched up our patio.建筑工人把我们的露台做得一塌糊涂。朗文当代〔builder〕Abbr. bldr.One that builds, especially a person who contracts for and supervises the construction of a building.缩写 bldr.建筑工人,建立者:建房的人,尤指负责和监督楼房建设的人美国传统〔builder〕The builders have finished the roof.建筑工人已经封顶了。外研社新世纪〔builder〕The builders have finished the roof.建筑工人已经盖好了房顶。柯林斯高阶〔builder〕The builders will start work tomorrow.建筑工人明天开始工作。麦克米伦高阶〔builder〕We will have to get the builders to repair the wall.我们得找建筑工人来修墙。韦氏高阶〔buttress〕The builders buttressed that wall with stone structures.建筑工人们用石结构加固墙。21世纪英汉〔cheat〕The builders had cheated her by using low-quality materials.建筑工人用劣质材料骗她。麦克米伦高阶〔clang〕In the older part of the city, the clang and bang of the builders goes on all day.在老城区,建筑工人的咣咣当当声每天不绝于耳。柯林斯高阶〔concrete〕Downstairs, the builders have dug and concreted the foundations of a new supporting wall.楼下, 建筑工人们已经挖开并用混凝土浇筑了一面新支承墙的地基。外研社新世纪〔construction〕He was a construction worker on the Channel Tunnel.他是修建英法海底隧道的一名建筑工人。外研社新世纪〔cover〕We spread dust covers over the furniture while the builders were working.建筑工人工作时,我们用防尘罩把家具盖上。牛津搭配〔curiosity〕The arrival of a construction crew at their house attracted/sparked/aroused the curiosity of their neighbors.一群建筑工人来到他们家,这吸引/引发/引起了邻居们的好奇。韦氏高阶〔evidently〕Evidently, the builders had finished and gone home early.很明显,建筑工人干完活提早回家了。朗文当代〔excavate〕The body was discovered when builders excavated the area.建筑工人挖地时发现了这具尸体。牛津高阶〔expensive〕Employing the wrong builder can be a horribly expensive mistake .用错了建筑工人有时是代价昂贵的错误。朗文当代〔foundation〕It took the builders three weeks to lay the foundations .建筑工人花了三星期的时间打地基。朗文当代〔foundation〕The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school.建筑工人正开始给新校舍打地基。牛津高阶〔hammering〕Builders were still hammering outside the window.建筑工人仍在窗外敲敲打打。柯林斯高阶〔hammer〕Builders were still hammering outside the window.建筑工人还在窗外锤打。外研社新世纪〔hardhat〕Informal A construction worker.【非正式用语】 建筑工人美国传统〔have〕She's always having the builders in to do something or other.她总是让建筑工人到家里来干这干那。牛津高阶〔have〕They've got the builders in this week.这星期他们请来了建筑工人。麦克米伦高阶〔high-visibility〕Construction workers will not be allowed on site without protective headgear and high-visibility clothing.建筑工人必须头戴安全帽身穿高能见度外套才被允许进入工地。剑桥高阶〔hole〕The builders had cut holes into the soft stone to support the ends of the beams.建筑工人在软石上挖了洞以支撑梁端。外研社新世纪〔hole〕The builders had cut holes into the soft stone to support the ends of the beams.建筑工人在软石上挖了洞以支撑梁端。柯林斯高阶〔injury〕Building workers risk injury by not wearing helmets.建筑工人不戴安全帽便有受伤的危险。英汉大词典〔ironworker〕A construction worker who builds steel structures.造铁构架的建筑工人美国传统〔labourer〕He got a job as a builder's labourer.他找到了一份建筑工人的工作。牛津搭配〔living〕He makes a good living as a builder.他是建筑工人,生活优裕。牛津搭配〔look〕He was looking for work as a builder.他希望得到一份建筑工人的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔lot〕We've just sacked one lot of builders.我们刚刚解雇了一批建筑工人。外研社新世纪〔lot〕We've just sacked one lot of builders.我们刚炒掉一批建筑工人。柯林斯高阶〔man〕If you're looking for a good builder, he's your man.如果你想找一个好建筑工人, 他正是合适人选。外研社新世纪〔on-site〕We're meeting the contractor on-site tomorrow.我们与建筑工人明天在工地会面。剑桥高阶〔pay〕I think we'll need to pay a builder to take this wall down.我想我们得雇个建筑工人来把这面墙推倒。剑桥高阶〔perch on〕The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.建筑工人在8根细柱上架起轻巧的混凝土穹顶。外研社新世纪〔perched〕The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.建筑工人在8根细柱上架起轻巧的混凝土穹顶。柯林斯高阶〔plot out〕The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses.建筑工人已把这个地区分割成块准备盖房子。21世纪英汉〔plough in〕The builders ploughed in a lot of young trees when they cleared this area for development.为了开发这块地区,建筑工人用犁推土覆盖了许多小树苗。21世纪英汉〔pluck down〕The old building was plucked down by the builders.建筑工人把这座老楼拆了。21世纪英汉〔progress〕How much progress have the builders made on the house? 关于那所房子的建造建筑工人有了多大进展?牛津搭配〔prop〕The builders are trying to prop up the crumbling walls of the church.建筑工人正在设法把快要倒塌的教堂墙壁撑住。朗文当代〔rough〕The builder did a rough sketch of how the new stairs would look.建筑工人画了张新楼梯草图。剑桥高阶〔row〕I can't concentrate because of the row the builders are making.建筑工人弄出那么大噪声,我没法集中注意力。剑桥高阶〔scaffolding〕There are several builders working on the scaffolding.有几名建筑工人在脚手架上作业。牛津搭配〔settle〕Have you settled with the builders when they are to start work? 开工日期你和建筑工人商定了没有? 英汉大词典〔set〕The builders set the panels in carefully.建筑工人小心地把嵌板镶上。英汉大词典〔shipshape〕The builders have gone, but it'll take a while to get things shipshape again.建筑工人走了,但收拾停当还需要一点时间。剑桥高阶〔site〕It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site.建筑工人在现场干活时让他干点额外的活儿, 工钱会便宜一些。外研社新世纪〔son〕My younger son is a builder.我的小儿子是个建筑工人。麦克米伦高阶〔suspend〕The builders worked on wooden platforms, suspended by ropes from the roof of the building.建筑工人站在用绳子从房顶上吊下来的木制平台上作业。剑桥高阶〔take your time〕The builders are really taking their time.那些建筑工人真会磨蹭。剑桥高阶〔thickly〕They had to battle through thick mud to reach construction workers.他们只好挣扎着穿过厚厚的泥巴去找建筑工人。柯林斯高阶〔walk of life〕Members of the gym include lawyers, teachers, plumbers, and hairdressers - people from all (different) walks of life.我们这个俱乐部里有律师,有教师,有建筑工人,有理发师——各行各业的人都有。剑桥高阶〔wolf whistle〕Builders are renowned for wolf-whistling at any woman who walks by.建筑工人们喜欢向每个经过的女性吹挑逗口哨。剑桥高阶〔wolf whistle〕She was fed up with the builders' wolf whistles each morning.每天早上都有建筑工人冲她挑逗地吹口哨,她烦都烦死了。牛津高阶Builders are renowned for wolf-whistling at any woman who walks by.大家知道建筑工人喜欢向走过的任何妇女吹挑逗口哨。剑桥国际Builders came and levelled the shed (= knocked it down and destroyed it completely).建筑工人来了把棚子推倒了。剑桥国际Builders jeer at us even when we're just walking down the street.即使当我们仅仅从街道走过时,建筑工人也嘲笑我们。剑桥国际Each group of construction workers who are working on the building is supervised by its own foreman.每一组负责施工的建筑工人都由各自的工头监督管理。剑桥国际He spent all morning wittering on about what a mess the builders had made in his back yard.他整个早晨都在喋喋不休地讲建筑工人把他的后院弄成了怎样的一团糟。剑桥国际He worked as a builder in Chicogo and remitted half his monthly wage to his family in the Philippines.他在芝加哥做建筑工人,将月工资的一半寄回在菲律宾的家人。剑桥国际I can't do any work with all that noise the builders are making.我因建筑工人弄出的那些噪音而无法做任何工作。剑桥国际I think we'll need to pay a builder to take this wall down 我认为我们将需要付钱给一个建筑工人让他把这堵墙推倒。剑桥国际It took a while to get things shipshape, after the builders had finished in the house.建筑工人在室内完工后,(主人)花了些时间才把东西收拾整齐。剑桥国际It was awful having the builders traipsing through our home every day.每天让建筑工人拖着疲惫的脚步穿过我们家真可怕。剑桥国际The builders have thrown all this dirt about.建筑工人把这些脏东西到处乱扔。剑桥国际The builders used shovels to put the sand and rubble into the hole they had dug.建筑工人用铲子将沙和碎石填入他们挖的坑里。剑桥国际The builders worked from wooden platforms, suspended by ropes from the roof of the house.建筑工人在木制平台上工作,这些平台用绳子吊在房顶下面。剑桥国际The construction workers wore metal helmets for protection. 建筑工人为了防护而带金属头盔。译典通There are a lot of Irishmen working as builders (= people who make buildings) in London.伦敦有许多当建筑工人的爱尔兰人。剑桥国际Those builders are a bunch of cowboys--they made a terrible job of our renovations.那些建筑工人是一帮瞎干的家伙----他们把我们的翻修工作弄得很糟糕。剑桥国际We need to get the hard hats back on the job.我们必须让建筑工人找到工作。牛津商务We've got lawyers in this club, and builders and hairdressers, and there's even an actor --people from all (different) walks of life.我们这个俱乐部成员来自各行各业----有律师、建筑工人、理发师,还有一位演员。剑桥国际Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.建筑工人在挖掘一幢新大楼的地基时偶然发现了那镶嵌画。剑桥国际




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