

单词 new material
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cullet〕Scraps of broken or waste glass gathered for remelting, especially with new material.废碎玻璃:聚集起来被用作熔制破碎的或废弃的玻璃碎片,尤指与新材料一起熔制美国传统〔dig〕Much that is included in them has appeared in other published works, and one must dig hard for reliable new material.这些资料中包括的许多内容在其他已发表作品中都已出现过,所以必须要深入挖掘以找到可靠的新材料。柯林斯高阶〔dig〕Much that is included in them has appeared in other published works, and one must dig hard for reliable new material.它们中包括的许多内容在其他已发表作品中都出现过了, 所以必须要深入挖掘以找到可靠的新材料。外研社新世纪〔evaluate〕We shall need to evaluate how the new material stands up to wear and tear.我们需要对新材料的耐磨损度作出鉴定。剑桥高阶〔experiment with〕He experimented with new materials.他用新材料进行实验。21世纪英汉〔exploit〕The architect has cleverly exploited new materials and building techniques.这位建筑师巧妙地利用了新的材料和建筑技术。牛津搭配〔include〕The latest edition also includes eight pages of new material.最新的版本另附8页新内容。外研社新世纪〔materially〕In my version of the story, I added some new material.我在讲述这个故事时加入了新的素材。柯林斯高阶〔material〕His act contains a lot of new material.他的表演中含有许多新的内容。朗文当代〔material〕In my version of the script, I added some new material.在我这一版的剧本中, 我添加了一些新的素材。外研社新世纪〔material〕The band played all new material at the gig.在现场音乐会上,乐队演奏的都是新曲目。牛津高阶〔material〕The revised edition includes a large amount of new material.修订版增加了大量的新资料。韦氏高阶〔patiently〕The teacher patiently explained the new material.老师耐心地讲解了新教材。韦氏高阶〔pressure〕The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures.新材料使得公司可以生产出耐压力更强的输气管道。剑桥高阶〔unbreakable〕This new material is virtually unbreakable.这种新材料实际上是不碎的。牛津高阶〔warhorse〕I don't understand why a ballet company can't perform fresh new material instead of just bringing out the same old warhorses year after year.我不能理解为什么一个芭蕾舞团不能上演一些新鲜素材的节目,而要年复一年地重演那些老剧目。剑桥高阶Angie has re-covered (= put new material on) the purple settee in the front room.安吉在前房中的紫色沙发上重铺了垫子。剑桥国际I don't understand why a ballet company can't perform fresh new material instead of just bringing out the same old warhorses year after year.我不明白一个芭蕾舞团为何不能表演点新鲜的素材,而只会年复一年地重演同样的剧目。剑桥国际The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures.新材料可以让公司生产出耐压力更强的输气管道。剑桥国际The new material is highly absorbent (=can take in liquids).这种新材料的吸水力很强。剑桥国际We shall need to evaluate how the new material stands up to wear and tear. 我们需要鉴定新布料耐穿和耐磨的程度。剑桥国际




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