

单词 弗斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕Danvers had come to a private agreement with the owners of the land which secured his right to purchase it. 丹弗斯私下里跟这块地的所有人达成了协议,保障他对这块地的购买权。朗文写作活用〔CATCH〕Agents finally caught up with Danvers in Mexico City. 特工终于在墨西哥城追上了丹弗斯。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕On Tuesday, the police officially filed charges against Jeffers. 星期二,警方正式对杰弗斯提出指控。朗文写作活用〔Grand Traverse Bay〕An arm of Lake Michigan in northwest Michigan. It is noted for its boating and fishing.大特拉弗斯湾:密歇根州西北部密歇根湖的一个港湾,以船运和捕鱼而闻名美国传统〔HELLO〕I saw Mrs Trevors in the village, and she didn't even say hello! 我在村里碰见特雷弗斯太太,她竟然连招呼也不打!朗文写作活用〔Haversian canal〕Any of the tiny, interconnecting, longitudinal channels in bone tissue through which blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymphatics pass.哈弗斯骨管:骨组织中血管、神经纤维及淋巴管可以通过的任何细小的、相互连结的纵向通道美国传统〔Haversian system〕A structural unit of bone consisting of a Haversian canal and corresponding lamellae of compact bone.哈弗斯系统:一种由哈弗斯骨管和同心的紧密骨层构成的骨组织结构美国传统〔LETTER〕Yours truly, Donna Deavers 你真诚的唐纳·迪弗斯朗文写作活用〔Miss〕Chivers!—Yes, Miss?奇弗斯!——什么事, 老师?外研社新世纪〔SOLVE〕The Dreyfus case was never completely cleared up. It remains a mystery. 德赖弗斯案从未解破,现在仍然是个谜。朗文写作活用〔Sisyphean〕Greek Mythology Of or relating to Sisyphus.【希腊神话】 西西弗斯的:属于或有关西西弗斯的美国传统〔Sisyphus〕A cruel king of Corinth condemned forever to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again on nearing the top.西西弗斯:科林斯残暴的国王,被判以永远将一块巨石推上海蒂斯的一座小山,而每当接近山顶时,石头又会滚下来美国传统〔UNTRUE〕Zola believed that the case against Dreyfus was trumped-up and utterly false. 佐拉认为不利于德赖弗斯的证据是捏造出来的,完全是假的。朗文写作活用〔above〕Lady Travers was not above helping with the housework when necessary.必要时,特拉弗斯夫人会屈尊帮着做家务。麦克米伦高阶〔bill〕Rufus Wainwright is topping the bill.鲁弗斯・温赖特领衔主演。牛津搭配〔clinic〕Holmes put on a boxing clinic (= gave a very good performance) and beat Shavers twelve out of twelve rounds.霍姆斯在 12 个回合中全胜谢弗斯,如同上了一堂拳击训练课。牛津搭配〔dispatch〕Sergeant Havers was mentioned in dispatches for his courage.中士哈弗斯的英勇行为受到了通报表扬。剑桥高阶〔draw〕Maltravers took a long draw on his cigarette.马尔特拉弗斯长吸了一口烟。朗文当代〔guest〕Dr Gerald Jeffers is the guest speaker.杰拉尔德·杰弗斯博士是特邀演讲人。外研社新世纪〔guest〕Dr Gerald Jeffers is the guest speaker.杰拉尔德·杰弗斯博士是特邀演讲人。柯林斯高阶〔indicate〕Mr Rivers has indicated that he may resign.里弗斯先生暗示他可能会辞职。外研社新世纪〔indicate〕Mr Rivers has indicated that he may resign.里弗斯先生暗示他可能会辞职。柯林斯高阶〔natural〕Although new to television, Rivers seems relaxed and natural.尽管是第一次上电视, 里弗斯显得既放松又自然。外研社新世纪〔other〕I saw Rufus the other day.前些天我看见了鲁弗斯。朗文当代〔prod〕Mrs Travers gave her a prod.特拉弗斯夫人捅了她一下。外研社新世纪〔rehabilitate〕Ten years later, Dreyfus was rehabilitated.十年之后, 德赖弗斯被复职。外研社新世纪〔star〕DeVito stars opposite Dreyfuss in the movie.德维托在这部影片中担任主角,与德赖弗斯演对手戏。朗文当代〔stunned〕Jeffers lay stunned on the floor.杰弗斯昏倒在地板上。麦克米伦高阶〔themselves〕Dr Jeffers' book should give readers a better understanding of themselves.杰弗斯博士的书应该会使读者更清楚地了解自己。麦克米伦高阶〔tooth〕He cut his teeth in the sixties as director of Edinburgh's Traverse Theatre.他 60 年代刚出道时在爱丁堡特拉弗斯剧院担任导演。柯林斯高阶〔unprofessional〕Doctor Rivers was charged with unprofessional conduct and improper use of dangerous drugs.瑞弗斯医生被指控行为违法职业行为准则,并且不当使用危险药物。剑桥高阶〔vein〕In voicing our fear of old age, Rivers has discovered a rich vein of comedy.在表达我们对年老的恐惧时,里弗斯挖掘出了丰富的喜剧元素。朗文当代In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was condemned to push a large rock up a hill from where it always rolled down again.在古希腊神话中,西西弗斯被罚将一块巨石推到山顶,在那儿石头又会滚下来。剑桥国际Sergeant Havers was mentioned in dispatches (= highly praised) for his courage.哈弗斯中士勇气可嘉,名字上了战报。剑桥国际She established a pottery at St Ives, where she made earthenware and stoneware.她在圣艾弗斯建了家陶器厂,生产陶器和粗陶器。剑桥国际




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