

单词 库存
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕Swift fashion changes mean that the shop has to change its stock every six to eight weeks. 时装更新很快,这意味着店铺每六至八个星期就要更新库存。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕It makes very little sense for companies to maintain large inventories these days. 如今公司保持大量库存没有多少意义。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Most of the big downtown stores have rolled back their prices to dispose of winter stock. 为了处理冬季库存,城里大部分大商店都降低了价格。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕He was asked to assign two of his employees to the inventory control department. 他被要求派两名手下去库存管理部。朗文写作活用〔a large/small stock〕They carry a large/small stock of computer software.他们有大量/少量的计算机软件库存。韦氏高阶〔bank〕The blood bank increased after the appeal for blood.经呼吁献血后血浆的库存增加了。英汉大词典〔check〕It's my job to keep a check on stock levels.随时检查库存量是我的工作。剑桥高阶〔clear〕Shops are currently holding sales to clear their summer stock (= get rid of goods by selling them cheaply).现在商店都在搞特价促销来清理夏季库存。剑桥高阶〔cutout〕A recording that is no longer current and whose remaining stock is sold at a discounted price.过时录音:不再流行的录制品,其库存物常被折价出售美国传统〔divert from〕The treasurer diverted funds from the factory's treasury.那个出纳员盗用了工厂的库存资金。21世纪英汉〔divert〕He diverted funds from the company's treasury.他盗用了公司的库存资金。21世纪英汉〔harvest〕Their dwindling stock of rice wouldn't last until the harvest.他们逐渐减少的大米库存撑不到收割的时候。外研社新世纪〔inventory〕Companies have slashed inventories and cut back investment.各公司已经大力削减库存并大幅减少投资。牛津搭配〔inventory〕How can a small business afford to keep so much inventory? 一家小公司怎么能够有这么大的库存量?韦氏高阶〔inventory〕The dealer keeps a large inventory of used cars and trucks.这位经销商有大量的二手轿车和卡车库存。韦氏高阶〔inventory〕The quantity of goods and materials on hand; stock.存货总值:手头上货物和材料的数量;库存美国传统〔inventory〕The store wanted to offer more items but stock less inventory.商店想要摆售更多商品,同时保持较少的库存。牛津搭配〔inventory〕We'll be doing inventory on the collection soon.我们马上要盘点库存。韦氏高阶〔inventory〕We'll be inventorying the collection soon.我们马上要盘点库存。韦氏高阶〔keep a weather eye on〕She kept a weather eye on the stock report.她仔细核查库存报告。韦氏高阶〔lack〕The manager told the shop assistant to work on stock if she lacked a customer.经理告诉店员,要她在没有顾客时整理库存商品。英汉大词典〔low〕Stocks are getting low.库存快耗尽了。朗文当代〔magazine〕The contents of a storehouse, especially a stock of ammunition.库存:库存的东西,尤指库存的军火美国传统〔off-the-shelf〕Of, relating to, or being merchandise carried in stock that is usable without modification.(货物、商品等)库存的,现成的:(货物、商品等)在库存中无需修改、修饰而现成可用的或与此有关的美国传统〔remainder〕To dispose of as a remainder.以库存书处理美国传统〔repertory〕Something stored in or as if in such a place; a stock or collection.库存:在仓库或类似仓库的地方贮存的东西;库存物或收藏品美国传统〔replenish〕Thousands of tons of cereals are needed to replenish stocks.需要成千上万吨谷类补充库存。外研社新世纪〔replenish〕Three hundred thousand tons of cereals are needed to replenish stocks.需要30万吨谷类补充库存。柯林斯高阶〔right〕The inventory situation was righting itself.库存局面在恢复正常。英汉大词典〔run down〕But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products.但是调查也显示,各公司正在减少库存,而没有生产新的产品。柯林斯高阶〔run down〕The company has been running down its factories/inventory.这家公司一直在减少它的工厂/库存。韦氏高阶〔sell〕He was forced to sell up his entire stock of hardware.他被迫卖掉他的全部库存五金。英汉大词典〔sell〕The store sold off its summer stock to be ready for the winter goods.那家商店削价出售库存夏令商品,准备购进冬令货物。英汉大词典〔stock〕Do you stock green tea? 你们的库存有绿茶吗?牛津高阶〔stock〕Our store stocks only the finest goods.我们店只库存最精致的货物。韦氏高阶〔stock〕Schools have reports, colleges have assessments, businesses take stock.中小学校有成绩单, 大学有评价报告, 公司则编制库存清单。外研社新世纪〔stock〕Stocks of ammunition were running low.弹药的库存正在减少。柯林斯高阶〔stock〕That item is a stock model.那个是库存的样品。韦氏高阶〔stock〕They're getting rid of their old stock.他们正处理旧的库存。牛津搭配〔stock〕We do not stock those items in this shop.我们这家店没有那些商品的库存。外研社新世纪〔stock〕We've sold thousands and we're out of stock.我们卖了几千件, 现在没库存了。外研社新世纪〔storekeeper〕One who is in charge of receiving or distributing stores or supplies, such as military or naval supplies.仓库管理员:负责接收或发放库存商品或供应(如军事或航海供应)之人美国传统〔surety〕The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety.该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或长期国库券作为担保。柯林斯高阶〔system〕We are implementing a new system of stock control.我们实施的是一种新的库存管理制度。牛津搭配〔turnover〕We want to find ways to speed up inventory turnover.我们想寻找加快库存周转的途径。韦氏高阶〔un-〕Dealers across the country continue to complain about huge stocks of unsold cars.全国各地的经销商持续抱怨汽车大量库存卖不出去。柯林斯高阶A new range was launched and a number of products were destocked.一个新的系列推出了,多个产品的库存数量减少了。牛津商务All stock is sold ex warehouse.所有库存均以仓库交货价出售。牛津商务Before the industry adopted just-in-time, many electronics firms held large stocks of components.在这行业采用适时制之前,许多电子公司库存大批元件。牛津商务Companies that once kept months of safety stock now get by with days.过去保有数月安全库存的公司现在仅靠几天的库存量在维持。牛津商务For prices and stockists email: info@ouptext.com.查询价格和有库存的批发商或零售商,请发电邮到以下地址:info @ ouptext.com。牛津商务Her job was processing orders, sending out invoices and tracking inventory.她的工作是处理订单、寄送发票和跟踪库存。牛津商务If sales fall, dealers will cut back their lean inventories of new cars even further.如果销售量下降,经销商将进一步削减本来已经很低的新车库存。牛津商务If the order point is set at 10, an order is placed when the inventory level falls below 10.如果订货点是 10,那么库存水平降到 10 以下就要订货。牛津商务If this product does fewer than 12 stock turns a year, it is overstocked.如果这一产品每年的存货周转次数少于 12 次,就是库存过多了。牛津商务In the event of such a ruling, the court may sequestrate the stock.如果作出这一裁决,法庭可能会扣押这批库存。牛津商务Increased use of oil by refineries accounted for some, but not all, of the stock draw.炼油厂日益增加的石油用量是动用库存的一个原因,而不是全部原因。牛津商务Manufacturers are trying to lower their stocks of finished goods.制造商正设法减少其库存的成品。牛津商务Many manufacturers were forced to destock after a downturn in demand.许多制造商被迫在需求下降后减少库存。牛津商务Many supermarkets have computer systems to improve stock control and give quick and accurate information on sales.许多超市都用电脑系统来改进库存管理并就销售情况给出快速而准确的信息。剑桥国际Melissa's furniture is in store until she buys a house.在梅利莎买到房子前,她的家具都库存着。剑桥国际Once we have checked the stock, we enter the data into the computer.我们一旦查看了库存,就将数据输入计算机。牛津商务Options such as colour and size do not affect a product's SKU.产品的颜色和尺码的不同不影响其库存单位。牛津商务Production has fallen and stocks have become severely depleted.产量下降而且库存已经严重不足。牛津商务Several online retailers have sold out of their stock of the software.几家在线零售商已经将他们库存的软件都卖完了。牛津商务She works in stock control.她在库存管理部门工作。牛津商务Some of the stock was only slightly damaged and was sold as salvage.某些库存仅受到轻微损坏,当作残货出售。牛津商务Stock control and financial data is updated directly from the EPOS terminal.库存控制和财务数据的更新直接来自于电子销售点终端。牛津商务The aim of just-in-time manufacturing is to keep stocks of parts and finished goods to a minimum.适时生产的目的是将零部件和制成品的库存量减到最低。牛津商务The company has dropped its prices in an attempt to clear out its inventory (= its supply of products).公司降价以清理库存的货品。牛津商务The company has launched over 50 new SKUs this year.公司今年已推出了 50 多种新的库存单位产品。牛津商务The company has no factories, no inventory, no delivery trucks and no sales force.这家公司没有工厂、没有库存、没有送货卡车、没有销售人员。牛津商务The company must include an inventory and valuation of its capital assets in the financial statement.公司的财务报表里必须包含资本资产库存估价。牛津商务The drop in inventory-to-sales ratios are positive for the economy.库存销售比下降对经济会产生积极的影响。牛津商务The industry has become much better at inventory control.这一行业在库存控制方面已更加完善。牛津商务The jeans shop is selling off old stock.这牛仔服店正在减价出售老的库存。剑桥国际The people at the toy shop expect to shift (= sell) a lot of stock in the run-up to Christmas.玩具店的员工希望能在圣诞节的购物热潮中卖掉一大堆的库存货物。剑桥国际The software can improve inventory management and cash flow.这个软件可以改善库存管理和现金流。牛津商务The store cut its prices to get rid of unsold stock.这家商店降价处理其未售库存。牛津商务These systems track and trace inventory through the supply chain.这些系统通过供应链跟踪库存情况。牛津商务They cut prices drastically to try and shift stock.他们大幅度降价,试图把库存卖掉。牛津商务They have cut costs by adopting stricter inventory control practices.他们采用更为严格的库存控制措施以削减了成本。牛津商务They wanted to achieve 14 inventory turns a year.他们想要达到每年库存周转 14 次。牛津商务They're selling off last year's stock at half price.他们以半价出售去年的库存。剑桥国际They're trying to get old stock off their hands by cutting prices.他们降价抛出库存。剑桥国际They've got several nice Bordeaux in stock.他们库存中有好几种上好的波尔多葡萄酒。剑桥国际We are cutting stock as we move towards a pull system defined by customer orders.当我们转向使用由顾客订单决定的拉动系统时,库存量降低了。牛津商务We calculate the economic order quantity for each stock item.我们会计算每种库存商品的经济订货量。牛津商务We have a fast turnover of stock.我们的库存周转很快。牛津商务We have a massive stock overhang in children's wear.我们的儿童服装有大量的库存积压。牛津商务We have cut our prices in an attempt to reduce excess stock.我们已降价以减少过多的库存。牛津商务We have now increased our buffer stocks, and should not have any shortages.我们现在已经增加了缓冲库存,不应该再有任何短缺问题。牛津商务We hold stocks equivalent to 90 days of forward demand.我们持有相当于 90 天远期需求的库存。牛津商务We keep safety stock as a buffer against stock-outs.我们保持安全库存以防止商品脱销。牛津商务We need to step up production to increase stocks.我们必须增加产量以提高库存。牛津商务We stock the whole range of model railway accessories.我们库存有全部铁路附件产品样品。剑桥国际We're running short of stock so we'd better put in an order.库存不多了,因此我们最好订一批货。牛津商务




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