

单词 尤为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Buddhism〕The religion represented by the many groups, especially numerous in Asia, that profess varying forms of this doctrine and that venerate Buddha.佛教:由许多派别代表的宗教,在亚洲尤为广泛,信奉该宗教的各种形式并崇拜佛美国传统〔ENJOY〕Most people delight in a bit of scandal, especially when it involves public figures. 大多数人都是有点丑闻就津津乐道,涉及公众人物的时候尤为如此。朗文写作活用〔ESPECIALLY〕Paris is always full of tourists, especially during the summer months. 巴黎总是到处都是游客,夏天的几个月尤为如此。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕After-school childcare is an area of particular importance to many working mothers. 儿童课外托管对于许多上班的妈妈来说尤为重要。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Malaria is particularly common near swamps where mosquitoes can breed. 疟疾在繁殖蚊子的湿地附近尤为普遍。朗文写作活用〔acute〕The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.贫困问题在农村地区尤为严重。剑桥高阶〔advertise〕His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose.他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。柯林斯高阶〔all-time〕Interest rates are at an all-time high.利率尤为历史最高。麦克米伦高阶〔all〕Clayton's achievement is all the more remarkable when you consider his poor performance last season.鉴于上一赛季的糟糕表现,克莱顿的成就显得尤为突出。朗文当代〔called〕He called it particularly cynical to begin releasing the hostages on Christmas Day.他认为在圣诞节这天开始释放人质尤为讽刺。柯林斯高阶〔concerning〕It is particularly concerning that he is working for non-British companies while advising on foreign policy.让人尤为不安的是,他在提供外交政策咨询的同时却又供职于一些外国公司。柯林斯高阶〔dated〕Spy thrillers with plots based on the Cold War look particularly dated nowadays.冷战题材的惊险间谍影片现在看起来尤为老套。剑桥高阶〔drop cloth〕A sheet, as of cloth or plastic, for protection against spills or dripping, used especially by painters.罩单:用于防溅或防滴的布片塑料布,尤为油漆工所用美国传统〔epaulet〕A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms.肩章:肩上的装饰物,尤为军服上有流苏的肩带美国传统〔especially〕It is especially/specially important to remember this.记住这一点尤为重要。牛津高阶〔extra-special〕I took extra-special care over it.我对它尤为呵护。外研社新世纪〔fact〕Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.考虑到妇女婚后常常被迫放弃有偿工作,志愿工作就尤为重要。牛津搭配〔flourish〕The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climates.这种植物在气候条件稍差一点的地区长得尤为茂盛。外研社新世纪〔formula〕Mathematics A statement, especially an equation, of a fact, rule, principle, or other logical relation.【数学】 公式,程式:表示普遍事实、规律、法则或其它逻辑联系的陈述,尤为一等式美国传统〔hardness〕California's been particularly hard hit by the recession.加利福尼亚受经济衰退的影响尤为严重。柯林斯高阶〔hard〕California's been particularly hard hit by the recession.加利福尼亚受经济衰退的影响尤为严重。外研社新世纪〔hazardous〕Lead is especially hazardous to unborn babies.铅对未出生的婴儿尤为有害。外研社新世纪〔hip boot〕A very high boot extending to the hips, worn especially by fishers.高统靴:长及髋骨的靴子,尤为渔民经常穿着美国传统〔hit〕The freeze on wages hit skilled workers particularly hard.工资冻结对熟练工人的打击尤为沉重。英汉大词典〔impressively〕The Socialists performed impressively in the elections.社会党人在选举中的表现尤为出色。外研社新世纪〔in the light of〕It's a particularly important topic in light of recent events.由于最近发生的几件事,这个话题变得尤为重要。韦氏高阶〔kohl〕A cosmetic preparation, such as powdered antimony sulfide, used especially in Middle Eastern countries to darken the rims of the eyelids.眼圈粉:一种化妆品,如硫化锑粉,用来涂黑眼睑,在中东地区尤为常见美国传统〔laughline〕A lasting wrinkle or collection of wrinkles formed at the outer corner of the eye, especially noticeable when one laughs or smiles.笑纹:在外眼角形成的永久性皱纹或细纹,大笑或微笑时尤为明显美国传统〔lean〕It has been a particularly lean year for the education department.对教育部而言这是尤为不景气的一年。剑桥高阶〔mineral oil〕Any of various light hydrocarbon oils, especially a distillate of petroleum.矿物油:一种轻碳氢油,尤为石油的蒸馏物美国传统〔nose job〕Plastic surgery on the nose, especially to improve its appearance; rhinoplasty.鼻子整形手术:在鼻子上的做的整形手术,尤为改变其外表美国传统〔noticeable〕This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients.这种作用在年轻一些的病人身上尤为明显。牛津高阶〔other〕These two books will be especially useful for editors, journalists and other professional users of the language.这两本书将对编辑、记者及其他使用该语言的专业人士尤为有用。剑桥高阶〔perceptual〕Perceptual skills are particularly important in sports.在体育运动中,感知能力尤为重要。剑桥高阶〔pertinent〕The last point is particularly pertinent to today's discussion.最后一点和今天的讨论关系尤为密切。朗文当代〔poignancy〕The anniversary of the flood has a special poignancy in the town that suffered the most damage.洪灾周年纪念令这个灾情最严重的小镇感到尤为痛楚。韦氏高阶〔precious〕Her family's support is particularly precious to Josie.家人的支持对乔茜而言尤为珍贵。外研社新世纪〔precious〕Her family's support is particularly precious to Josie.家庭的支持对乔茜来说尤为可贵。柯林斯高阶〔preference〕Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan.许多人表示尤为喜欢原计划。牛津高阶〔prevalent〕These prejudices are particularly prevalent among people living in the North.这些偏见在北方人中尤为常见。牛津高阶〔prime〕Good management is of prime importance in business.良好的经营管理在商业领域尤为重要。朗文当代〔priority〕The customer is high on our list of priorities .顾客在我们的心目中尤为重要。朗文当代〔roach〕A hairstyle especially among certain Native American peoples in which the head is shaved except for a strip from front to back across the top.拱状发型:一种发型,在某些美国土著民族中尤为常见,除从前到后在头顶留一条头发外其余头发全都剃掉美国传统〔satellite〕Genetics A short segment of a chromosome separated from the rest by a constriction, typically associated with the formation of a nucleolus.【遗传学】 随体:由于收缩,从染色体本身分离出来的一段短的部分,与细胞的形成尤为相关美国传统〔scorn〕He reserved particular scorn for the director.他对那位主任尤为不屑。牛津搭配〔shine〕The play has a very strong cast, but two actors in particular shine out.这部戏的演员阵容十分强大,其中有两名尤为突出。剑桥高阶〔stomacher〕A heavily embroidered or jeweled garment formerly worn over the chest and stomach, especially by women.胸兜:旧时穿于胸腹之前的重绣或镶宝石的衣物,尤为妇女所穿美国传统〔susceptible〕Diesel exhaust is particularly aggravating to many susceptible individuals.对敏感体质而言, 柴油机排出的废气尤为恼人。外研社新世纪〔tai chi〕A Chinese system of physical exercises designed especially for self-defense and meditation.太极:一种尤为防身和冥想而设计的中国体育锻炼体系美国传统〔takeoff〕The postwar takeoff was particularly painful.战后的经济起飞尤为艰苦。英汉大词典〔together〕The two together are particularly deadly.二者相加尤为致命。柯林斯高阶〔topicality〕The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical.油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。柯林斯高阶〔topical〕The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical.油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。外研社新世纪〔touched〕She was especially touched by the chairman's appeal.主席的呼吁使她尤为感动。牛津搭配〔two-faced〕The scientists saw the public as being particularly two-faced about animal welfare in view of the way domestic animals are treated.鉴于家养动物所受的待遇,科学家认为公众在动物福利的问题上尤为言行不一。柯林斯高阶〔vulnerability〕Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.老年人是社会中尤为明显的弱势群体。柯林斯高阶〔vulnerable〕Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.老年人是社会中尤为弱势的群体。外研社新世纪〔worst〕The people most closely affected are the passengers who were injured and, worst of all, those who lost relatives.受影响最大的是受伤的乘客,那些失去亲人的乘客尤为甚。柯林斯高阶He has a great liking for sweet food.他对甜的食物尤为偏爱。剑桥国际I'm particularly interested in the linguistic development of young children.我对小孩子语言能力的发展尤为感兴趣。剑桥国际Price-cutting was especially prevalent in labour-intensive industries.降价在劳动密集型产业中尤为常见。牛津商务The congestion in the city gets even worse during the summer.夏天城市交通阻塞尤为严重。剑桥国际The final stage of the hunt when the fox is dragged out of its hole and killed by the hounds seems particularly cruel.狩猎活动以狐狸从洞里被拖出,并被猎狗杀害而告终,这显得尤为残酷。剑桥国际The lower tax rate is particularly advantageous to poorer families.较低的税率对贫穷家庭尤为有益。剑桥国际The price rise affected the Third World Countries with special severity. 价格的上涨对第三世界国家的影响尤为严重。译典通Their worries were chiefly about money. 他们尤为金钱发愁。译典通While all the desserts are pretty good, the clear standout is the lemon pie.所有的甜食都相当好,但这柠檬派尤为出众。剑桥国际




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