

单词 尚早
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔early〕It is too early to predict whether the unemployment rate has peaked.要预测失业率是否已经达到最高点还为时尚早。麦克米伦高阶〔early〕It's (too) early in the day to know whether the new book is a success or not.现在就确定这本新书是否成功为时尚早。英汉大词典〔early〕It's too early to declare his efforts a success.现在宣布他的工作取得成功还为时尚早。外研社新世纪〔early〕The chances of Francis eventually becoming manager of England are perhaps higher. It is early days, of course, and he has yet to win anything.弗朗西斯最终成为英格兰队主教练的几率可能更高。当然,现在这样说为时尚早,他还没赢过呢。柯林斯高阶〔judgement〕It is too soon to reach any definitive judgement.要作出最终判断还为时尚早。牛津搭配〔jump the gun〕They've only just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already? 他们刚认识——现在就谈婚论嫁是不是为时尚早?剑桥高阶〔outcome〕It's too early to know the outcome of her illness.要知道她的病情预后如何现在为时尚早。外研社新世纪〔predict〕It is still too early to predict the degree to which prices will rise.预测价格上涨的幅度还为时尚早。牛津搭配〔premium〕It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.现在说保险费是否会受到影响还为时尚早。外研社新世纪〔read〕It's too soon to read what will happen.现在预言将发生什么,为时尚早。英汉大词典〔rush〕It's all too soon; you're rushing your fences.这为时尚早, 你太急性子了。外研社新世纪〔soon〕It's too soon to tell what will happen.现在就说会发生什么还为时尚早。韦氏高阶〔sound〕Others consider the move premature and have sounded a note of caution.其他人认为采取行动为时尚早, 对此提出了警告。外研社新世纪〔speak〕Maybe I spoke too soon about that Board of Health thing.也许我来谈卫生委员会的事情还言之尚早。外研社新世纪〔speculate〕It would be premature to speculate as to the outcome at this stage.这个时候就推测结果还为时尚早。牛津搭配〔stage〕At this stage, it's too early to comment.此时此刻进行评论为时尚早。外研社新世纪It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。译典通




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