

单词 尖顶
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blockhouse〕A fort made of squared timbers with a projecting upper story.木堡:用方木做成的带有突出尖顶的堡垒美国传统〔capuche〕A hood on a cloak, especially the long, pointed cowl worn by a Capuchin monk.嘉布遣尖顶风帽:连在披风上的兜帽,尤指嘉布遣会修士戴的长而尖的风帽美国传统〔cuspidation〕Decoration with cusps.尖顶饰:以尖顶装饰美国传统〔cusp〕Architecture The point of intersection of two ornamental arcs or curves, such as the inner points of a trefoil.【建筑学】 尖顶:两条装饰性弧线或曲线的交叉点,如三叶饰的内尖顶美国传统〔finial〕An ornamental terminating part, such as the screw on top of a lampshade.尖顶饰:装饰性的结束部分,例如灯罩顶上的螺丝美国传统〔finial〕Architecture An ornament fixed to the peak of an arch or arched structure.【建筑学】 尖顶饰:固定在拱或拱状建筑物顶端的装饰品美国传统〔flourishing〕He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.他一下子把尖顶帽从胳膊下面掏出来戴在头上,然后把帽檐拉低盖住眼睛。柯林斯高阶〔flèche〕A slender spire, especially one on a church above the intersection of the nave and transepts.尖塔:一种纤细的尖顶,尤指教堂的中殿与十字形耳堂相交处的上部的塔尖美国传统〔form〕We glimpsed the profile of the church steeple against the last glow of the sunset.我们瞥见在最后的晚霞的衬托下的教堂尖顶。美国传统〔glimpse〕Every so often she got a fleeting(=very quick) glimpse of the church steeple through the trees.她偶尔瞥一眼树木掩映下的教堂的尖顶。麦克米伦高阶〔lancet arch〕An arch that is narrow and pointed like the head of a spear.尖顶拱:象矛尖一样狭窄而尖的拱美国传统〔lancet window〕A tall, narrow window set in a lancet arch.尖顶窗:在尖顶拱上所建的高且窄的窗户美国传统〔lancet〕A lancet arch.尖顶拱美国传统〔lancet〕A lancet window.尖顶窗美国传统〔obelisk〕A tall, four-sided shaft of stone, usually tapered and monolithic, that rises to a point.方尖石碑:升到一点的四面体高塔或碑石,常为尖顶和由整块石料的美国传统〔peak〕The pointed summit of a mountain.山顶,顶峰:山峰的尖顶美国传统〔pen point〕The point or tip of a pen.笔尖:一支笔的尖端或尖顶美国传统〔pike〕A hill with a pointed summit.尖顶山:有尖顶峰的山美国传统〔pinnacle〕Architecture A small turret or spire on a roof or buttress.【建筑学】 小尖塔,尖顶:房顶或供壁的小塔或尖塔美国传统〔pointy〕Don't try to argue when you find yourself at the pointy end of a knife(= when sb is threatening you with a knife).有人用刀尖顶着你时,不要试图去争辩。牛津高阶〔prick〕The spires of churches prick up through the greenery.教堂的尖顶耸立在绿树丛中。英汉大词典〔score〕Soldiers using a multiple rocket launcher scored a direct hit on the steeple of a church.士兵们使用多管火箭筒直接击中一所教堂的尖顶。外研社新世纪〔seamount〕An underwater mountain rising from the ocean floor and having a peaked or flat-topped summit below the surface of the sea.海(底)山:海水下突出海底的山脉,有低于海平面的尖顶或平顶山峰美国传统〔skiff〕A flatbottom open boat of shallow draft, having a pointed bow and a square stern and propelled by oars, sail, or motor.轻舟,快艇:平底无篷的浅槽小船,具有尖顶船头和宽船尾,由浆、帆或马达驱动美国传统〔soar〕The steeple soars skyward.尖顶高高耸立。柯林斯高阶〔spire〕A top part or point that tapers upward; a pinnacle.尖塔、尖顶:向上逐渐变尖的顶端或顶点;小尖塔美国传统〔steeple〕A tall tower forming the superstructure of a building, such as a church or temple, and usually surmounted by a spire.尖塔:构成建筑物,如教堂或寺庙的顶部建筑的高塔,通常上有尖顶美国传统〔stocking cap〕A close-fitting knitted cap that resembles a stocking and often has a long tapering tail with a tassel attached.锥形绒线帽,编织帽:一种似长袜的紧贴的织帽,常有系着流苏或丝带的长的尖顶美国传统〔straighten out〕No one would dream of straightening out the knobbly spire of our church.谁都无法将我们教堂疙瘩嶙峋的尖顶弄直。外研社新世纪〔straighten〕No one would dream of straightening out the knobbly spire at Empingham Church.谁都无法将埃姆平汉教堂疙瘩嶙峋的尖顶弄直。柯林斯高阶〔terminal〕An ornamental figure or object placed at the end of a larger structure; a finial.端饰:大的建筑物末端的装饰像或装饰物;尖顶饰美国传统〔thrust〕A church spire thrust upwards.教堂的尖顶向上高耸。麦克米伦高阶〔top〕A toy having one end tapered to a point, allowing it to be spun, as by suddenly pulling a string wound around it.陀螺:一种尖顶的玩具,在突然拖动或用绳抽击的情况下能不断转动美国传统〔uprise〕As we approached the city, the spires of tall buildings uprose as if to greet us.我们行近城市时,高楼大厦的尖顶便像前来欢迎我们似地出现在我们面前。英汉大词典〔within〕The cathedral spire was now within sight (= it could be seen).已经可以看到教堂的尖顶了。剑桥高阶Eight chapels surround the main church, and the spires and brightly coloured exteriors create a fairy-tale effect.八个小教堂环绕着主教堂,教堂的尖顶和色彩亮丽的外观创造出一种如同神话世界一般的效果。剑桥国际He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires. 他可以看到肮脏的屋顶、工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶。译典通The cathedral spire can be seen from miles away, sticking up into the sky.教堂那直指天空的尖顶在数英里外便能看见。剑桥国际The cathedral spire was within sight (= it could be seen) and we knew we only had another few miles to go.大教堂的尖顶在视线之内了,我们知道只要再走几英里就到了。剑桥国际The church spire was struck by lightning.教堂的尖顶遭到了雷击。剑桥国际




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