

单词 征性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Jolly Roger〕A black flag bearing the emblematic white skull and crossbones of a pirate ship.海盗黑旗,骷髅旗:海盗船上的黑旗,饰有白色头骨和交叉股骨的象征性图案美国传统〔LITTLE〕Tickets for the concert are a nominal $3 for students. 这场音乐会的学生票是象征性的3美元。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕We are allowed to use the tennis courts for a nominal fee. 我们只需象征性地付点费用就能使用这个网球场。朗文写作活用〔Sacramentarian〕One who regards the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist as only the metaphorical, and not the physical, body and blood of Jesus.圣礼象征主义论者:认为圣餐面包和酒只是象征性的而非耶稣的真正身躯和血液的人美国传统〔attack〕These verbs mean to set upon, physically or figuratively.这些动词都表示实际或象征性地攻击。美国传统〔baptism〕A religious sacrament marked by the symbolic use of water and resulting in admission of the recipient into the community of Christians.洗礼,浸礼:宗教圣礼,象征性地用水洗浴,以表示受洗者被接受入基督教团体美国传统〔catharsis〕A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience.情绪的净化:情绪的净化或象征性清洗,尤指遗憾和恐惧,亚里土多德把他描述为悲剧对观众情绪的影响美国传统〔charge〕This service is available at a nominal charge.这项服务只象征性地收费。牛津搭配〔chiral〕Of or relating to the structural characteristic of a molecule that makes it impossible to superimpose it on its mirror image.对掌性的,手征性的:一种特征为不能和自身的镜像重叠的分子结构或与之相关的美国传统〔cross〕A symbolic representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified.十字架上的图象:耶稣被钉死在上面的十字架的象征性图象美国传统〔emblematic〕Of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.象征的:象征的、与象征有关的或作为象征的;象征性的美国传统〔exchange〕Some resisted fiercely, others fled after a token exchange.有些人拼命抵抗,有些人则象征性地打了几枪就逃跑了。英汉大词典〔fee〕We had to pay a nominal fee to join the club.加入这个俱乐部,我们得象征性地交点儿费。牛津搭配〔gesture〕Gesture may be deliberate or symbolic.打手势可有有意或者象征性之分。英汉大词典〔gesture〕Tearing up the price list was simply a symbolic gesture .撕碎价格表只是一种象征性的表示。朗文当代〔gesture〕They lit candles as a symbolic gesture.他们象征性地点燃蜡烛。外研社新世纪〔glyph〕A symbolic figure that is usually engraved or incised.雕刻的文字:常为印刻或雕刻的象征性文字美国传统〔indicative〕The novelist, despite being the only candidate, is an interesting and indicative choice.尽管这位小说家是唯一的候选人,他之终于入选很有意义,而且具有象征性。英汉大词典〔kleptomania〕An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need, usually arising from an unconscious symbolic value associated with the stolen item.偷窃狂:一种不考虑经济需要的持续的要去偷窃的神经冲动,通常由与被偷窃的物品相关的无意识的象征性价值引起美国传统〔loaded〕The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.总统之行充满象征性意义。柯林斯高阶〔metaphorical〕Everyone breathed a metaphorical sigh of relief.每个人都象征性地舒了一口气。麦克米伦高阶〔nominal〕A nominal charge is made for use of the tennis courts.使用这些网球场只收取象征性的一点费用。朗文当代〔nominal〕For a nominal fee, they will deliver orders to customers' homes.他们只象征性地收点费用就可以送货上门。剑桥高阶〔nominal〕We only pay a nominal rent.我们只象征性地付一点租金。牛津高阶〔particularity〕The quality or state of being particular rather than general.特征性,特殊:特殊而非普通的性质或状态美国传统〔peppercorn rent〕They paid only a peppercorn rent.他们只是象征性地支付了租金。外研社新世纪〔perfunctory〕The operator answered the phone with a perfunctory greeting.接线员接通电话,象征性的打了招呼美国传统〔poetry〕The essence or characteristic quality of a poem.诗的特征,诗的意境:一首诗的精髓或特征性的品质美国传统〔price〕There is a nominal charge for postage and handling.对于邮寄和搬运象征性的收费。美国传统〔recognizance〕The magistrate set a mere token recognizance on the prisoner.地方治安承审员准许被拘留人缴纳一笔纯属象征性的保证金后开释。英汉大词典〔removal〕In a symbolic move, the new government ordered the removal of the dictator's statue.作为象征性的举动,新政府下令移走独裁者的塑像。牛津搭配〔representation〕The clock in the painting is a symbolic representation of the passage of time.画上的时钟是对光阴流逝的象征性描绘。朗文当代〔slap〕A nominal or token punishment.名义上或象征性的惩罚美国传统〔substantive〕These changes are more symbolic than substantive.这些转变与其说是实质性的,不如说是象征性的。韦氏高阶〔sum〕The charity pays a nominal sum to lease the premises.该慈善机构象征性地支付了一点儿钱,租用了这片地产。牛津搭配〔symbolically〕The move today was largely symbolic.今天的举动在很大程度上只是象征性的。柯林斯高阶〔symbolic〕Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a symbolic gesture than as a real threat.派来500人的部队,只是一个象征性的举动,并不构成实质性的威胁。剑桥高阶〔symbolic〕It was a largely symbolic gesture from a government trying to win support.这在很大程度上是一个希望赢得支持的政府所作出的象征性姿态。朗文当代〔symbolic〕The move today was largely symbolic.今天的行动很大程度上是象征性的。外研社新世纪〔symbolic〕The new regulations are largely symbolic(= they will not have any real effect).新的制度基本上是象征性的。牛津高阶〔symbolic〕The role of monarch is a purely symbolic one.君主的作用纯粹是象征性的。牛津搭配〔symbolism〕The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.符号使用,象征使用:用符号来代表事物的方法或赋于物体、事件或关系象征性意义或重要性的作法美国传统〔synonym〕A word or an expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another.换喻词:作为另一个词的比喻或象征性意义的代替词或短语美国传统〔tokenism〕The policy of making only a perfunctory effort or symbolic gesture toward the accomplishment of a goal, such as racial integration.表面文章:一种只对一个要完成的目标、如种族融合而作一些随意的努力或象征性的姿态的策略美国传统〔token〕A small token payment will keep the bank happy.象征性地付点钱,银行就会满意了。朗文当代〔token〕Miners have staged a two-hour token stoppage to demand better pay and conditions… 矿工们举行了两小时的象征性停工,以要求提高工资和改善工作条件。柯林斯高阶〔token〕The ad campaign features a few token minorities.这场广告宣传运动凸显的是几个象征性的少数族裔。韦氏高阶〔token〕The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.该公告被认为是向正确方向迈进的一步,因而受到欢迎,但也被普遍看作是一种象征性的姿态。柯林斯高阶〔token〕The government agreed to send a small token force to the area.政府同意派遣一小支象征性的部队到那一地区。牛津高阶〔token〕The troops in front of us either surrendered or offered only token (= not much) resistance.我们前面的军队要么投降,要么只作了象征性的抵抗。剑桥高阶〔token〕There was only a token protest against the new system.这项新制度只引起了象征性的抗议。麦克米伦高阶〔token〕They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.他们是唯一为波罗的海沿岸国家争取哪怕是象征性承认的国家。剑桥高阶〔token〕We charge only a token fee for use of the facilities.我们对使用这些设施只收取象征性的费用。牛津高阶〔token〕We received a token wage.我们领到一点象征性工资。外研社新世纪〔token〕You described her as the token woman on the shortlist.你把她形容为入围名单上象征性的女性人选。柯林斯高阶〔token〕You described her as the token woman on the shortlist.你把她说成入围名单 上的象征性女性人选。外研社新世纪At the time they were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states’independence.在那个时候他们是唯一为波罗的海沿岸国家的独立得到哪怕是象征性的承认而争辩的国家。剑桥国际Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a symbolic gesture than as a real threat.派来500人的部队与其说是一种威胁,不如说是一种象征性的姿态。剑桥国际He said he hoped the president would agree to at least a token U.S. troop presence in the area.他说他希望总统至少会同意美国象征性地在这个地区驻留军队。剑桥国际I suppose having a trophy girlfriend makes him feel younger.我想有一个象征性的女友会使他感到更年轻些。剑桥国际Michael and Stephanie pay a peppercorn rent for their cottage in the moors.迈克尔和斯蒂法尼住山村的小屋只象征性地付一些租金。剑桥国际The forces in front of us either surrendered or offered token resistance.我们面前的军队要么投降要么作象征性的抵抗。剑桥国际The symbolic importance of the release of the first two hostages cannot be overestimated.释放头两名人质的象征性价值评价再高也不过份。剑桥国际The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.事实上他们只象征性地任命了一些女性担任管理工作。剑桥国际The union called a one-day token strike. 工会发动了持续一天的象征性罢工。译典通There will only be a nominal admission fee for the concert.这次音乐会将只收象征性的入场费。剑桥国际They paid a nominal sum of 1 cent per share.他们每股象征性地支付了 1 分钱。牛津商务They pay a nominal fee. 他们象征性地付一点费。译典通We make a token (= very small) charge for this service.这项服务我们只是象征性地收取费用。牛津商务We only pay a nominal rent for the office space.对办公场地,我们只支付象征性的一点租金。牛津商务Women at this time had only a token representation on the committee.目前妇女只是委员会里象征性的代表。剑桥国际




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