

单词 many countries
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕In many countries there is still a strong social stigma attached to homosexuality. 在许多国家,同性恋仍被社会认为是一种奇耻大辱。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕In many countries today only a privileged minority get the chance of going to university. 在当今许多国家,只有少数享有特权的人才有机会上大学。朗文写作活用〔FAIRLY/QUITE〕The disease is still fairly common in many countries. 这种疾病在许多国家仍相当常见。朗文写作活用〔LATE〕Many countries are in arrears with their contributions. 许多国家拖欠捐款。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The case of Thailand illustrates why family planning programs have been so successful in many countries. 泰国的例子说明了计划生育为什么能在多个国家取得成功。朗文写作活用〔affiliate〕The World Chess Federation has affiliates in many countries.世界国际象棋联合会在许多国家都有分会。外研社新世纪〔aid〕Foreign aid from many countries poured into the famine area.来自许多国家的外国援助纷纷到达饥荒地区。朗文当代〔childbirth〕In many countries, the risk of dying in childbirth is still very high.分娩麦克米伦高阶〔cockfighting〕Many countries have outlawed cockfighting.许多国家都将斗鸡列为违法。韦氏高阶〔collate〕Many countries have no laws governing the collation of personal information.很多国家没有针对个人信息收集的法律。柯林斯高阶〔convention〕In many countries it is the/a convention to wear black at funerals.在葬礼上穿黑色的衣服是许多国家的习俗。剑桥高阶〔cost〕In 1989 the price of coffee fell so low that in many countries it did not even cover the cost of production.1989年咖啡的价格跌至低谷,在很多国家甚至连生产成本都收不回来。柯林斯高阶〔cost〕In 1989 the price of coffee fell so low that in many countries it did not even cover the cost of production.1989年, 咖啡的价格跌至低位, 以至于在很多国家咖啡的卖价甚至不够收回生产成本。外研社新世纪〔curtail〕Many countries are under pressure to curtail public expenditure.许多国家都面临削减公共开支的压力。外研社新世纪〔delicacy〕Caviar is considered a delicacy in many countries.鱼子酱在许多国家被看成是美味佳肴。麦克米伦高阶〔deputation〕Many countries will be sending deputations to the peace conference.许多国家都将派代表团参加此次和平会议。韦氏高阶〔entrant〕Entrants include leading athletes from many countries.参加比赛的有来自许多国家的一流运动员。英汉大词典〔exist〕The custom of arranged marriages still exists in many countries.许多国家仍然存在着包办婚姻的习俗。朗文当代〔export〕We export to many countries.我们向许多国家出口货物。21世纪英汉〔lingua franca〕English is the lingua franca in many countries.英语在很多国家是通用语言。朗文当代〔most〕In many countries medical services are state-funded and, for the most part, free.在许多国家医疗服务由政府拨款,绝大部分是免费的。麦克米伦高阶〔pillage〕Works of art were pillaged from many countries in the dark days of the Empire.在该帝国一手遮天的黑暗时期,许多国家的艺术品被肆意掠夺。剑桥高阶〔poor〕Many countries are still as poor as they have ever been.许多国家仍和过去一样贫困。外研社新世纪〔ratify〕Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child.很多国家现在已经正式签署了联合国儿童权利公约。剑桥高阶〔reciprocal〕The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.该部门称许多国家和英国签订了医疗卫生互惠协议。外研社新世纪〔sign〕How many countries have signed up to the Kyoto protocol on climate change? 有多少个国家签订了关于气候变化的《京都议定书》?牛津高阶〔trade〕Stan trades in fossils from many countries.斯坦从很多国家买进化石。麦克米伦高阶Many countries are moving away from traditional smokestack industries.许多国家都在放弃传统的重污染工业。牛津商务Many countries are now beginning to take more care of their stocks (= supply) of timber.许多国家现在开始更多地关注他们的木材储备。剑桥国际Many countries are starting to turn their attention to (=to consider) new forms of energy.许多国家现在开始把注意力转向新型能源。剑桥国际Many countries are thought to be developing chemical weapons in secret.许多国家被认为在秘密地发展化学武器。剑桥国际Many countries cannot satisfy the needs of (= provide what is necessary for) their people.许多国家满足不了人民的(物质)需求。剑桥国际Many countries have a republican form of government. 很多国家采用共和政体。译典通Many countries have begun to attach importance to the bio-diversity in their natural environment. 现在有很多国家都开始重视自然环境中的生物多样性。译典通Many countries have had approval to irradiate a range of food products for human consumption.许多国家批准用放射线处理一系列人类消费的食品。剑桥国际Many countries have limited or banned the use of asbestos because of fears that its fibres cause diseases such as lung cancer if inhaled.许多国家限制或禁止了石棉的使用,因为害怕其纤维被吸入人体后会导致肺癌等疾病。剑桥国际Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child.许多国家现在已经正式批准了联合国关于儿童权益的公约。剑桥国际Many countries recognized the new government. 许多国家承认了新政府。译典通Better devices are needed in many countries to take care of the waste from factories. 很多国家需要更先进的装置来处理工业废物。译典通If the economic stagnation in many countries is to be overcome, trade needs to be increased between industrial and developing nations.如果要想克服许多国家的经济停滞,工业化国家和发展中国家之间的贸易必须发展。剑桥国际In many countries in the world, fornication is no longer considered a crime. 在许多国家之中,和奸已不再是一种犯罪。译典通In many countries it's not illegal to pirate software.在许多国家非法盗用软件并不犯法。剑桥国际In many countries the family unit is still the cornerstone of society.在许多国家家庭仍是社会的基础。剑桥国际In many countries tobacco is a government monopoly. 在许多国家,烟草是政府的专卖商品。译典通In many countries, it is mandatory for a young man aged 18 to enlist in the army, 在许多国家中,一个年轻男子到了十八岁就必须要去从军。译典通In many countries, people are not as strongly criticized as they used to be for engaging in extramarital/premarital sex.在很多国家里,发生婚外/婚前性行为已不像以前那样受到强烈的责难。剑桥国际It was thrilling to see so many countries represented.看到有这么多国家出席真是令人激动。剑桥国际The use of opium for non-medical purposes is illegal in many countries.非医疗使用鸦片在许多国家是非法的。剑桥国际They are the world's biggest debtor nation (= many countries have invested in it).他们是世界上最大的债务国。牛津商务Works of art were pillaged from many countries in the days of the Empire.帝国时期从许多国家掠夺了艺术品。剑桥国际




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