

单词 尼人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alemannic〕Of or relating to the Alemanni or their language.阿勒曼尼人,阿勒曼尼语的:与阿勒曼尼人或其语言有关的美国传统〔Alemannic〕The Germanic dialect of the Alemanni.日耳曼方言:阿勒曼尼人使用的日耳曼方言美国传统〔Breton〕A native or inhabitant of Brittany.布列塔尼人:布列塔尼人民或居民美国传统〔Celt〕A speaker of a modern Celtic language or a descendant of such a speaker, especially a modern Gael, Welshman, Cornishman, or Breton.讲现代凯尔特语的人:讲现代凯尔特语的人及其后代,尤指现代盖尔人、威尔士人、康沃尔人或不列塔尼人美国传统〔Cymry〕The Brythonic Celts of Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany.布立吞人:包括威尔士人、康沃尔人和布列塔尼人的布里索尼的凯尔特人美国传统〔Cyrenaic〕A native or inhabitant of Cyrenaica or Cyrene.昔兰尼加人,昔兰尼人:昔兰尼加或昔兰尼本地人或居民的美国传统〔Dene〕The Athabaskan-speaking peoples of northwest Canada and inland Alaska considered as a group.达尼人:说阿撒帕斯卡尔语的民族,在加拿大西北及阿拉斯加内陆,被认为是一个群体美国传统〔Dominican〕Of or relating to the Dominican Republic or its people or culture.多米尼加的:多米尼加共和国的,多米尼人的,多米尼加文化的美国传统〔Fulani〕A member of a pastoral, largely Moslem people inhabiting parts of West Africa from northern Nigeria to Mali and the Atlantic coast.富拉尼人:一个居住在从尼日利亚北部到马里的西部非洲和大西洋沿岸地区的游牧民族中的一员,大多为穆斯林美国传统〔Fulani〕The West Atlantic language of this people.富拉尼语:富拉尼人所讲的西大西洋语言美国传统〔Gascon〕A native or inhabitant of Gascony.格斯肯尼人,格斯肯尼的居民美国传统〔Gascon〕Of or relating to Gascony, the Gascons, or their language or culture.格斯肯尼的,关于格斯肯尼的,格斯肯尼人的,格斯肯尼语的,格斯肯尼文化的美国传统〔Guarani〕A member of a South American Indian people of Paraguay, northern Argentina, and southern Brazil.瓜拉尼人:巴拉圭、阿根廷北部和巴西南部的南美洲印地安人美国传统〔Indonesian〕A native or inhabitant of Indonesia.印尼人:印度尼西亚的国民或居住者美国传统〔Menominee〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting an area along the Menominee River, with a present-day population in northeast Wisconsin.密诺米尼人:曾居住在沿密诺米尼河沿岸的印第安人,现今居住在威斯康星州东北部美国传统〔Menominee〕A member of this people.密诺米尼人:密诺米尼人之成员美国传统〔Menominee〕The Algonquian language of the Menominee.密诺米尼语:密诺米尼人的阿尔贡金语美国传统〔Montagnais〕A member of this people.蒙塔格尼人:该民族的成员美国传统〔Pawnee〕The Caddoan language of the Pawnee.波尼语:印第安语系中的波尼人语言美国传统〔Shoshone〕A member of this people or any of its divisions.肖松尼人:这个民族或它的任何一个分支美国传统〔Shoshone〕Any of the languages of the Shoshone people.肖松尼语:肖松尼人使用的语言的任何一种美国传统〔Zuni〕A member of this people.祖尼人:祖尼族中的一员美国传统〔character〕She had Mickey Mouse or some other cartoon/Disney character on her sweater.她的毛衣上有米老鼠或另外其他的卡通/迪斯尼人物的图案。剑桥高阶〔future〕The people of Grozny face an uncertain future.格罗兹尼人民前途未卜。麦克米伦高阶〔heredity〕Bretons are fishermen by heredity.(法国)布列塔尼人世代从事渔业。英汉大词典〔heredity〕Bretons are fishermen by heredity.不列塔尼人世代从事渔业。文馨英汉〔inhabit〕The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.这个山谷里居住着达尼人。外研社新世纪〔rebellion〕The Bretons rose in rebellion against the King.布列塔尼人发动起义反对国王。朗文当代




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