

单词 restless
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SLEEP〕Another restless night followed, but she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning. 又一个不眠之夜,但是第二天早上她还是决意继续专心工作。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I'd had quite a restless night, and breakfast didn't look appetizing. 我一夜没有安睡,早餐也显得毫无味道。朗文写作活用〔agitato〕In a restless, agitated style. Used chiefly as a direction.激动不安地(的):以焦虑不安的激动的风格演奏地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔boil〕The restless students are on the boil again.不安分的学生们又处于激动之中。英汉大词典〔crowd〕It had been a tense, restless day with people crowding her all the time.这是紧张、忙碌的一天,每时每刻都有人围在她身旁。柯林斯高阶〔desirous〕He became restless and desirous of change.他变得烦躁不安,渴望出现变化。朗文当代〔discontent〕A restless longing for better circumstances.无止境的渴望:从不休止地渴望更好的环境美国传统〔disquiet〕Uneasy; restless.忧虑的;不安的美国传统〔dissatisfied〕He felt restless and dissatisfied as he drove home.在开车回家的途中,他感到烦躁不安,很不高兴。柯林斯高阶〔dissatisfied〕He felt restless and dissatisfied.他感到不安和不满。外研社新世纪〔divert〕It's a great game for diverting restless kids on long car rides .这个游戏很棒,可供那些乘车长途旅行时出现烦躁情绪的孩子们进行消遣。剑桥高阶〔fidgety〕She became fidgety and restless.她变得烦躁不安起来。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕To move quickly in a nervous, restless, or excited fashion; flit.急躁不安地动:紧张、不安或激动地快速移动;掠过美国传统〔hedge〕Married life made him feel hedged in and restless.婚姻生活使他感觉受到束缚而且心烦。牛津高阶〔impatient〕Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless.无耐性的:不能耐心等待或容忍延误的;烦躁的美国传统〔impetus〕She was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.她躁动不安,需要为自己的才华找到新的突破口。柯林斯高阶〔itchy〕Restless or nervous.不安静的,神经质的美国传统〔itch〕To have a persistent, restless craving.渴望:有持久的、永不停止的渴望美国传统〔lash〕The restless panther lashed his tail.烦躁的豹子急速地甩动着尾巴。英汉大词典〔nervy〕The passengers were restless and nervy after the long flight.经过长时间飞行后,乘客们感到焦躁不安。韦氏高阶〔peal〕A loud peal of thunder woke him from restless sleep.一阵隆隆的雷声将他从不安稳的睡梦中惊醒。剑桥高阶〔pen〕Norma felt restless and penned in.诺尔玛犹如笼中困兽,焦躁不安。朗文当代〔restlessly〕By 1982, she was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.到了1982年,她感到厌倦了,需要新的动力来激发她的才能。柯林斯高阶〔restlessly〕Hurt had spent a restless few hours on the plane from Paris.赫特在从巴黎起飞的飞机上辗转反侧了几个小时。柯林斯高阶〔restlessly〕My father seemed very restless and excited.我父亲看起来坐立不安,激动不已。柯林斯高阶〔restlessly〕The shocking revelations of the 700-page report had caused him several restless nights.这篇长达700页的报告中披露的惊人信息使他几夜未眠。柯林斯高阶〔restless〕After a few weeks in Marseille, I grew restless and decided to move on.在马赛住了几星期后,我开始呆不住了,决定换个地方。朗文当代〔restless〕After five years in the job, he was beginning to feel restless.这份工作干了五年以后,他开始厌烦了。牛津高阶〔restless〕Anna was growing restless, marching up and down the platform.安娜越来越焦躁不安,在站台上不停地走来走去。麦克米伦高阶〔restless〕He started to feel restless and discontent in his job.他开始对工作感到不满意了。韦氏高阶〔restless〕He was getting restless and wanted to return to New York.他有些呆不住了,想返回纽约。麦克米伦高阶〔restless〕He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long.他是那种呆不住的人——他从来不在一个国家呆太长的时间。剑桥高阶〔restless〕I feel too restless to sit down and read.我感到静不下来,不能坐定读书。英汉大词典〔restless〕My father seemed very restless and excited.我父亲看上去兴奋得都坐不住了。外研社新世纪〔restless〕She had spent a restless night worrying about him.她因担心他而度过了一个不眠之夜。麦克米伦高阶〔restless〕She is fidgety and restless.她生性急躁好动。英汉大词典〔restless〕She spent a restless night (= she did not sleep well), tossing and turning.她在床上辗转反侧,一夜无眠。剑桥高阶〔restless〕She was restless and needed a new job.她很烦躁, 需要一份新的工作。外研社新世纪〔restless〕The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.各种动物都变得焦躁不安,像是感到了地震行将发生。英汉大词典〔restless〕The audience was becoming restless.观众开始不耐烦了。牛津高阶〔restless〕The audience was becoming restless.观众开始不耐烦了。韦氏高阶〔restless〕The children had been indoors all day, and were getting restless.孩子们在屋里呆了一整天,开始不耐烦了。朗文当代〔restless〕The mare was restless, no doubt picking up his apprehension.母马躁动不已, 显然是感受到了他的恐惧。外研社新世纪〔restless〕The patient was restless from pain.病人因疼痛而焦躁不安。英汉大词典〔restless〕The shocking revelations of the 700-page report had caused him several restless nights.这篇长达700页的报告中披露的惊人信息使他几夜未眠。外研社新世纪〔settle〕To become less nervous or restless.平静:变得不紧张或安静美国传统〔spirit〕Marian retains a restless, youthful spirit, in search of new horizons.玛丽安怀着一颗年轻、不断进取的心, 去寻求新的天地。外研社新世纪〔spirit〕Marian retains a restless, youthful spirit, in search of new horizons.玛丽安怀着一颗年轻、不断进取的心去寻求新的天地。柯林斯高阶〔spirit〕Owls were believed to be restless spirits who had returned to earth.猫头鹰曾被认为是重返阳间、不得安息的鬼魂。牛津搭配〔stir-crazy〕Distraught or restless from long confinement in or as if in prison.精神失常的:由于长期幽闭或如在监狱里一样发狂的或不安的美国传统〔sum (sth/sb) up〕For me, her paintings sum up the restless spirit of America.在我看来,她的画作集中表现了自强不息的美国精神。剑桥高阶〔tendency〕The army has become increasingly restless over the mounting separatist tendencies of the northern republics.军方对于北方几个共和国不断加剧的分裂倾向感到越来越不安。柯林斯高阶〔tense〕I was feeling a little tense and restless.我感到有点儿紧张不安。牛津搭配〔threaten〕The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities.我们社会的团结遭到了一小撮滋扰生事、不安分守己的群体的威胁。柯林斯高阶〔unquiet〕Emotionally or mentally restless or uneasy.不安的:情感上或精神上不安定的或不自在的美国传统〔unsettled〕They all felt restless and unsettled.他们都感到焦躁不安。牛津高阶A loud peal of thunder woke him from restless sleep.一阵轰隆隆的雷声把他从不安稳的睡梦中吵醒。剑桥国际As it was late he grew restless. 天色已晚,他变得焦躁不安起来。译典通Father has taken restless of late. 近来父亲变得焦躁不安。译典通He's a restless type -- he never stays in one country for long.他是永不安宁的一类人----从不在一个国家停留很长时间。剑桥国际I get restless on Sundays when nothing happens and all the shops are closed.在无任何事发生,商店全都关门的星期天,我变得焦躁不安。剑桥国际It's a marvellous game for diverting (= entertaining) restless children on long car journeys.长时间的汽车旅行使孩子们烦躁,而这个精彩的游戏让他们高兴起来。剑桥国际She spent a restless night (= She did not sleep well), tossing and turning with worry.她度过了焦躁不安的一夜,因忧虑而辗转反侧。剑桥国际




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