

单词 导引
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anubis〕A jackal-headed Egyptian god and the son of Osiris. He conducted the dead to judgment.导引亡灵之神,豹头人身神:豹头人身的希腊神,俄赛里斯之子。他引导死者去接受审判美国传统〔canalize〕To provide an outlet for; channel.疏导,流入渠道:为…提供一个出口;导引美国传统〔homing〕All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices.所有的皇家轿车都装有电子自导引装置。柯林斯高阶〔homing〕The president's car is equipped with a homing device.总统的车装有自导引设备。剑桥高阶〔jig〕A device for guiding a tool or for holding machine work in place.夹具,装配架:导引工具或使机器固定在适当位置上运转的设备美国传统〔shoal〕The guide shoaled us and then we went ashore.向导引导我们小船进入浅水区后,带我们登了岸。21世纪英汉〔signpost〕An indication, a sign, or a guide.标志物:一个指示、标志或导引物美国传统〔vide〕See. Used to direct a reader's attention.请看,参看:参看。用来导引读者的注意力美国传统〔way〕Often ways A longitudinal strip on a surface that serves to guide a moving machine part. 常作 ways 导轨:表面上的纵向槽,用于导引运动的机器部件美国传统She twirled her baton high in the air as she led the parade.导引受阅方队时, 她高高旋动着她的司仪杖。剑桥国际The signal from the homing device was getting fainter as the car drove further away.随着汽车驶远,导引装置发出的信号变得越来越弱。剑桥国际




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