

单词 弯路
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕We had to make a long detour because of the floods. 因为路面被淹没了,我们不得不绕很长的弯路。朗文写作活用〔brief〕The driver swerved into a brief detour.司机驾车拐入一段短短的弯路。英汉大词典〔crawl〕Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.在一些地段,U形弯路使得汽车只能以每小时10英里的速度缓慢行进。柯林斯高阶〔detour〕A deviation from a direct course of action.弯路偏离:偏离行动的直接路线美国传统〔detour〕A roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route.弯路:一条迂回曲折的路,尤指一条代替主干道的临时使用的路径美国传统〔detour〕To go or cause to go by a roundabout way.使走弯路美国传统〔indirect〕We had to take a circuitous route because of an accident on the turnpike.由于收费公路上发生了事故,我们不得不走一条弯路。美国传统〔round〕We rounded the bend at high speed.我们高速驶过这段弯路。牛津高阶〔sharp〕We came to a sharp bend in the road.我们来到了急转弯路段。朗文当代




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