

单词 我的儿子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIT〕He grinned and I wanted to swat him, but he wasn't my son so I didn't. 他咧着嘴笑,我想打他,可他又不是我的儿子,所以我就算了。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕My sons and my husband are all football addicts. 我的儿子和丈夫都是足球迷。朗文写作活用〔arm〕My son is still a baby in arms.我的儿子还是个需人怀抱的娃娃。英汉大词典〔be on the right/wrong track〕If you think my son was involved, you are on the wrong track.如果你认为我的儿子与这有关系,那你就错了。剑桥高阶〔bit〕I love my son to bits.我非常爱我的儿子。剑桥高阶〔boy〕He's my boy.他是我的儿子。英汉大词典〔boy〕I love my boys, but I'd like to have a girl too.我爱我的儿子,但希望再有个女儿。朗文当代〔close〕My sons have maintained extremely close ties with a college friend.我的儿子们和一个大学朋友保持着非常密切的联系。外研社新世纪〔diploma〕My son's doing a diploma in social studies.我的儿子正在进行社会研究方面的学位后研究。麦克米伦高阶〔disown〕The man who murdered the girl is no son of mine. I disown him.杀害那女孩的人不配做我的儿子。我要与他脱离关系。柯林斯高阶〔dream〕I dream that my son will be successful.我梦想我的儿子会成功。外研社新世纪〔figurative〕He's my son, in the figurative sense of the word.用个比喻,他就像是我的儿子。朗文当代〔head up〕My son Tom heads up the contingents.我的儿子汤姆走在队伍的最前面。21世纪英汉〔initiative〕I wish my son would show more initiative .我希望我的儿子能表现得再主动一些。朗文当代〔introduce〕I'd like to introduce my son, Mark.我想介绍一下我的儿子马克。剑桥高阶〔involve with〕I don't want my son to be involved with bad guys.我不想让我的儿子与坏人混在一起。21世纪英汉〔kindly〕I would take it kindly if you would put in a good word for my boy.要是你肯为我的儿子美言几句,我将十分感激。英汉大词典〔kiss off〕I want to know who kissed off my son.我想知道是谁杀死了我的儿子。21世纪英汉〔knee〕I sat in the back of the taxi with my son on my knee.我坐在出租车后座上, 抱着我的儿子。外研社新世纪〔make-believe〕In the video, Michael Jackson danced down a make-believe street protesting that 'the kid is not my son'.录像里,迈克尔·杰克逊沿着虚设的街道一边跳舞一边抗议说:“那孩子不是我的儿子”。柯林斯高阶〔mix〕I don't want my son to be mixed up with criminal types like those new friends he has made.我不希望我的儿子同像他新交的那些犯罪分子类朋友鬼混在一起。英汉大词典〔neither〕Just as I can't swim, so neither can my son.我不会游泳,我的儿子同样也不会。英汉大词典〔pass〕I'll pass these clothes on to my nephew when my lads have outgrown them.等我的儿子们长大后穿不下这些衣服时,我就会把它们送给我侄儿。麦克米伦高阶〔rising〕My son is rising 8.我的儿子快八岁了。文馨英汉〔than〕My son is a lot taller than my daughter.我的儿子比女儿高得多。剑桥高阶〔this〕This is David, my son.这是戴维,我的儿子。英汉大词典〔turn〕My son's just turned 18.我的儿子刚满 18 岁。朗文当代〔work〕My son is working as a teacher.我的儿子是当老师的。牛津高阶Although he's my son, I felt morally bound to tell the police what he'd done.虽然他是我的儿子,但我觉得道义上我有义务告诉警察他所做的一切。剑桥国际He was like a son to me. 他就像我的儿子一样。译典通I'm so proud (that) my son's been chosen for the national team. [+ (that) clause] 我太自豪了,我的儿子入选了国家队。剑桥国际My son broke a rib when he fell off a ladder.我的儿子从梯子上摔下来时摔断了一根肋骨。剑桥国际My son hoofs a mile to school each day. 我的儿子每天步行一英里去上学。译典通My son is still living abroad. 我的儿子仍住在国外。译典通My son mucked up the car engine by using cheap, low grade gasoline. 我的儿子使用便宜的低级汽油,汽车引擎损坏了。译典通My son slavishly (= enthusiastically and without criticism) supports our local football team.我的儿子死心塌地支持本地的足球队。剑桥国际My sons are always in trouble and they're nothing but aggravation to me.我的儿子们总是遇到麻烦,他们对我来说只不过是烦恼。剑桥国际The teacher entrusted my son with the class hamster for the holidays.老师托我的儿子假期里照看班里的仓鼠。剑桥国际The teachers say my son is slow but I believe the reverse (is true).老师们说我的儿子迟钝,但我却认为相反。剑桥国际




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