

单词 bishop
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕The child, aged ten, was last seen in a park on Bishop Street. 最后一次见到那名十岁儿童是在毕晓普街的一个公园内。朗文写作活用〔Anglo-Catholic〕More than half of the Anglo-Catholics said there should not be any women bishops.英国国教高教会派教徒有一半以上认为主教不应由女性担任。外研社新世纪〔DELIBERATELY〕The jury had to decide whether he killed John Bishop intentionally or whether it was an accident. 陪审团得裁定他是故意杀害约翰·毕晓普的,还是这属于意外事件。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕The Bishop condemned what he called ‘this futile and tragic loss of life’. 主教谴责他所称的这种“悲惨而无谓的牺牲”。朗文写作活用〔Denis〕Patron saint of France. Sent to minister to the Gauls as the first bishop of Paris, he suffered martyrdom by decapitation.丹尼斯:法兰西主保圣人,作为巴黎的第一个主教,他被派往高卢传教,后来被斩首而殉难美国传统〔FAT〕The bishop was a dignified, portly man, with thinning white hair. 主教是个头发稀疏花白、很有威严的大腹便便的人。朗文写作活用〔Holy See〕The see of the bishop of Rome.圣座,宗座:罗马主教的教座美国传统〔Ignatius〕Bishop of Antioch noted especially for his epistles. He was martyred during the reign of the Roman emperor Trajan.圣伊纳哥:安提拉城主教,以其所著的启示书出名。在罗马皇帝图拉真统治时期殉教美国传统〔Inc.〕Bishop Computer Services, Inc.毕晓普计算机服务公司剑桥高阶〔Incorporated〕Bishop Computer Services Incorporated 毕晓普计算机服务公司剑桥高阶〔James〕Traditionally regarded as the brother of Jesus, the author of the Epistle of James in the New Testament, and the first bishop of Jerusalem.圣雅各:传统认为是耶稣的兄弟,相传为《新约全书》中的《雅各书》的作者,曾任耶路撒冷第一主教美国传统〔John of Salisbury〕English bishop and scholar who wrote biographies of Becket and Anselm and treatises on diplomacy, logic, and Aristotelian philosophy.(索尔兹伯里的)约翰:英格兰主教及学者,著有贝克特和安塞姆的传记以及关于外交、逻辑、和亚里士多德哲学的论文美国传统〔KB〕Games King's bishop.【游戏】 王翼象美国传统〔Lord〕Lord Bishop of Durham德拉姆主教大人外研社新世纪〔Nicholas〕Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor who is often associated with Santa Claus and the custom of gift-giving at Christmas.尼古拉斯:小亚细亚半岛上米拉的主教,他通常与圣诞老人和圣诞节赠送礼物的习俗联系在一起美国传统〔Pontifical Mass〕A celebration of the Eucharist performed by a bishop in all Roman Catholic churches, many Anglican churches, and some Lutheran churches.(主教)大礼弥撒:在所有的罗马天主教堂、许多英国国教教堂及一些路德教堂中,由一主教所举行的圣餐仪式美国传统〔QB〕Queen's bishop (chess).(国际象棋中的)后翼象美国传统〔REJECT〕The bishop was invited to attend the opening ceremony, but he declined. 主教获邀去参加开幕式,可他谢绝了。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕In his speech the Bishop labelled these crimes as a symptom of society's moral decline. 主教在他的演说中称这些犯罪行为是社会道德败坏的一种征兆。朗文写作活用〔allegiance〕Both knights owed allegiance to Bishop Odo and were granted lands in Kent under his protection and patronage.两名骑士都向奥多主教表示臣服, 在他的庇护和恩赐下获得了位于肯特的土地。外研社新世纪〔anoint〕The bishop anointed David King.主教为大卫王登基举行涂油仪式。21世纪英汉〔anoint〕The bishop anointed the new king.主教为新国王登基举行涂油仪式。英汉大词典〔archbishop〕A bishop of the highest rank, heading an archdiocese or a province.大主教,主教长:最高级别的主教,领导一大主教(管辖)区或一个省美国传统〔archdeacon〕A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop.会吏总,大助祭:教堂官员,如在英国国教中掌管一个教区中的世俗及其它事务,具有主教授予的权力的人美国传统〔archimandrite〕A cleric ranking below a bishop.大修道院院长:主教以下的神职人员级别美国传统〔archpriest〕Used formerly as a title for a priest holding first rank among the members of a cathedral chapter, acting as chief assistant to a bishop.主助祭:从前用作教堂教士中具有最高职位的牧师称号,他作为主教的主要副手美国传统〔as the actress said to the bishop〕It slides right into the hole, as the actress said to the bishop.“它不偏不倚地滑进洞里”,这话很暧昧。剑桥高阶〔baptism〕The bishop will deliver a speech before performing the baptism.在施洗礼之前, 主教会先讲一段话。外研社新世纪〔barony〕Lord Percy acquired the barony, castle, manor, and town of Alnwick from the Bishop of Durham in 1309.1309年, 珀西勋爵获得了达勒姆主教封与的领地、城堡、庄园和阿尼克城。外研社新世纪〔bishopric〕The diocese of a bishop.主教管区美国传统〔bishopric〕The office or rank of a bishop.主教职位,主教等级美国传统〔bishop〕Bishop Desmond Tutu 德斯蒙德‧图图主教剑桥高阶〔bishop〕Bishop Harries 哈里斯主教牛津高阶〔bishop〕He was appointed Bishop of Palm Beach.他被任命为棕榈滩的主教。牛津搭配〔bishop〕He's the diocesan bishop and he has three suffragan bishops to help him.他是教区主教,有 3 位副主教协助他。牛津搭配〔bishop〕Roman Catholic bishops 罗马天主教主教韦氏高阶〔bishop〕The milk is bishoped.牛奶烧糊了。英汉大词典〔blessing〕The bishop said the blessing.主教祝福(会众)。牛津高阶〔bless〕The bishop blessed the new church.主教为新建成的教堂祝圣。21世纪英汉〔break〕He resigned from his post as Bishop when the scandal broke.丑闻传开后他辞去了主教职务。柯林斯高阶〔canonize〕Two years after his death the bishop was canonized.主教去世两年后被封为了圣者。外研社新世纪〔canon〕He violated another canon, the bishop said, by not notifying the diocese.主教说他没有通知教区, 违反了另一条教规。外研社新世纪〔cathedra〕The office or see of a bishop.主教公职或地位美国传统〔celebrant〕The bishop will be the main celebrant.主教将担任重要的主持人。韦氏高阶〔ceremony〕The marriage ceremony was performed by the bishop.结婚仪式由主教主持。牛津搭配〔chair〕A seat of office, authority, or dignity, such as that of a bishop.权威者的职位:官员、显贵或要人的职位,如主教职位美国传统〔chapter〕The dean and chapter are the nominal electors of a bishop.教长和全体教士是名义上的主教选举人。英汉大词典〔check〕Bishop to king's knight five, check.象走王翼马五, 将军。外研社新世纪〔check〕He moved his bishop and said, “Check!” to show that my king was in check.他走了一步象,说“将军!”,示意我的王被将了。韦氏高阶〔chimere〕A loose sleeveless robe worn especially by Anglican bishops.主教法衣:宽松无袖的长袍。特别指英国国教的主教所穿的美国传统〔city〕A large incorporated town in Great Britain, usually the seat of a bishop, with its title conferred by the Crown.大型联合城镇:英国的拥有皇家特许状,且通常为主教所在地的大的合为一体的城镇美国传统〔clear〕The bishop made his views clear in a letter to the publisher.主教在写给出版商的一封信里清楚地说明了自己的观点。朗文当代〔clip〕The Bishop of Limerick was quick to clip the wings of any liberal-minded priests.利默里克的主教迅速出手压制任何思想开明的牧师。外研社新世纪〔coadjutor〕An assistant to a bishop, especially one designated to succeed the bishop.副主教:主教的助手,尤指指派去接替主教的助手美国传统〔collegiality〕Roman Catholic Church The doctrine that bishops collectively share collegiate power.【罗马天主教】 分权原则:主教们集体分享教权的原则美国传统〔collegial〕Roman Catholic Church Characterized by the equal sharing of power among the bishops.【罗马天主教】 分权的:具有主教间平等分权的特性美国传统〔consecrate〕He defied Pope John Paul II by consecrating four bishops without his approval.他违抗教皇约翰·保罗二世的旨意, 未经他的批准便授予4位主教圣职。外研社新世纪〔consecrate〕He defied Pope John Paul II by consecrating four bishops without his approval.他违抗教皇约翰·保罗二世的旨意,未经他的批准就给4位主教举行了祝圣仪式。柯林斯高阶〔consecrate〕He was consecrated (as) bishop last year.他于去年被祝圣为主教。牛津高阶〔consecrate〕The bishop consecrated them to the service of God.主教把它们留着供做礼拜用。英汉大词典〔consecrate〕To initiate (a priest) into the order of bishops.使就圣职:授予(一个牧师)主教的职位美国传统〔consultor〕A priest or religious appointed to assist and advise a bishop.主教顾问团成员:被委派协助和指导主教的祭司或宗教教团成员美国传统〔council〕The Pope summoned his bishops to a council in Normandy.教皇把大主教召集到诺曼底开会。麦克米伦高阶〔credit〕The work has been credited to a 16th-century bishop.这一作品已被认定出自 16 世纪的一位主教之手。牛津搭配〔crosier〕A staff with a crook or cross at the end, carried by or before an abbot, a bishop, or an archbishop as a symbol of office.十字杖:一种末端有弯钩或十字的木杖,为修道院院长、主教或大主教所持有或放置在他们面前作为教职的象征美国传统〔cure〕The bishop had done nothing to cure the widespread lack of faith.主教在解决人们信仰普遍缺失的问题上无所作为。外研社新世纪〔dalmatic〕The wide-sleeved garment worn over the alb by a deacon, cardinal, bishop, or abbot at the celebration of Mass.法衣:在弥撒庆典上,执事、红衣主教、主教和修道士穿的套在白长袍上的衣袖宽大的服装美国传统〔dauntingly〕The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop.对于主教来说,要迁往布拉格有点儿令人发憷。柯林斯高阶〔daunting〕The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop.对于主教来说, 要迁往布拉格有点儿让他发憷。外研社新世纪〔delegate〕The Bishop delegated me to approach the local press.主教委派我去和当地媒体接触。外研社新世纪〔despot〕An Eastern Orthodox bishop or patriarch.东正教教皇或教士美国传统〔devastated〕Bishop Daly said he was devastated by news of the Cardinal's death.戴利主教说他听到红衣主教去世的消息后感到极为震惊和难过。柯林斯高阶〔diagonal〕The bishop moves along the diagonals.象走斜线。外研社新世纪〔diocesan〕The bishop of a diocese.主教美国传统〔directness〕The Bishop directed the faithful to stay at home.主教要求信徒们呆在家中。柯林斯高阶〔encyclical〕A papal letter addressed to the bishops of the Church or to the hierarchy of a particular country.教谕:罗马教皇对教会主教或特定国君主的教谕(通告)美国传统〔eparch〕A bishop or metropolitan.主教或大主教美国传统〔episcopacy〕A system of church government in which bishops are the chief clerics.主教制:以主教为首脑的教会管理体制美国传统〔episcopal〕Of or relating to a bishop.主教的:与主教有关的美国传统〔episcopal〕Of, relating to, or involving church government by bishops.主教制的:与主教制有关的美国传统〔episcopate〕The position, term, or office of a bishop.主教的地位,任期或职务美国传统〔etiquette〕She knew how to address bishops according to the rules of etiquette.她知道按礼仪规范该怎样称呼主教。牛津搭配〔ex officio〕The Bishop of Salisbury had been, ex officio, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter.索尔兹伯里主教已按职务规定成为嘉德勋位授予大臣。外研社新世纪〔exarch〕A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch.督主教:东正教中职务低于宗主教的主教美国传统〔faldstool〕A folding chair or stool, especially one used by a bishop when not occupying the throne or when presiding away from the cathedral.折叠椅:可折叠的椅子或凳子,特指主教离开主教座或他的主教座堂以外主持圣事时使用的美国传统〔favour〕The bishop was said to have enjoyed the king's favour.据说主教得到了国王的支持。牛津搭配〔fianchetto〕The development in chess of a bishop from its original position to the second square of the adjacent knight's file.侧翼出动:国际象棋中一步棋,象从起始位置移至马所在相邻列的第二个方格美国传统〔flap〕The parishioners were in a flap about the visit from the bishop.教区居民因为主教要来而忙乱起来。外研社新世纪〔foster〕The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.主教促使这一观念得到宣扬,即社会要包容各个阶层。朗文当代〔haul before〕Archdeacon Babbington had hauled him before the Bishop for a stern reproof.巴宾顿执事长将他带到主教面前, 让他好好挨一顿训。外研社新世纪〔heretical〕The bishops jailed him for heretical and blasphemous words.主教因他发表异端学说、亵渎上帝而将其关进监狱。外研社新世纪〔heterodox〕He fell foul of his bishop for his heterodox beliefs.他因自己那些离经叛道的宗教观而与主教发生了冲突。外研社新世纪〔hit〕The bishop hit out at the government's policy on the homeless.主教猛烈抨击政府对无家可归者的政策。朗文当代〔holy oil〕Olive oil blessed by a bishop and used to anoint the sick and in sacramentals.圣油:基督教主教所赐予的橄榄油,用于涂在病人身上或圣礼中美国传统〔install〕A new Catholic bishop was installed in Galway yesterday.一位新的天主教主教昨天在戈尔韦就职。外研社新世纪〔install〕A new Catholic bishop was installed in Galway yesterday.昨天在戈尔韦任命了一位新的天主教主教。柯林斯高阶〔lay reader〕A layperson in the Anglican or Roman Catholic church authorized by a bishop to read some parts of the service.俗人司仪:经过主教批准在英国圣公会或罗马天主教堂中朗诵部分经文的俗人美国传统〔lord〕Lord Bishop of Durham 达勒姆主教大人英汉大词典〔lord〕Used as a title for a bishop.阁下,大人:用作主教的头衔美国传统〔manoeuvre〕It was a clever manoeuvre to take his bishop.吃掉他的象是聪明的一着。牛津同义词〔mediate〕The Bishop mediates between the demonstrators and the authorities.主教在游行示威者和当局之间斡旋。麦克米伦高阶〔metropolis〕Ecclesiastical The chief see of a metropolitan bishop.【基督教会】 都主教教省:都主教教主的主要教区美国传统〔metropolitan〕Eastern Orthodox Church A bishop who is head of an ecclesiastical province and ranks next below the patriarch.【东正教】 教长:作为基督教省首脑的教主,位居教皇之下美国传统〔metropolitan〕In the Western Christian churches, a bishop with provincial powers, with some authority over suffragan bishops.西派教会教主,天主教教主:西派教会中具有大主教权力的教主,对副教主有一定的管辖权美国传统〔monition〕A formal order from a bishop or an ecclesiastical court to refrain from a specified offense.诫谕:为禁止一个具体的罪行而由主教或宗教法庭发出的正式命令美国传统〔monitory〕A letter of admonition, such as one from a bishop or an ecclesiastical court.训诫信,如来自主教或宗教法庭的规劝书美国传统〔move〕In chess the bishop moves diagonally.国际象棋中的象是循对角线走的。英汉大词典〔move〕She captured the queen with her bishop on the 32nd move.她在第 32 步时用象吃掉了对方的后。牛津搭配〔mozzetta〕A short, hooded cape worn over the rochet by the pope and by bishops and other dignitaries.有帽短披风:教皇和高级教士及其他显要穿在教袍上的带兜帽短斗篷美国传统〔officiate〕Bishop Silvester officiated at the funeral.西尔韦斯特主教主持了葬礼。外研社新世纪〔officiate〕Bishop Silvester officiated at the funeral.西尔韦斯特主教主持了葬礼。柯林斯高阶〔officiate〕The bishop officiated at the marriage.主教主持了婚礼。21世纪英汉〔officiate〕The bishop officiated the memorial Mass.主教主持了悼念弥撒。韦氏高阶〔ordain〕He ordained his own priests, and threatened to ordain bishops.他自行任命了牧师,还扬言要任命主教。柯林斯高阶〔ordinary〕A cleric, such as the residential bishop of a diocese, with ordinary jurisdiction over a specified territory.高级教士:在一定地区内实际行使宗教管辖权的高级教士,如教区的常住主教美国传统〔palace〕Chiefly British The official residence of a high dignitary, such as a bishop or an archbishop.【多用于英国】 宅邸:高官显贵的正式官邸,如主教或大主教美国传统〔pastoral〕The bishop outlined the church's views in a pastoral letter.主教在致教徒教书中概述了教会的观点。韦氏高阶〔patriarch〕Eastern Orthodox Church Any one of the bishops of the sees of Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, Moscow, and Jerusalem who has authority over other bishops.【东正教】 (东正教中)总主教,教长:君士坦丁堡、安提阿克、亚历山大、莫斯科和耶路撒冷的东正教的精神领袖,对其他主教具有管辖权美国传统〔patriarch〕Roman Catholic Church A bishop who holds the highest episcopal rank after the pope.【罗马天主教】 (罗马天主教中)大主教,教皇:职位仅次于教皇的名誉主教美国传统〔patriarch〕Used formerly as a title for the bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria.宗主教:以前用作罗马、君士坦丁堡、安提阿克、耶路撒冷和亚历山大的主教称号美国传统〔peal〕The bishop was welcomed to the church with a peal of bells.伴随着响亮的钟声,主教被迎进教堂。牛津搭配〔play〕She played her bishop.她走象。牛津高阶〔pontiff〕A bishop.主教美国传统〔pontifical〕A book of forms for ceremonies performed by a bishop.主教于祭典所用的书美国传统〔pontifical〕Having the dignity, pomp, or authority of a pontiff or a bishop.有教皇权威的,有教皇身份的:具有一位教皇或一名主教的尊严、华贵或权威的美国传统〔pontifical〕Relating to, characteristic of, or suitable for a pope or a bishop.教皇的,主教的:关于或适于教皇或主教的;具有教皇或主教特征的美国传统〔pope〕Often Pope Roman Catholic Church The bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church on earth. 常作 Pope 【罗马天主教】 教皇,罗马主教:罗马主教及世界上所有罗马天主教教堂的领导者美国传统〔post〕The bishop and queen are badly posted.(国际象棋中的)象和皇后的位置布得太差了。21世纪英汉〔power〕The bishops had almost absolute power .主教几乎拥有绝对权力。朗文当代〔preach〕The bishop preached to a crowd of several hundred local people.主教向当地聚集的数百人布道。柯林斯高阶〔preach〕The bishop preached to a crowd of several hundred local people.主教向聚集起来的数百名当地人传道。外研社新世纪〔prelate nullius〕A prelate, usually a titular bishop, who has jurisdiction over a territory not in a diocese but subject directly to the Holy See.独立教区高级教士:高级教士,通常指主教,其对直属于罗马教徒的而非位于主教管区内的领土享有管辖权美国传统〔prelate〕A high-ranking member of the clergy, especially a bishop.高级教士:牧师中的高级成员,尤指主教美国传统〔priest〕In many Christian churches, a member of the second grade of clergy ranking below a bishop but above a deacon and having authority to administer the sacraments.司铎,司祭,神甫,神父,牧师:在许多基督教教堂中,位于主教以下助祭以上的第二阶层的神职人员,并有权执行圣事美国传统〔primate〕A bishop of highest rank in a province or country.首席主教,大主教:一省或一国内职位最高的主教美国传统〔primus〕Often Primus The first in rank of the bishops of Scotland. 常作 Primus 首席主教:苏格兰主教中职位最高者美国传统〔purple〕The rank or office of a bishop.教皇的地位或身份美国传统〔revamp〕The bishop played a prominent role in revamping the city's image.主教在改善该市形象的过程中发挥了突出的作用。外研社新世纪〔reverence〕His Reverence the Bishop (间接提及时用)尊敬的主教阁下英汉大词典〔robe〕The bishop was in ceremonial robes.主教穿着礼袍。英汉大词典〔rochet〕A white ceremonial vestment made of linen or lawn, worn by bishops and other church dignitaries.白色法衣:一种主教或其他高级神职人员穿的由亚麻布或上等细布制成的白色礼服美国传统〔sanction〕The Bishop refused to sanction racial discrimination.主教拒绝支持种族歧视。英汉大词典〔see〕The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop.主教:主教的职位、权力中心、管辖区或办公楼美国传统〔severely〕The Bishop said he was sickened by the severity of the sentence.主教说他对如此重的量刑大为震惊。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕So far, the bishop hasn't said where he stands.迄今为止,主教还没有表明自己的态度。柯林斯高阶〔subordinate〕The priests are subordinate to the bishops.牧师服从于主教。韦氏高阶〔suffragan〕A bishop regarded in position as subordinate to an archbishop or a metropolitan.副主教:地位从属于大主教或教区主教美国传统〔take〕Her bishop took my queen(=in the game of chess).她的象吃掉了我的后。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕I took his knight with the bishop.我用象吃掉了他的马。外研社新世纪〔text〕A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops.一位发言人说, 朗西博士的演讲稿已经分发给所有主教了。外研社新世纪〔text〕A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops.一位发言人说,朗西博士的演讲稿已经分发给所有主教了。柯林斯高阶〔the forces of evil〕Poverty and ignorance, the bishop said, were the forces of evil in our society today.主教说,贫穷和无知给我们当今社会带来极大的危害。剑桥高阶〔theology〕The bishop was opposed to the group's theology.主教反对这个教团的神学理论。韦氏高阶〔toll〕Church bells tolled the death of the bishop.教堂为主教的去世鸣钟。英汉大词典〔underofficer〕In respect to her Bishops, the Church of England is underofficered.就主教而言,英国国教会配备不足。英汉大词典〔unimpeachable〕A spokesman said the Bishop was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character.一位发言人说主教是一个正直无私、品格高尚的人。剑桥高阶〔uplift〕We are counting on your speech, bishop, to give some moral uplift to the delegates.主教,我们寄希望于您的演讲能够提升代表们的道德境界。剑桥高阶〔vicar apostolic〕A bishop or an archbishop formerly delegated by the pope to act in his stead in a particular region.在特定教区由教皇委任的主教或者大主教美国传统〔vicar apostolic〕A titular bishop appointed to administer to a vacant see in which the succession of bishops has been interrupted.名誉神父:被指派管理传位间断的空位圣座的名誉神父美国传统〔vicar apostolic〕A titular bishop who administers a region that is not yet a diocese as a representative of the Holy See.名誉主教:管理一个天主教区的主教,但不是作为圣座代表的主教区美国传统〔vicar general〕A priest acting as deputy to a bishop to assist him in the administration of his diocese.代理主教:教区主教的助理人,帮助他管理教区美国传统〔vicar general〕An ecclesiastical official in the Church of England, usually a layperson, who assists an archbishop or a bishop in administrative and judicial duties.代理监督:英国教堂的神职官员,通常是平民信徒,帮助大主教或者主教进行管理和行使法律职责美国传统〔vicar〕A cleric acting in the place of a rector or bishop in the Anglican Communion generally.代理主教:英国圣公会代替神父或主教的神职人员美国传统〔vigil〕A prayer vigil is being held in the cathedral in memory of the bishop.为了纪念这位主教,教堂里正在举行守夜祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔vigil〕A prayer vigil is being held in the cathedral in memory of the bishop.教堂里正在举行守夜祈祷, 以纪念这位主教。外研社新世纪〔visitation〕An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese.视察,巡视:以视察或检查为目的官方性察看,如主教对一主教管区的视察美国传统〔visitation〕The church is subject to visitation by our local bishop.这个教堂受我们当地主教的巡视。麦克米伦高阶〔wager〕There have been various wagers on certain candidates since the Bishop announced his retirement.自从大主教宣布退职后,人们纷纷打赌猜测几位继任人选。柯林斯高阶〔whisper〕I've heard a whisper that the Bishop intends to leave.我听到有谣传说主教打算离开。柯林斯高阶〔whisper〕I've heard a whisper that the Bishop intends to leave.我听闻主教打算离开。外研社新世纪Bishop Computer Services Inc.比肖普电脑服务公司剑桥国际Bishop Desmond Tutu 德斯蒙德·图图主教剑桥国际A bishop preached to the assembled mourners.主教向聚集的哀悼者布道。剑桥国际A cathedral contains the throne of the bishop of that area.大教堂里有那个教区主教的宝座。剑桥国际Each player has two bishops at the start of the game, one which moves on the black squares and the other which moves on the white.棋赛开始时每名棋手有两只象,一只在黑方格上移动,另一只在白方格上移动。剑桥国际He brought wide scholarship and deep spirituality (= understanding of the religious and not material parts of life) to his post as Bishop of Bath.作为巴思的主教,他具有广泛的学识和崇高的宗教灵性。剑桥国际I am not used to meeting such elevated personages as bishops and lords.我不习惯会见诸如主教、君王这样高贵的大人物。剑桥国际Inside the cathedral, a thousand white candles were burning for the consecration of the new bishop.在大教堂里为新任主教的授圣职仪式点了一千支白蜡烛。剑桥国际John Bishop founded a company that makes stationery products from recycled materials.约翰·毕晓普成立了一家用回收材料生产纸制产品的公司。剑桥国际Lord Fletcher, said the Bishop, was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character.主教说道,弗莱彻爵士是一位刚正不阿,道德上无可指摘的人。剑桥国际Our guest is the Roman Catholic Bishop of London.我们的客人是伦敦的天主教主教。剑桥国际Our new bishop is the Right Reverend James Taylor.我们的新主教是尊贵的詹姆斯·泰勒主教。剑桥国际Poverty and ignorance, the bishop said, were the forces of evil in our society today.这位主教说贫穷和无知是当今社会罪恶力量所在。剑桥国际The Bishop concedes that the film's artistic merit is of little interest to him -- his real interest is censorship.主教承认他对影片的艺术优点没什么兴趣----他的主要兴趣是审查。剑桥国际The Bishop made some doctrinal statements (= on matters to do with his Church's teachings) that many disagreed with.大主教发表了遭到许多人反对的有关教义的声明。剑桥国际The bishop said it was his fervent hope that a peaceful solution to the problem would soon be found.主教说他热切希望能尽快找到这个问题的和平解决办法。剑桥国际The bishop stressed the ever-increasing role of the church as a promoter of peace between nations.主教强调了教会促进各国之间和平的作用日益增长。剑桥国际The Archbishop of New York probably has more AIDS victims under his pastoral care (= help and care given to members of a religious group by their leader) than any bishop in the world.纽约大主教很可能比世界上任何一个主教有更多的爱滋病受害者在他的精神关怀下。剑桥国际The area which a bishop administers has one cathedral and many smaller churches. 一个主教所掌管的地区包括一个大教堂和许多较小的教堂。译典通We are counting on your speech, bishop, to give some moral uplift to the delegates.主教, 我们正指望你的演讲对代表们在道德上有所促进。剑桥国际When new bishops are installed there is a grand ceremony.新主教正式就职时,都有壮观的仪式。剑桥国际




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