

单词 小节
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕The drummer gave a four-bar intro before the other musicians joined in. 鼓手打了一个四小节引子,然后其他的乐手才开始加入。朗文写作活用〔accent〕Accent the first note of every bar.突出每一小节的第一个音符。剑桥高阶〔arabesque〕Music A usually short, whimsical composition especially for the piano that features many embellished passages.【音乐】 阿拉伯花式乐曲:通常指短小,奇想的作曲,尤指以许多装饰性小节为特征的适于钢琴的作曲美国传统〔arsis〕Music The upbeat or unaccented part of a measure.【音乐】 弱拍:弱拍或小节中弱唱的部分美国传统〔bar〕A measure.小节美国传统〔bar〕A vertical line dividing a staff into equal measures.小节线:把五线谱分成相等节拍的竖线美国传统〔bar〕She played a few bars on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了几个小节。牛津搭配〔bar〕Waltzes have three beats in/to the bar (= in each bar).华尔兹每小节有3拍。剑桥高阶〔beating-up〕It's got four beats to a bar.一个小节有4拍。柯林斯高阶〔beat〕A waltz has three beats in a bar.华尔兹1小节有3拍。麦克米伦高阶〔beat〕It's got four beats to a bar.一小节有四拍。外研社新世纪〔beat〕The piece has four beats to the bar / measure.这首曲子每小节 4 拍。牛津搭配〔beat〕The piece has four beats to the bar.这首曲子每小节四拍。牛津高阶〔cabaret〕A restaurant or nightclub providing short programs of live entertainment.卡巴莱酒馆:提供临时表演和短小节目的餐馆或夜总会美国传统〔canon〕The first violin plays the first two bars of the canon's melody.首席小提琴手演奏了卡农曲旋律的开头两小节。外研社新世纪〔chorus〕Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.卡罗琳演唱了两个小节主歌以及合唱部分。外研社新世纪〔cue〕An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest.提示小节:在乐谱中为另一声部作准备的选段,通常用较小的字体印刷,在演奏部分之内,作为在长时间休息后另一声部进入的信号美国传统〔devil-may-care〕Jovial and rakish in manner.快活的、不拘小节的风格美国传统〔downscale〕The festival will have to be downscaled this year.今年不得不缩小节日庆祝活动的规模。韦氏高阶〔duple〕Music Consisting of two or a multiple of two beats to the measure.【音乐】 双拍子的:每小节含有两拍或偶数拍的美国传统〔intermezzo〕A brief entertainment between two acts of a play; an entr'acte.幕间表演:一部戏剧的两幕之间的短小节目;幕间插放的音乐美国传统〔jog〕Hum the first bars and see if it jogs my memory.哼一哼开头几个小节, 看我能不能想起来。外研社新世纪〔low〕Sing those bars an octave lower.那几个小节用低八度唱。朗文当代〔measure〕He placed his fingers on the keys and played a few measures.他把手指放到键盘上演奏了几个小节。牛津搭配〔measure〕Music The metric unit between two bars on the staff; a bar.【音乐】 拍子;小节美国传统〔measure〕The band began playing the opening measures.乐队开始演奏开头几个小节。牛津搭配〔melody〕A few bars of melody drifted towards us.几小节乐曲从远处传来。牛津高阶〔meter〕Division into measures or bars.节拍:将音乐分成拍子和小节的分切美国传统〔quiver〕The opening bars of the music sent a quiver of excitement through the crowd.音乐起始的几小节让人群顿时兴奋激动起来。剑桥高阶〔rubato〕Rhythmic flexibility within a phrase or measure; a relaxation of strict time.自由速度:一个短句或小节中节奏的自由变化;严格时间的放松美国传统〔section〕The book is divided into chapters, sections and subsections.这本书划分了章、节和小节。牛津搭配〔sextuple〕Music Having six beats to the measure.【音乐】 六拍的:每小节六拍的美国传统〔start〕In a few short paragraphs, the characters start into life.短短的几小节文字,人物就活起来了。英汉大词典〔stick〕He's not a man who sticks at trifles.他是个不拘小节的人。21世纪英汉〔strike〕What struck me about the firm is how genuinely friendly and informal it is.该公司的真诚、友好和不拘小节深深打动了我。柯林斯高阶〔subdivide〕Each chapter is subdivided into smaller sections.每一章又被细分为几个小节。剑桥高阶〔subsection〕Each section is divided into three subsections.每部分分为3个小节。麦克米伦高阶〔subsection〕Further details can be found in section 7 subsection 4 of the report.更为详尽的细节请见报告第7段第4小节。剑桥高阶〔time〕If a song is in 3/4 time, that means that there are three beats per bar/measure and that each of those beats is a quarter note.如果一首歌使用3/4拍,那意味着以四分音符为一拍,每小节有三拍。韦氏高阶〔trifle〕He doesn't stick at trifles.他不拘小节。英汉大词典〔triple〕Music Characterized by three beats in a measure.【音乐】 三拍子的:一小节有三折特征的美国传统〔triviality〕Something trivial.琐事,小节:琐屑的、不重要的事美国传统〔turn〕Everyone got up on stage to do a turn.每个人都登台表演了一个小节目。牛津高阶〔upbeat〕Music An unaccented beat, especially the last beat of a measure.【音乐】 弱拍:不强的一拍,尤其是一个小节的最后一拍美国传统〔vamp〕He vamped a few bars on the piano while she sang.她演唱时,他在钢琴上弹了几小节作即席伴奏。英汉大词典〔vaudeville〕Stage entertainment offering a variety of short acts such as slapstick turns, song-and-dance routines, and juggling performances.杂耍:提供多种短小节目的舞台娱乐演出,诸如滑稽节目、歌舞节目以及魔术表演美国传统〔verse〕One of the numbered subdivisions of a chapter in the Bible.圣经中的节:圣经章节中多个小节之一美国传统Accent the first note of every bar.突出每小节的第一个音符。剑桥国际In the fourth bar you go up a half tone.在第四小节你要高半个音。剑桥国际She has an informal management style.她的管理方式不拘小节。牛津商务The band played the first few bars, and then everyone joined in with the singing.乐队演奏了开头几小节,然后大家都加入了演唱。剑桥国际The opening bars of the music sent a quiver of excitement through the crowd.音乐的起始几小节引起人群一阵激动。剑桥国际The poem has six stanzas. 这首诗有六小节。译典通There are four beats in this measure. 这一小节有四拍。译典通Waltzes have three beats in/to the bar (= in each bar).华尔兹每个小节有三拍。剑桥国际




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