

单词 岛群
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ainu〕A member of an indigenous people of Japan, now inhabiting parts of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands.阿伊努人:日本一个土著民族的成员,现主要居住在北海道,库页岛和千岛群岛美国传统〔Fernando de Noronha〕An island group in the Atlantic Ocean off the northeast coast of Brazil. The islands were once used as a penal colony.费尔南多:大西洋上位于巴西东北海岸线的一个岛群,该岛群曾被用作罪犯的流放地美国传统〔Lipari Islands〕A group of volcanic islands of Italy off the northeast coast of Sicily in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The islands have been inhabited since the Neolithic Period.利帕里群岛,风鸣岛:意大利的火山岛群,位于第勒尼安海中西西里岛东北海岸外。该群岛自新石器时代就有人居住美国传统〔Okhotsk〕An arm of the northwest Pacific Ocean west of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands. It is connected with the Sea of Japan by narrow straits.鄂霍次克海:太平洋西北部的一个边缘海,在堪察加半岛和千岛群岛的西面,有窄小的海峡与日本海相通美国传统〔Palmer Archipelago〕An island group between the southern tip of South America and the northwest coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The islands are claimed by Great Britain.帕尔默群岛,南极群岛:位于南美南端与南极半岛西北岸之间一个岛群。大不列颠宣布对该群岛享有主权美国传统〔Riau Archipelago〕An island group of western Indonesia off the southeast end of the Malay Peninsula. It is separated from Singapore by Singapore Strait.廖内群岛:印度尼西亚西部的岛群,马来西亚半岛东南末端之滨,它被新加坡海湾与新加坡分离美国传统〔outermost〕We had arrived in the outermost group of islands.我们已到达最外围的岛群。英汉大词典〔rendezvous〕Aircraft carriers had sheltered in the secret rendezvous of the islands.一艘艘航空母舰隐蔽在岛群附近的秘密集结地。英汉大词典




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