

单词 小股
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEW/NOT MANY〕The flow of immigrants from Bosnia has slowed to a trickle. 来自波斯尼亚的移民已经减少,只剩下小股的人流。朗文写作活用〔balance of power〕A small centre party holds thebalance of power (=is able to make either side more powerful than the other by supporting them) in the Assembly.一小股中间力量在议会里处于举足轻重的地位。朗文当代〔burst〕The current flows in little bursts.水流小股小股地涌出来。柯林斯高阶〔holding〕Small shareholders should think carefully before selling any holding.小股东卖出股份前要三思。麦克米伦高阶〔increment〕Every day the patient felt tiny new increments of strength come to him.病人每天都感到有小股小股的力量在身体里产生出来。英汉大词典〔mop up〕The battle has been won. The focus is now on mopping up small pockets of resistance.战斗胜利了,现在的主要任务是肃清小股抵抗势力。韦氏高阶〔packet〕A warm packet of air rises quickly.小股暖空气会迅速上升。英汉大词典〔pocket〕The pilot said that we were going to encounter a pocket of turbulence (= an area of violently moving air).飞行员说我们将碰上一小股强气流。剑桥高阶〔raid〕A surprise attack by a small armed force.突然袭击,奇袭:由小股部队进行的急袭美国传统〔recall〕As I recall, you're not on the board, Joe; you're only a minor shareholder.我记得你并没有进董事会,乔,你只是一个小股东而已。柯林斯高阶〔selectively〕The soldiers specialized in going out in small groups, to kill with a very high degree of selectivity.这些士兵擅长小股出动,执行具有高度选择性的歼敌任务。柯林斯高阶〔skirmish〕A minor battle in war, as one between small forces or between large forces avoiding direct conflict.小规模战斗:战争中的小规模战斗,如发生在小股力量之间或避免直接冲突的大部队之间的战斗美国传统〔tie〕A small rebel force is tying down thousands of government troops.一小股反叛势力牵制着几千人的政府军。麦克米伦高阶〔track〕There is a small depression tracking across the Irish Sea.有一小股低气压正越过爱尔兰海。麦克米伦高阶Humans blink their eyes in response to a puff of air directed towards them.人们会眨眼作为对一小股空气吹向他们的眼睛的反应。剑桥国际Small armored task forces had reconnoitered the area. 一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。译典通Small shareholders own only 215 of the shares quoted on the stock exchange.小股东们只拥有股票交易所牌价上股票的215股。剑桥国际The captain told us to fasten our seat belts because we were going to encounter a pocket of turbulence (= an area of violently moving air).机长叫我们系上安全带,因为我们将碰上一小股强气流。剑桥国际




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