

单词 店里
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕Not only was it wrong of him to steal from the shop, he was setting a very bad example to his younger brother. 他在店里盗窃不仅是错误的,而且还给弟弟树立了坏榜样。朗文写作活用〔BUSINESS〕They don't buy their office supplies from a store - they only deal with the manufacturers. 他们不是从商店里买办公室用品的—他们只向生产商订购。朗文写作活用〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕Don't travel to Benidorm in season. The hotels are crowded. 不要在旺季里去贝尼多姆旅游,酒店里都挤满了人。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕The tourist shops were full of cheap souvenirs. 那家旅游商店里全是蹩脚的纪念品。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Marco's ambition had been to become a chef in one of the big hotels. 马科的梦想是在一家大酒店里当厨师。朗文写作活用〔DIY〕You can get kits to do this from DIY stores.你可以在自己动手商店里买一套工具自己来做这个。柯林斯高阶〔EARLY〕There aren't any raspberries in the stores yet. It's too early for them. 商店里还没有覆盆子。现在季节还太早。朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕A few zealots strongly objected to the proposed sale of alcohol at the local store. 有几个狂热分子强烈反对在本地商店里售酒的建议。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕Thanks to the helpful staff at the hotel, the conference went off very well. 多亏酒店里的员工热情相助,会议召开得非常顺利。朗文写作活用〔LIST〕Some of the things in the shop were not listed in the inventory. 店里有些商品没有列在存货清单上。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕She worked in the shop for donkey's years, although the pay was awful. 尽管工资低得可怜,她还是在店里工作了很久。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool. 酒店里有一个室外游泳池。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The catch is that you can't enter the contest unless you have spent $50 in the store. 难题在于,除非你在店里消费50美元,否则无法参加比赛。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Three workmen came into the store -- I could hear their boots scraping on the floor. 三个工人进了店里—我听到了他们靴子走在地板上发出的刮擦声。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕I was staying in the same hotel as Nelson Mandela. Can you believe it! 我和纳尔逊·曼德拉住在同一家酒店里,你相信吗!朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕I asked in my local record shop but they couldn't help me. 我在我们当地的唱片店里问过了,可他们帮不了我。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕We couldn't find anything we wanted in the big department stores, and then we came across this little boutique. 我们在大的百货商店里买不到自己想要的东西,后来偶然找到了这家小小的时装店。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕I'd like to return something to your store - what are your hours? 我到你店里来退些东西,你们的营业时间是几点?朗文写作活用〔acquaintance〕At the hotel, I made the acquaintance of a young American actor.在酒店里,我结识了一位年轻的美国演员。朗文当代〔adult〕There is no adult reading matter in the shop, only children's books.店里没有成人读物, 只有儿童书籍。外研社新世纪〔bargain〕There are no bargains in the clothes shops at the moment.这阵子服装店里没有什么便宜货。朗文当代〔bedlam〕He is causing bedlam at the hotel.他在酒店里大吵大闹。外研社新世纪〔beehive〕The department store was a beehive of shoppers.百货商店里乱哄哄地挤满了顾客。英汉大词典〔boom〕Last year we almost had to close the store, but now business is booming.去年我们差点就得关门停业了,但现在店里的生意突然火了起来。韦氏高阶〔boredom〕On days when few customers came to shop, Bob felt overwhelmed by boredom.店里生意比较冷清的日子,鲍勃感觉无聊极了。韦氏高阶〔browse〕Several customers were browsing in the bookstore.几位顾客正在书店里翻阅书籍。韦氏高阶〔bucket〕People go bucketing all over the shop.人们在店里到处兜。英汉大词典〔call〕I'll call by at the shops on the way home.在回家的路上,我想顺便到商店里去买点东西。英汉大词典〔change〕The man in the store won't give him change for the phone unless he buys something.店里的人不肯给他换硬币打电话,除非他买点什么。柯林斯高阶〔coach〕The restaurant was full of coach parties (=groups of people travelling together on a coach) .这家饭店里尽是一批批乘长途公共汽车旅行的人。朗文当代〔come across〕I came across this book in an old bookstore in London.我在伦敦一家旧书店里发现了这本书。21世纪英汉〔compare〕That seems expensive - have you compared prices in other shops? 那好像很贵——你有没有比较一下其他店里的价格?剑桥高阶〔cram〕The little store is crammed full of books.小店里堆满了书。韦氏高阶〔day〕We had a busy couple of days at the store.那几天我们在商店里非常忙碌。韦氏高阶〔decide on/upon〕We looked at all the cats in the pet store and finally decided on a little black-and-white one.我们看了宠物店里所有的猫,最后选定一只黑白相间的小猫。韦氏高阶〔do-it-yourself〕You can buy all these tools at a do-it-yourself store.你可以在自己动手做商店里买到所有这些工具。柯林斯高阶〔down〕I saw him down at the shops.我刚才看到他在那边的商店里。牛津高阶〔drop on〕As I was looking through some books in a bookshop,I dropped on just what I wanted.我在书店里浏览时,碰巧找到我正想买的书。21世纪英汉〔dry cleaner〕My wool coat is still at the dry cleaner's/cleaners.我的羊毛大衣现在还在干洗店里。韦氏高阶〔emerge〕I saw the woman emerge from a shop.我看到那个女人从一家商店里出来。外研社新世纪〔evenings〕He worked evenings in the drugstore.他晚上在杂货店里工作。英汉大词典〔eye〕I walked around the store, keeping an eye out for bargains.我在商店里转悠,留心看有没有便宜货。牛津搭配〔gourmet〕Flavoured coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.美食店和咖啡店里出售风味咖啡。外研社新世纪〔hit〕I hit on this interesting book in a small bookstore.我在一家小书店里偶然发现了这本有趣的书。英汉大词典〔inside〕We waited inside the store.我们在商店里面等候。韦氏高阶〔interchange〕She likes to interchange her furnishings at home with the stock in her shop.她想要把家里的家具与店里的存货调换一下。柯林斯高阶〔kick〕She used to steal from shops for kicks.她以前经常从商店里偷东西来寻求刺激。朗文当代〔lose〕We were frantic because we lost Ben in the shop.我们急得发疯,因为我们和本在商店里走散了。麦克米伦高阶〔mainly〕The people in the hotel were mainly foreign tourists.酒店里住的大多是外国游客。牛津高阶〔melodrama〕He'd had enough melodrama the previous night at the hotel.前一晚他在酒店里经历了足够多的戏剧性事件。外研社新世纪〔nip〕I nipped along to the shops.我一熘烟跑去店里。牛津同义词〔now〕Now that the war is over, there is a lot more food in the shops.战争已经结束,商店里就有了更多的食品。麦克米伦高阶〔now〕There are a lot of bargains in the shops just now.商店里现在有许多便宜货卖。朗文当代〔overspill〕There is often overspill, with the shop jammed full of goods waiting to be posted out.东西常常多得无处存放, 商店里塞满了待寄的货物。外研社新世纪〔people〕The hotel was full of business people.这家酒店里满是商界人士。朗文当代〔pottery〕There's some lovely pottery in the craft shop.工艺品店里有一些漂亮的陶器。外研社新世纪〔properly〕The air conditioning in the hotel wasn't working properly.饭店里面的空调不能正常运转。麦克米伦高阶〔rare〕I only saw Helen on the rare occasions when I went into her shop.我只有到海伦的店里才能见到她,而我难得一去。朗文当代〔seethe〕Bars and restaurants were seething with customers.酒吧和饭店里都是人挤人。外研社新世纪〔shoplifting〕She had been falsely accused of shoplifting in a clothing store.她被冤枉在一家服装店里行窃。朗文当代〔shoplift〕The kids shoplifted candy from the store.这些孩子从商店里偷了糖果。韦氏高阶〔shopper〕The stores were crowded with shoppers.商店里挤满了购物者。韦氏高阶〔specific〕Is there anything specific you want from the shops? 在这些商店里你有什么特别的东西要买吗?剑桥高阶〔stack〕The firm is stacking up pretty well these days.近来店里营业很不错。英汉大词典〔stock〕Toothpaste is stock merchandise in a drugstore.牙膏是杂货店里的常备商品。英汉大词典〔store〕Bombs were planted in stores in Manchester and Blackpool.炸弹被安放在曼彻斯特和布莱克浦的几家商店里。柯林斯高阶〔street〕He works at a small store on Main Street.他在商业大街上的一家小商店里工作。牛津搭配〔swish〕I stayed in a really swish hotel.我住在一家非常豪华的酒店里。麦克米伦高阶〔table-hop〕To move around from table to table greeting friends, as in a restaurant or nightclub.逐桌社交:挨个桌子走动以向朋友们问候,如在饭店里或夜总会中美国传统〔take off〕You can take 20 percent off everything in the store.商店里所有的东西都打八折。韦氏高阶〔to〕I got this to Brown's.这是在布朗的店里买的。文馨英汉〔trade〕In hot weather, shops do a roaring/brisk trade in (= sell a lot of) cold drinks and ice cream.天热时,商店里的冷饮和冰激凌卖得非常火爆。剑桥高阶〔unavailable〕Basic food products are frequently unavailable in the state shops.在国营商店里经常连一些基本食品都买不到。柯林斯高阶〔unwelcome〕She was an unwelcome guest in his hotel.她在他的饭店里是不受欢迎的客人。外研社新世纪〔want〕Do you want anything from the store? 你想从商店里买点什么吗?韦氏高阶〔warehouse〕We bought both sofas from a big furniture warehouse out of town.这两张沙发都是我们在城外的一家大型家具店里买的。剑桥高阶A mob stoned and robbed the shops. 一群暴民用石头砸了商店,并抢劫店里的货物。译典通According to witnesses, the altercation between the two men started inside the restaurant.据目击者说,这两个男人之间的争吵在饭店里就开始了。剑桥国际After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors.演出结束后,我们在酒店里逗留了一会儿,希望能看到演员。剑桥国际At my restaurant we try to make everything from scratch.在我的饭店里,我们一切都白手起家。剑桥国际Cutlery in the restaurant gets a lot of hard wear.饭店里的餐具常受重磨。剑桥国际He likes to be seen in the right clubs and restaurants.他喜欢别人看到他在上层俱乐部和饭店里。剑桥国际I bought my mother some perfume at the chemist down the road.我在路旁的一家药店里给我母亲买了些香水。剑桥国际I couldn't find anything in the shop in my bust size.商店里找不到适合我胸围的衣物。剑桥国际I gave the bike a once-over in the shop and I didn't realize the lights weren't working until I got it home.在店里我匆匆地检查了一下这辆自行车,直到把它搬回家我才意识到灯是坏的。剑桥国际I got it at the greengrocer's.我是在蔬菜水果店里买到这个的。剑桥国际I picked up the book in a secondhand bookstore. 我在一家旧书店里偶获此书。译典通I shrank another shirt at the launderette today.今天,我的另一件衬衫又在自助洗衣店里缩水了。剑桥国际I work three mornings a week at the bookshop.我在书店里每周工作三个上午。剑桥国际If you have any further problems with the clock just bring it straight back to the shop.如果你的钟还有什么问题,就直接送回到店里。剑桥国际She stared at the confectionery counter in the shop with an expression of pure desire.她盯着商店里的糖果柜台,满是渴望的神情。剑桥国际The management discovered that someone has been mooching items in the store. 商店的管理阶层发现有人在店里揩油。译典通The passengers were leafing through magazines in the airport shop.旅客们在机场的商店里浏览杂志。剑桥国际The restaurant was full of young fogeys wearing tweed jackets and smoking pipes.这家饭店里满是些少年老古董,穿着花呢上衣,抽着烟斗。剑桥国际There was $40 or $50 off most jackets in the shop.这家店里大多数夹克衫都减价40或50美元。剑桥国际This store often charges only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs. 一打大鸡蛋在这家店里常常仅卖六角五分。译典通To attract customers, the bar gave away its steins as souvenirs. 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧将它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。译典通We got it at a shop in William Highroad. 我们在威廉公路上的一家店里买到了它。译典通With the best will in the world (= Although I want to if I possibly can) I can't employ him in the shop unless I can trust him.除非我能信任他,否则不管我多想雇他,我都不能雇他到店里工作。剑桥国际You're onto a good thing with this buy-one-get-one-free offer at the shop.由于店里有买一送一活动,故而你碰上便宜货了。剑桥国际




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