

单词 panelling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕The brass rail sets off the wooden panelling very nicely. 黄铜的栏杆使木板饰面显得更美。朗文写作活用〔baronial〕The rooms have a baronial feel, with oak panelling and leather sofas.这些房间有栎木镶板和真皮沙发, 给人以富丽堂皇的感觉。外研社新世纪〔gleam〕The wooden panelling was gleaming with wax polish.木嵌板上过蜡,显得很光亮。朗文当代〔joint〕Damp has penetrated the joints in the wood panelling.潮气已渗透到木板饰面的接缝处。剑桥高阶〔original〕The house still has its original wood panelling and doors.这房子仍留有原先的木镶板和木门。麦克米伦高阶〔unseeing〕In the hallway Greenfield was staring at the wood panelling with unseeing eyes.在门厅里, 格林菲尔德茫然地盯着木面板。外研社新世纪〔unseeing〕In the hallway Greenfield was staring at the wood panelling with unseeing eyes.在门厅里,格林菲尔德茫然地看着木质面板。柯林斯高阶〔wood〕Much of the original 18th-century wood panelling was destroyed in the fire.许多18世纪的木质护墙板都在火灾中被焚毁。剑桥高阶Much of the original 18th-century wood panelling in the house was destroyed in the fire.房子内的大部分原来的18世纪护墙板在火灾中毁坏了。剑桥国际The house has many original features including oak doors and panelling.这幢房子有很多新颖独到的特点,包括橡木门和嵌板工艺。剑桥国际The room's ornate ceiling and wood panelling was destroyed in the fire.这个房间装饰华丽的天花板和木制的护墙板在火灾中遭到了破坏。剑桥国际




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