

单词 当地的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔STRONG〕rows of solid little houses built of local stone 用当地的石头建成的一排排坚固的小房子朗文写作活用〔aboriginal〕an aboriginal custom in China 中国当地的古老风俗英汉大词典〔affiliate〕affiliate oneself with a local club 参加当地的一个俱乐部英汉大词典〔amateur dramatics〕the local amateur dramatic society 当地的业余戏剧协会韦氏高阶〔area〕children from the local area 当地的孩子朗文当代〔batik〕a four-poster bed decorated with local batiks. 用当地的蜡防印花布装饰的四柱床柯林斯高阶〔boozer〕the local boozer 当地的小酒馆剑桥高阶〔clinic〕the local family planning clinic 当地的计划生育诊所牛津高阶〔comprehensive school〕the local comprehensive 当地的综合中学剑桥高阶〔custom〕a local/ancient custom 当地的/古老的风俗剑桥高阶〔custom〕local customs and traditions 当地的习俗和传统麦克米伦高阶〔delicacy〕local delicacies 当地的美味佳肴牛津高阶〔dialect〕peasant/regional/local dialects 农民/区域性/当地的方言韦氏高阶〔eye〕maintain a sharp shooting eye by regular visits to the local range 经常去当地的靶场练习射击以保持敏锐的目力英汉大词典〔field〕the local soccer field 当地的足球场朗文当代〔greengrocer〕while wandering past the local greengrocer在溜达时与当地的果蔬商擦肩而过外研社新世纪〔innovative〕look for innovative ways to guard against local energy shortages 寻求创新办法以防止当地的能源短缺英汉大词典〔jewish〕the local Jewish community 当地的犹太人群体牛津高阶〔local〕local customs 当地的风俗习惯英汉大词典〔local〕local issues 当地的问题剑桥高阶〔machinery〕your local garden machinery specialist你们当地的园艺机械专家外研社新世纪〔made〕bought some made goods at the local store. 在当地的商店里购买一些人工制造的物品美国传统〔native〕native species 当地的物种牛津高阶〔operatic〕the local amateur operatic society当地的业余歌剧社团外研社新世纪〔plant〕native plants and animals 原产于当地的动植物剑桥高阶〔production〕a local amateur production of 'The Sound of Music' 当地的一个业余剧团演出的《音乐之声》牛津搭配〔pub〕our local pub 我们当地的酒吧剑桥高阶〔rag〕the local rag 当地的烂报纸文馨英汉〔scheme〕a local scheme for recycling newspapers 当地的报纸回收计划牛津高阶〔school〕a play put on by the local school children 由当地的学童上演的一出戏朗文当代〔sheriff〕the local sheriff. 当地的县治安官柯林斯高阶〔shopper〕your local video shop. 你们当地的音像店柯林斯高阶〔shop〕the local shops 当地的商店朗文当代〔society〕a local society 当地的上流社会英汉大词典〔support〕a local support group for single parents 当地的单亲父母互助小组牛津搭配〔technology〕the local college of science and technology 当地的科技学院英汉大词典〔trader〕small/independent/local traders 小的╱独立的╱当地的商人牛津高阶〔trade〕trades at the local supermarket. 经常上当地的超级市场购物美国传统〔visit〕visit a local point of interest 游览当地的一个景点英汉大词典the local VATman 当地的增值税稽核官牛津商务




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