

单词 很多人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LOT〕a large number of things or people 很多人或物朗文写作活用〔abuse〕a drug that is abused by many people 被很多人滥用的一种药物。韦氏高阶〔alienation〕the alienation of many from the political process很多人对该政治进程的疏远外研社新世纪〔beaten〕a well-beaten path 被很多人走过的路文馨英汉〔beat〕a well-beaten track(= one that has been worn hard by much use) 经过很多人踏出来的路牛津高阶〔circular〕a circular letter sent by one person to many由一个人向很多人发送的一个函件外研社新世纪〔copying〕top designers, whose work has been widely copied. 其作品被很多人仿制的顶级设计师柯林斯高阶〔freak〕eccentric, artistic types whom many regarded as freaks 被很多人视为嬉皮士的行为怪异的艺术人士韦氏高阶〔horse-trading〕the anger and distaste many people feel at the political horse-trading involved in forming a government. 很多人对政府组阁过程中的政治交易所感到的气愤和反感柯林斯高阶〔horse-trading〕the anger and distaste many people feel at the political horse-trading involved in forming a government很多人对政府组阁过程中的政治交易所感到的气愤和反感外研社新世纪〔large〕a large number of people 很多人牛津高阶〔large〕a large number of people很多人外研社新世纪〔lip〕a topic that is on the lips of many people 很多人都在谈论的话题韦氏高阶〔loads〕loads of people很多人外研社新世纪〔misconception〕a popular misconception(= one that a lot of people have) 很多人都有的错误观念牛津高阶〔misconception〕many people's misconceptions about the blind and deaf 很多人对盲人和聋人的误解朗文当代〔murderer〕a mass murderer(= who has killed a lot of people) 杀死很多人的凶手牛津高阶〔numerous〕numerous people.很多人。牛津同义词〔prey on/upon〕a question that preys on the minds of many of us 困扰我们很多人的问题韦氏高阶〔see〕a lot of people saw what was happening but did nothing about it. 很多人都看出发生了什么事却袖手旁观。柯林斯高阶〔unaffordable〕medical care that has become unaffordable for many. 很多人已经承担不起的医疗看护美国传统〔whereat〕a reception whereat many were present 有很多人出席的招待会英汉大词典a process that maintains a high-touch, personal feel 维持很多人际接触和个人感受的过程牛津商务




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