

单词 宣布破产
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕He was declared bankrupt in the High Court yesterday. 昨天在高等法院他被宣布破产了。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕The bank claims that the company's losses are the result of an ill-advised decision to declare bankruptcy. 银行称,这家公司亏损是因为他们很不明智地决定宣布破产。朗文写作活用〔bankruptcy〕It is the only country to have declared bankruptcy.这是迄今唯一宣布破产的国家。牛津搭配〔bankruptcy〕The company was forced into bankruptcy.公司被迫宣布破产。剑桥高阶〔bankrupt〕He was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £114m loan guarantee.由于无力偿还1.14亿英镑的贷款担保,他被宣布破产。柯林斯高阶〔bankrupt〕In 1977 he was declared bankrupt (=by a court) .1977 年,他被宣布破产。朗文当代〔close/hard/hot on something's heels〕His resignation comes hard on the heels of the announcement that the company is going bankrupt.公司刚宣布破产,他就辞职了。韦氏高阶〔declare〕Mr Steel has been declared bankrupt (=it has been officially stated that he cannot pay his debts) .史蒂尔先生被宣布破产了。朗文当代〔declare〕They declared themselves (to be) bankrupt.他们宣布破产了。剑桥高阶〔insolvent〕The bank was declared insolvent.银行被宣布破产。柯林斯高阶〔insolvent〕The company has been declared insolvent.这家公司被宣布破产了。牛津高阶〔insolvent〕The company was later declared insolvent (=officially said to be insolvent) .公司随后被宣布破产。朗文当代〔pay〕He was made bankrupt for failing to pay debts of over £2 million.他因未能偿还超过 200 万英镑的债务而被宣布破产。牛津搭配He was disqualified as a director after being declared bankrupt.被宣布破产后,他被取消担任董事的资格。牛津商务If you have been declared bankrupt you are debarred from holding certain public offices.如果你被宣布破产,你将无权担任公职。剑桥国际The company became unable to meet its financial commitments and went bankrupt.公司无力履行其财务承诺,因此宣布破产。牛津商务The company has been declared insolvent.这家公司已被宣布破产。牛津商务They declared themselves (to be) bankrupt. [T + obj + (to be) n/adj] 他们宣布破产了。剑桥国际When was he adjudicated bankrupt (= judged by a court of law to be unable to pay the money he owed)? 他是甚么时候被宣布破产的?牛津商务




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