

单词 家教
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔altar〕the high altar of the church 这家教堂的主圣坛牛津搭配〔economy〕the place of the university in the educational economy of the state 大学在国家教育系统中的地位英汉大词典〔education〕the state education system 国家教育体制牛津高阶〔exam〕students who passed the national teacher certification exam 通过国家教师资格认证考试的学生牛津搭配〔foundation〕the National Foundation for Educational Research国家教育研究基金会外研社新世纪〔homeschool〕a group of homeschool families 一组实行在家教育的家庭朗文当代〔homeschool〕homeschool programs 在家教育计划朗文当代〔homeschool〕information about homeschooling 关于在家教育的信息朗文当代〔inexpert〕a vicious circle of reluctant students and inexpert tutors不愿学的学生与外行家教构成的恶性循环外研社新世纪〔subject〕a tutor in maths and science subjects. 辅导数学和理科课程的家教柯林斯高阶〔tutor〕my daughter's violin tutor 我女儿的小提琴家教麦克米伦高阶〔well-to-do〕two well educated girls from well-to-do homes. 两个颇有家教的富家女孩柯林斯高阶




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