

单词 好多
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔arm〕a cruise that cost an arm and a leg. 要花去好多钱的航行美国传统〔far〕felt far better yesterday; eyes that seemed far too close together. 昨天感觉好多了;两只眼睛都快对上了美国传统〔feeding〕a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months. 足够苏丹人吃好多个月的食物储备柯林斯高阶〔gate〕a good gate at the football game. 有好多人观看了这场足球赛美国传统〔go〕go through a lot of beer 喝掉好多啤酒英汉大词典〔ink〕ink out many lines 用墨水把好多行字涂掉英汉大词典〔late〕was feeling better of late. 最近感觉好多了美国传统〔lot〕is in a lot of trouble; made lots of new friends.Often used adverbially with a or in the plural: felt a lot better; ran lots faster. 有许多麻烦;交了许多新朋友。常作副词,与 a 连用或用于复数; 感到好多了;跑得快多了 美国传统〔might〕a might of queer things 好多古怪的东西英汉大词典〔mile〕walk for miles 走了好多英里路英汉大词典〔set ... against〕setting the results against those of the last election ,we can see a clear improvement.将这次选择结果与上一次作比较,我们能明显看到好多了。21世纪英汉〔slather〕slather cream in coffee 往咖啡里倒好多奶油英汉大词典〔stagnate〕to stagnate in the same job for years.一样的工作做了好多年,过死气沈沈的日子。牛津同义词〔wheen〕quite a wheen of years 好多年英汉大词典〔year〕years and years ago 好多好多年以前英汉大词典




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