

单词 outfit
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accessorize〕an outfit accessorized with a pair of diamond earrings 配有一副钻石耳环的套装韦氏高阶〔bootleg〕a clandestine outfit that bootlegs record albums and tapes.非法贩卖唱片和磁带的地下商店美国传统〔effort〕an outfit which enables you to look good with minimal effort 不费什么劲儿就会让你看上去得体的行头牛津搭配〔eye〕if you're saving up for a new outfit you've had your eye on.如果你在攒钱买一套你看中的新衣服柯林斯高阶〔gift〕an outfit that Aunt Marilyn gave as a baby shower gift 玛丽莲姨妈在迎接宝宝的送礼会上送的一套衣服牛津搭配〔hang-loose〕a hang-loose outfit 一个散漫的组织英汉大词典〔naughty〕a naughty outfit 性感的服装韦氏高阶〔neat〕a neat travelling outfit 一套轻便的旅行服装英汉大词典〔outfit〕outfit a tank battalion 装备一个坦克营英汉大词典〔outfit〕outfit an expedition to the North Pole 装备北极探险队英汉大词典〔outfit〕outfit oneself in whipcord trousers 穿上马裤呢裤子英汉大词典〔outfit〕a bicycle repair outfit 修自行车的整套工具牛津高阶〔outfit〕a cooking outfit 全套炊具英汉大词典〔outfit〕a cowboy outfit 一套牛仔服朗文当代〔outfit〕a cowboy/ski outfit 一套牛仔服/滑雪服韦氏高阶〔outfit〕a market research outfit 市场调查组牛津高阶〔outfit〕a mason's outfit 全套泥瓦匠工具英汉大词典〔outfit〕a mountain-climber's outfit 登山装备英汉大词典〔outfit〕a national outfit based on the east coast总部设在东海岸的一个全国性团体外研社新世纪〔outfit〕a new outfit of clothes.一套新的衣服。牛津同义词〔outfit〕a small advertising outfit in San Diego 圣迭戈的一小组广告人员朗文当代〔outfit〕a tyre repair outfit 修理轮胎用的全套设备朗文当代〔outfit〕a w edding outfit 一套结婚礼服牛津高阶〔outfit〕enough money and arms to outfit two warships足够装备两艘战舰的资金和武器外研社新世纪〔outfit〕the outfit of a lady on her marriage 女士的全套结婚礼服英汉大词典〔outfit〕the BBC's Open University outfit 英国广播公司开放大学节目的全班人马英汉大词典〔outfit〕to outfit a special group with GPS给特别行动小组配备全球定位系统21世纪英汉〔pert〕a pert outfit for casual wear 一套雅致的便装英汉大词典〔sensible〕a sensible outfit 一套实用耐穿的服装英汉大词典〔sharp〕a sharp outfit 时髦的装束韦氏高阶〔sleazy〕a dancer in a sleazy outfit 穿着不雅的舞者韦氏高阶〔slinky〕wore a slinky outfit to the party.穿了一件时髦的外衣去参加聚会美国传统〔snappy〕a snappy outfit 漂亮的套装牛津高阶〔spring〕a new spring outfit 一套簇新的春装英汉大词典〔tarty〕a tarty outfit 性感招摇的装束韦氏高阶〔tasteless〕a tasteless outfit 一套没有品位的衣服朗文当代〔unequipped〕be unequipped with the necessary outfit for the sport 没有配备好此项体育活动所需的必要装备英汉大词典〔white〕whites White trousers or a white outfit of a special nature: whites 白衣服:白色长裤或属某种特定专门类型的白色全套服装:美国传统〔zingy〕wear a zingy new outfit 穿一套极令人瞩目的新装英汉大词典a 12-person outfit producing music software 一支由 12 人组成的制作音乐软件的团队牛津商务a market research outfit 市场调查小组牛津商务




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