

单词 孩子时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Julia's third child had to be delivered by caesarean section. 朱莉娅生第三个孩子时,不得不采用剖腹产。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕When Diana met the starving children she was overcome with pity and outrage. 黛安娜见到挨饿的孩子时心中充满了怜悯与愤慨。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕Teachers suspect that the child is being battered regularly by his parents. 老师怀疑这孩子时常被父母殴打。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Ask Alex and Joan next time you're babysitting. 下次代他们看孩子时问问亚历克斯和琼。朗文写作活用〔Romeo〕Asked if any other children were planned, the 54-year-old Romeo said: 'Maybe, I dunno.' 当问到有没有计划再生孩子时,这位热恋中的54岁男子说:“也许吧,我不知道。”柯林斯高阶〔UNFAIR〕These injustices are intolerable, especially when the victims are children. 这些非正义行为是无法容忍的,尤其当受害者是孩子时。朗文写作活用〔balloon〕I ballooned when I was pregnant with my second baby.怀第二个孩子时,我胖得像个气球。剑桥高阶〔child〕We had trouble conceiving our first child.我们怀第一个孩子时不太顺利。牛津搭配〔consciousness〕The realization first entered my consciousness when I was a young child.当我还是个小孩子时,这种认知就进入了我的意识。韦氏高阶〔dare〕When found, the children said they'd run away for a dare.找到这些孩子时,他们说自己是受了激将才出走的。柯林斯高阶〔demonstrate〕The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child.消防队员在抢救孩子时表现得很勇敢。英汉大词典〔demonstrate〕The soldier demonstrated great courage in saving the drowning child.战士在抢救溺水孩子时表现得很勇敢。21世纪英汉〔develop〕She developed an interest in music when she was just a child.她还是小孩子时就对音乐产生了兴趣。韦氏高阶〔drum into〕The importance of saying “please” and “thank you” was drummed into us as children.当我们还是孩子时,就被灌输说“请”和“谢谢”的重要性。韦氏高阶〔good〕When you're bringing up kids, you have to take the good with the bad.养育孩子时,你不得不接受好的和不好的方面。麦克米伦高阶〔herself〕She hurt herself while rescuing the child.她在救孩子时伤了自己。英汉大词典〔labor〕The physical efforts of childbirth; parturition.分娩:生孩子时身体的努力;分娩美国传统〔lying-in〕The confinement of a woman in childbirth.分娩室:妇女生孩子时的隔离处美国传统〔manage〕When you have a job as well as children to look after, you have to learn how to manage your time.当你既要工作又要照顾孩子时,就必须学会如何分配时间。剑桥高阶〔matter-of-fact〕Use a matter-of-fact tone when disciplining your children.管教孩子时语气要就事论事。朗文当代〔melt〕His heart melted at the sight of the injured child.当他看见那受伤的孩子时,他的心变软了。美国传统〔peppermint〕When expecting my first child, I took peppermint oil, which helped with the nausea.我怀第一个孩子时服用了辣薄荷油, 有助于缓解恶心反应。外研社新世纪〔pregnancy〕She had a difficult pregnancy with her first child.她怀第一个孩子时很困难。牛津搭配〔pump in〕In educating our children, we should help them to understand things, not to pump things in.我们在教育孩子时,应该帮助他们去理解事物,而不是向他们灌输东西。21世纪英汉〔refer〕Even as a boy he referred to his father as Steve.即使还是小孩子时,他就叫他父亲史蒂夫。麦克米伦高阶〔rescue〕She died trying to rescue her children from the blaze.她在试图从大火中救出自己的孩子时身亡。朗文当代〔rush〕It was such a rush, realizing that this tiny baby was my child.意识到这个小婴儿就是我的孩子时,我真是激动异常。麦克米伦高阶〔stand apart〕He stood apart from us when talking about girls.当谈论女孩子时,他就离开了我们。21世纪英汉〔supervision〕A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times.刚学步的孩子时刻需要寸步不离的照看,并要牢牢看紧。柯林斯高阶〔supervision〕A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times.刚学步的孩子时刻需要照看, 得寸步不离, 牢牢看紧。外研社新世纪〔thunderstruck〕She was thunderstruck when her parents told her she was adopted.父母告诉她她是领养的孩子时,她惊呆了。韦氏高阶〔time〕She had an easy/hard time of it (= a comfortable/uncomfortable experience) with the birth of her second baby.她生第二个孩子时很顺利/艰难。剑桥高阶〔when〕She was only 20 when she had her first baby.她生第一个孩子时只有20岁。剑桥高阶〔worship〕As a child, I worshipped my older brother.还是孩子时,我很崇拜我的哥哥。剑桥高阶As a boy he was taught the techniques of carving (=the art of making patterns in, or objects from, esp. wood or stone) by his father.当他是个孩子时,他父亲教他雕刻的技巧。剑桥国际As a child I was quite a good dancer but I didn't fulfil my early promise.孩子时,我舞跳得相当不错,但我没有成为舞蹈家。剑桥国际As a child she was taught that she would be damned for her sins.当她还是个孩子时,就接受了犯了罪要入地狱的教导。剑桥国际As a child, he used to love learning rhymes and songs.在他是孩子时,他常常喜欢学习押韵诗和歌曲。剑桥国际Even as a child she was manipulative and knew how to get her own way.甚至还是一个孩子时,她就喜欢控制他人,并知道如何达到目的。剑桥国际I climbed (up) that tree once when I was a kid.我是个孩子时曾爬过那棵树。剑桥国际It always brings on an attack of broodiness when I go and see my sister and her children.当我去看我姐姐和她的孩子时,总有想要个孩子的冲动。剑桥国际It turns out (= It is now known, although it was not before) that she had known him when they were children.原来他们还是孩子时她就认识他了。剑桥国际My Uncle Andrew used to do tricks for us with playing cards when we were kids.我们是孩子时我的叔叔安德鲁经常玩纸牌戏法逗我们。剑桥国际My parents treated us all the same when we were kids.当我们是孩子时,我的父母对我们都一样。剑桥国际People who have been abused as children often find it difficult to establish stable, loving relationships as adults.孩子时受到虐待的人们经常发觉作为成人,自己很难建立稳定的恋爱关系。剑桥国际She had an easy/hard time of it (= a comfortable/uncomfortable experience) with the birth of her second baby.她生第二个孩子时很顺利/艰难。剑桥国际She had her adenoids removed when she was a child.她还是孩子时就把腺样增殖体切除了。剑桥国际She remembered how mortified she'd been as a child, having to wear her sister's old dress to school.她回忆起她还是孩子时不得不穿着姐姐的旧衣服去上学是如何的窘迫。剑桥国际She started haemorrhaging while giving birth to the baby.她生孩子时大量出血。剑桥国际The child was just a bag of bones (= extremely thin) when we found her.我们发现那孩子时,她瘦得皮包骨头。剑桥国际The young man was kept on the hop for four hours while his wife was having the baby. 他妻子生孩子时,这小伙子一连忙碌了四个小时。译典通When Clare was a teenager, she was always getting on the wrong side of (= annoying, upsetting and disagreeing with) her mother, but they're very good friends now.当克莱尔是个十几岁的孩子时,她总是使她母亲生气,但她们现在是非常好的朋友。剑桥国际When I was pregnant with my third child I was offered an amniocentesis (test) because I was forty.当我怀着第三个孩子时,我被施以羊膜穿刺术(检测),因为我当时已40岁了。剑桥国际When his wife bore him a child he could not hide his delight.当妻子为他生了个孩子时,他无法掩饰心中的喜悦。剑桥国际When we were children we were allowed to wander away from our parents so long as we stayed within call.当我们是孩子时,我们可以在听得见父母呼喊的范围内自由活动。剑桥国际When you're dealing with a child who's done something wrong, be careful to avoid overreaction.当你处理一个做了错事的孩子时,千万避免发火。剑桥国际While she was at home looking after her children, she felt deprived of intellectual stimulation (= new ideas and mental activity).当她在家照看孩子时,她觉得被剥夺了活跃思维的机会。剑桥国际You have to have such a lot of patience when you're dealing with kids.当你对付小孩子时得要有这么多的耐心。剑桥国际You're more prone to illnesses when you're tired and your body is run-down.As a child he was very prone to nose and throat infections.当你疲劳、身体衰弱时更易于生病。孩子时,他易患鼻子和喉咙感染。剑桥国际




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