

单词 夺得
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕The competition was won by a seventeen-year-old from Vestavia High School. 那次比赛由维斯塔维亚高中一名17岁的选手夺得冠军。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕If we get off to a good start this season, I think the team has a real chance to win the championship. 如果我们本赛季开头顺当,我相信球队有很大机会能夺得冠军。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕Uncle Barry backed Arsenal to win the FA Cup. 巴里叔叔赌阿森纳队能夺得足总杯冠军。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Germany scored twice in the last ten minutes to clinch the championship. 德国队在最后十分钟内两次进球,终于夺得冠军。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕Walsh coached the team to two Super Bowl championships. 沃尔什执教该队两次夺得超级碗赛冠军。朗文写作活用〔achievement〕An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.对于如此年轻的选手而言,夺得奥运会银牌是个了不起的成就。剑桥高阶〔assume〕Hitler assumed power in 1934.希特勒于1934年夺得政权。英汉大词典〔capture〕In August, overseas firms captured almost 41 per cent of the market.8月份海外公司夺得了几乎41%的市场份额。外研社新世纪〔capture〕The act of catching, taking, or winning, as by force or skill.俘获,赢得:抓获、攫取或夺得,如通过武力或技艺美国传统〔championship〕He went on to take the championship.他继而夺得了冠军。外研社新世纪〔chance〕Neither is seen as standing any chance of snatching the leadership from him.两人都不被认为有任何可能从他手中夺得领导权。柯林斯高阶〔clinch〕Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0.希伯尼安队以2比0击败汉密尔顿队, 夺得了甲级联赛的冠军。外研社新世纪〔clinch〕Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0.希伯尼安队以2比0战胜汉密尔顿队,夺得了甲级联赛的冠军。柯林斯高阶〔defeat〕The NHL Stanley Cup was won by the Montreal Canadians, who defeated the Boston Bruins four games to one.蒙特利尔加拿大人队以 4 比1战胜波士顿棕熊队,夺得了国家冰球联盟斯坦利杯。柯林斯高阶〔diving〕He won a gold medal in diving.他夺得一枚跳水金牌。韦氏高阶〔divisional〕The team won the divisional championship and now proceeds to regional play-offs.这支球队夺得了分赛区冠军, 现在继续参加区季后赛。外研社新世纪〔dump〕Companies dump their products, sell them below realistic market prices, in order to grab a bigger market share.这些公司以低于实际市场的价格倾销商品, 以夺得更大的市场份额。外研社新世纪〔favourite〕The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege.比利时杯被夺冠热门列日队夺得。外研社新世纪〔favourite〕The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege.比利时杯被夺冠热门列日队夺得。柯林斯高阶〔first〕The choir came first in all sections of the competition.该合唱团在比赛中一路过关斩将夺得第一。朗文当代〔flag〕Hamilton took the chequered / checkered flag to win his fourth Grand Prix of the season.汉密尔顿冲过黑白方格旗,第四次夺得本赛季世界汽车大奖赛冠军。牛津搭配〔four〕He won a bronze in the men's fours.他在男子四人艇比赛中夺得铜牌。外研社新世纪〔gallant〕Despite fierce competition, she made a gallant effort to win the first medal of the championships.面对激烈的竞争,她顽强拼搏,终于夺得了锦标赛的首枚奖牌。剑桥高阶〔gear〕My training was geared towards winning gold in Munich.我训练的目标是在慕尼黑夺得金牌。外研社新世纪〔glory〕Walsham had his moment of glory when he won a 20km race.沃尔沙姆夺得20公里比赛冠军的那一刻无比荣耀。柯林斯高阶〔go for sth〕The Russian relay team will again be going for the gold medal at the Olympic Games.俄罗斯接力赛跑队将会再次为夺得奥运会金牌而拼搏。剑桥高阶〔go one better〕She qualified for the finals, then went one better and took first place.她进入了决赛,然后越战越勇夺得冠军。韦氏高阶〔gold〕We always thought Sally was going to win gold.我们一直认为萨莉将夺得金牌。麦克米伦高阶〔grievously〕Nelson Piquet, three times world champion, was grievously injured.曾3次夺得世界冠军的尼尔森·皮奎特受伤严重。外研社新世纪〔hang on〕Manchester United hung on to take the Cup.曼联队坚持到了最后,夺得了足总杯的冠军。柯林斯高阶〔hoover〕The US and Canada usually hoover up most of the gold medals.美国和加拿大通常夺得大部份的金牌。牛津高阶〔keenly〕The contest should be very keenly fought.比赛将会争夺得非常激烈。柯林斯高阶〔lead〕He regained his lead in the final lap of the race.他在比赛的最后一圈中重新夺得领先地位。麦克米伦高阶〔leap〕Smith took Britain's fifth medal of the championships with a leap of 2.37 metres.史密斯跳出2.37米的成绩,为英国夺得锦标赛的第5枚奖牌。柯林斯高阶〔major〕Sarazen became the first golfer to win all four majors.萨拉曾成为了首位夺得高尔夫四项大满贯赛事冠军的人。外研社新世纪〔markswoman〕She was the first British markswoman to win a medal in the Olympic Games.她是英国第一位在奥运会上夺得奖牌的女射手。剑桥高阶〔mash〕I'm feeding our horses the same mash the O'Briens used to win Gold Cups.我现在给我们的马喂的糊状饲料和奥布赖恩家族夺得金杯的赛马吃的饲料是一样的。柯林斯高阶〔match play〕She won three world match play championships in the 1980s.二十世纪八十年代她三次夺得高尔夫比洞赛世界杯的桂冠。剑桥高阶〔name〕He won his first Derby on the aptly named 'Never Say Die'.他驾驭着这匹名副其实的“永不言败”夺得了他的第一个德比马赛冠军。柯林斯高阶〔overtime〕Denver had won the championship by defeating the Cleveland Browns 23-20 in overtime.丹佛队在加时赛中以23比20击败克利夫兰布朗队夺得冠军。柯林斯高阶〔pip〕She pipped her rival for the gold medal.她险胜对手,夺得金牌。牛津高阶〔price〕What price England winning the World Cup? 英格兰队夺得世界杯冠军,这可能吗?牛津高阶〔prize〕The prize for best photography has been won by a young Dutch photographer.最佳摄影奖由一位年轻的荷兰摄影师夺得。朗文当代〔race〕The women's race was won by the American, Patti Sue Plumer.女子赛跑的冠军被美国人帕蒂·休·普卢默夺得。柯林斯高阶〔ranking〕The new coach led the team to a No. 1 ranking.新教练率领球队夺得第一的排名。韦氏高阶〔rein〕He seized the reins of power.他夺得了掌控权。牛津搭配〔science fair〕She won first place at the science fair.她在科学展览会上夺得头筹。韦氏高阶〔sight〕The team has set its sights on the national championship.该队志在夺得全国冠军。麦克米伦高阶〔silver〕Thomas won the silver in the Olympics.托马斯在奥运会上夺得银牌。麦克米伦高阶〔singles〕Perry was Britain's last Wimbledon men's singles champion.佩里此前是英国最后一位夺得温布尔登男子单打冠军的网球运动员。外研社新世纪〔sort〕Intelligence officers took five days to sort through the files they had seized.情报人员花了5天时间整理完他们所夺得的文档。英汉大词典〔succession〕She won the championship four times in succession.她连续四次夺得冠军。朗文当代〔syndicate〕The jackpot prize was won by a syndicate of four workmates.巨额奖金被一个由4位工作伙伴组成的团队夺得。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕The Masters golf tournament was won a second time by the American Ben Hogan.美国的本·霍根再次夺得高尔夫大师锦标赛冠军。柯林斯高阶〔tip〕Davis is being tipped to win the championship.据称,戴维斯有可能夺得冠军。剑桥高阶〔top dog〕One considered to have the dominant position or highest authority, especially as a result of a competitive victory.权威:被认为具有统治地位或最高权威的人,特别是指经过竞争取胜后夺得此地位的人美国传统〔try for〕He said he was going to try for first place next year.他说他明年会争取夺得第一名。外研社新世纪〔try〕He said he was going to try for first place next year.他说他明年会争取夺得第一名。柯林斯高阶〔upset〕In a major upset, he took the gold medal.他大爆冷门,夺得金牌。韦氏高阶〔upset〕There was a major upset when the young skater took the gold medal.那位年轻的滑冰运动员夺得了金牌,爆了个大冷门。朗文当代〔victory〕The team worked hard to achieve their championship victory.这个队努力拼搏,夺得冠军。麦克米伦高阶〔walk off〕They walked off with the state championship.他们轻松夺得州冠军。韦氏高阶〔walk〕United could walk away with the championship.联队能轻易夺得冠军。麦克米伦高阶〔win〕He won a silver medal at the 1994 World Championships.他在1994年世界锦标赛上夺得了银牌。外研社新世纪〔win〕The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election.在上次选举中保守党从工党手中夺得了这个议席。牛津高阶〔win〕To receive as a prize or reward for performance.赢得,夺得:因表现而获得…作为奖励或回报美国传统〔wrest〕He tried to wrest control of the company from his uncle.他试图从他叔叔手中夺得公司控制权。韦氏高阶Davis is being tipped to win the championship.人们在预测戴维斯有可能夺得冠军。剑桥国际He got a bronze in the high jump.他在跳高比赛中夺得铜牌。剑桥国际He regained his world crown in Rome in 1991 and went on to win the Olympic gold a year later.他于1991年在罗马重新获得世界冠军,一年后又夺得奥运会金牌。剑桥国际He was champion jockey for ten consecutive years.他连续10年夺得赛马冠军。剑桥国际His first season in charge saw the team win the league championship.他上任后第一个赛季就带领队伍夺得了联赛的冠军。剑桥国际She did very well to snag the first prize.她做得很好,夺得了一等奖。剑桥国际She had the strength and stamina to take the lead and win the gold medal by 0.39 seconds.她有领先的体力和耐力并以0.39秒的优势夺得金牌。剑桥国际She was the first British markswoman to win a medal in the Olympic Games.她是英国首位夺得奥运奖牌的女射击运动员。剑桥国际Sheila won this cup in the school squash championship.希拉在学校的壁球锦标赛中夺得奖杯。剑桥国际The main era of imperialism was the end of the nineteenth century when many European powers gained territories in Africa and Asia.帝国主义的主要时期是许多欧洲强国在亚非夺得土地的19世纪末期。剑桥国际




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