

单词 provisions
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alien〕The provisions would broaden the government's ability to deport aliens.这些规定会扩大政府驱逐侨民的能力。牛津搭配〔bareboat〕A boat, such as a yacht, that is chartered without a skipper or crew and usually without provisions.包租空船:包租的船(如游艇),无船长或船员而且通常也不提供饮食美国传统〔boilerplate〕The provisions of the lease included no new elements and amounted to nothing more than boilerplate.租约的条文没有什么新内容,用的都是陈词滥调美国传统〔build in/into〕There are special provisions for bonuses built into the contract.这份合同对奖金有特别的规定。韦氏高阶〔bumboat〕A small boat used to peddle provisions to ships anchored offshore.小卖艇:向在岸边抛锚的船只兜售货物的小船美国传统〔burden〕Men came bearing heavy burdens of provisions.男人携带沉重的给养。外研社新世纪〔buttery〕Chiefly British A place in colleges and universities where students may buy provisions.【多用于英国】 学生饮食服务之处:大学里学生可以购买食品的地方美国传统〔cache〕A hiding place used especially for storing provisions.贮藏处,暗窖:一个隐秘的空间,尤指用于贮存的预备货物美国传统〔castrate〕The bill was castrated by removal of the enforcement provisions.由于去掉了实施条款,那项法案实遭阉割。英汉大词典〔confidentiality〕They urged lawmakers to include confidentiality provisions in any new system.他们敦促立法者将保密规定纳入所有新推行的制度中。牛津搭配〔decree〕He has been governing by emergency decree under the provisions of the constitution.他一直以来按照宪法规定凭借紧急法令施以管理。牛津搭配〔difficult〕The lack of childcare provisions made it difficult for single mothers to get jobs.由于缺乏保育服务,单身母亲很难找到工作。柯林斯高阶〔equip〕To supply with necessities such as tools or provisions.装备:为…提供必需用品,如工具、给养美国传统〔ersatz〕There were few provisions available in exchange for food stamps: ersatz coffee, macaroni, small cubes of margarine.可以用来换取粮票的食物只有这些:代用咖啡、通心粉和小块的人造黄油。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕They were equipped with an excess of provisions.他们准备了充足有余的粮食。韦氏高阶〔fall〕Their provisions fell short.他们的给养不足。英汉大词典〔false imprisonment〕Detention or imprisonment of a person contrary to the provisions of law.不法监禁:对一个人违反法律的监禁或拘留美国传统〔forage〕The act of looking or searching for food or provisions.寻食:寻觅食物或粮食的动作美国传统〔forage〕To wander in search of food or provisions.搜索粮食:四处游荡以寻找食物或粮食美国传统〔foundation〕The act of founding, especially the establishment of an institution with provisions for future maintenance.建立,设立,创办:建立,尤指建立一个机构并使之存在下去美国传统〔go over to〕A boat goes over to the island once a week with mail and provisions.有艘船每周一次带着邮件和供给驶向该岛。21世纪英汉〔hereunder〕Some salient provisions are summarized hereunder. 一些重要的供应品归结于下。剑桥高阶〔huckster〕One who sells wares or provisions in the street; a peddler or hawker.小贩:在街上卖商品或食物的人;货郎或叫卖的小贩美国传统〔hug〕She hugged a basket of provisions tight on her lap.她紧紧抱着一篮子的食物和饮料放在腿上。外研社新世纪〔impedimenta〕Objects, such as provisions or baggage, that impede or encumber.包袱:妨碍或拖累的物体,如装备或者行李美国传统〔loaf〕The housing provisions in the bill were regarded as less than half a loaf by the urban poor.法案中有关住房问题的规定被城市贫民认为跟所希望的差得太远。英汉大词典〔mall〕Joanna had driven down to a nearby mall to buy a stock of basic provisions.乔安娜开车去附近的商场购买了一些基本的食物和饮料。外研社新世纪〔manciple〕A steward or purchaser of provisions, as for a monastery or college.采购员:食物、饮料的管理员或采购员,如为修道院或大学采办美国传统〔mini-〕Provisions may be purchased from the mini-market.或许能在小型超市里买到日常用品。柯林斯高阶〔preserve〕The Act contained provisions designed to preserve the status quo.法令中有旨在维护现状的规定。牛津搭配〔promissory〕Indicating how the provisions of an insurance contract will be carried out after it has been signed.约定支付的:签定保险合同后暗示其条件将怎么被执行的美国传统〔provender〕Food or provisions.食物或储备粮美国传统〔provision〕Provisions for disabled students are very good at some universities.在有些大学里,为残疾学生提供的经费及设备非常丰裕优良。英汉大词典〔provision〕Provisions should be made for regular inspections.应该为定期检查做好准备。韦氏高阶〔provision〕Provisions were kept in the storehouse.储备的口粮存放在仓库里。英汉大词典〔provision〕He had already made provisions for(= planned for the financial future of)his wife and children before the accident.意外事故发生之前,他已为妻子、儿女做好了经济安排。牛津高阶〔provision〕He made provisions for his wife and his children in his will.在遗嘱里他为妻子和孩子都做好了安排。朗文当代〔provision〕He made provisions to donate part of his fortune to charity after he died.他准备在过世后把自己的部分财产捐出来做慈善。韦氏高阶〔provision〕I carried my provisions in one large backpack.我用了一个大背包带食物等必需品。韦氏高阶〔provision〕On board were enough provisions for two weeks.船上有足够两周吃的食物。柯林斯高阶〔provision〕The Act contains detailed provisions for appeal against the court's decision.该法案含有对法庭裁决上诉的详细规定。牛津搭配〔provision〕The same provisions apply to foreign-owned companies.同样的规定适用于外资公司。牛津搭配〔provision〕There are very generous provisions for the mother.这位母亲在物质上得到了很好的赡养。外研社新世纪〔provision〕There are very generous provisions for the mother.这位母亲在物质上得到了很好的赡养。柯林斯高阶〔provision〕They had made all kinds of provisions against bad weather.他们做好了应付坏天气的各种准备。牛津搭配〔provision〕To supply with provisions.提供…以必需品美国传统〔provision〕Under the provisions of the Act, employers must supply safety equipment.按法令规定,雇主必须提供安全设备。朗文当代〔provision〕Under the provisions of the contract, the work must be completed in two months.根据合同条款,这项工作必须在两个月内完成。韦氏高阶〔provision〕Under the provisions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for repairs.按契约规定,房客负责房屋维修。牛津高阶〔provision〕We brought enough provisions to last the entire trip.我们带了足以维持整个行程的食物和其他必需品。韦氏高阶〔provision〕We had enough provisions for two weeks.我们的粮食足够应付两星期。朗文当代〔provision〕We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.我们在条约中加入了一些条款以保护外籍员工。剑桥高阶〔provision〕We set out with enough provisions for the day.我们出发时带了足够一天的食物及饮料。英汉大词典〔provision〕We went into town to stock up on provisions.为了储备食物我们进了城。牛津搭配〔purveyor〕One that furnishes provisions, especially food.办伙食者:负责筹办物资的人,尤指筹办食物美国传统〔put in〕We put in for fresh provisions.我们进港补充新的给养。外研社新世纪〔put〕We put in for fresh provisions.我们入港补充给养。英汉大词典〔recruit〕Before sailing, we recruited our provisions.启航前,我们补充了给养。21世纪英汉〔requisition〕The army requisitioned the village for army provisions.军队向该村征集粮草。21世纪英汉〔reservation〕They have expressed reservations concerning the provisions of the treaty.他们对协约的条款表达了保留意见。牛津搭配〔steward〕A ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements.伙食管理员:轮船上管理粮食和伙食安排的官员美国传统〔subsist〕To maintain or support with provisions.维持:以粮食维持生活美国传统〔supply〕Often supplies Materials or provisions stored and dispensed when needed. 常作 supplies 贮备:贮存起来并在需要时进行分发的物资或储备物美国传统〔sutler〕An army camp follower who peddled provisions to the soldiers.随军小商贩:跟随军营向士兵兜售物品的人美国传统〔take〕The freighter put in to take water and provisions on.那艘货轮驶入港口,装载饮水和食物。英汉大词典〔wanigan〕Provisions for a camp or cabin.供一营地或木屋内人用的给养美国传统According to the provisions of this agreement, you must continue to work for them another two years. 按照协议的规定,你必须再为他们工作二年。译典通All provisions for the camp have to be flown in by helicopter.所有给营地的供应物都得用直升飞机运过去。剑桥国际Before sailing, we recruited our provisions. 开船前,我们补充了给养。译典通Investors should ask about the fund's provisions for risk management.投资者应该询问有关基金的风险管理规定。牛津商务The bank has set aside extra provisions for bad loans.银行为呆账留出了额外的准备金。牛津商务The contract is subject to the provisions of the Supply of Goods and Services Act.本合同受《货物和劳务供应法》的条款管辖。牛津商务The plane was forced to jettison its load of provisions and make an emergency landing when one of its engines suddenly failed.这架飞机在一个引擎突然失灵时被迫丢弃食物储备,紧急降落。剑桥国际There has been a series of government crackdowns on safety provisions at football stadiums.政府采取了一系列制裁措施针对足球场的安全保证。剑桥国际We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.我们在条约中加入了一些条款以保护外国工人。剑桥国际




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