

单词 夺得
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔advantage〕the advantage server (receiver) (终局前平分后夺得优势分的)占先发(接)球员英汉大词典〔catastrophically〕another catastrophic attempt to arrest control from a rival Christian militia. 为从敌对的基督教民兵组织手中夺得控制权而遭遇的再次惨败柯林斯高阶〔contend〕contend for first place (或prize) 为夺得第一名而参加竞赛英汉大词典〔escape〕evading capture; 用计谋夺得;美国传统〔garland〕win (或gain, carry away) the garland 夺得锦标(或获得胜利)英汉大词典〔glory〕we were still basking in the glory of our Championship win. 我们依然沉浸在夺得锦标赛冠军的荣耀中。柯林斯高阶〔mop〕mop up 18 of the 20 first prize awards 夺得20个头等奖中的18个英汉大词典〔name〕an Olympic athlete with five gold medals to his name 夺得五枚金牌的一名奥林匹克运动员牛津高阶〔steal〕to steal away a city偷袭夺得一座城市21世纪英汉〔win〕win the golden cup from the defender 从卫冕者手中夺得金杯英汉大词典




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